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Showing most liked content on 09/13/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    @SouliHad the other day a chat with this Aragorn guy, basically as you stated it yourself he wants to have his advantage and basically be given free stuff; even today, Siege was good, we took 1 fort and the other ended with Dux 20% (so almost two forts) ofcourse he was whole time in Town and then making remarks like "did you enjoy your rewards", yes Aragorn i did, thanks for 300 GP 4 Cera and other from Sillus for taking it Basically he's a kid who is shouting "give me free stuff or i leave or give it to me easy, i will not work for nothing! and will only complain" + bonus, was doing 1v1 Arena and i've got him there, he died on First encounter and then just didn't try at all (gave up after 1 death), btw hes a ranger, im a sorc with PvE stigmas (I have to admit i have good gear and don't know his), yet trying with a ranger against a Sorc on PvE ? he should be able to kill me even in BM gear ! and funniest stuff ? when i messaged him "see ? you gave up immediatelly after 1st death, you do not try at all, you want all stuff free" ... hes first response ? "I'm better then you" and then ofcourse came "I'm far from the same gear as you" bla bla bla Laziest guy who wants free stuff
  2. 1 point
    The creation was closed because the number of Elyos was way higher than of Asmos. And now the situation is not much different, there are still more ely than asmo, yet ely can't win at sieges. So the question is right, it is really about nimbers? No, elyos more and just can't get together.
  3. 1 point
    Sorry but this event is mainly for Assassins ... just hide wait for box to spawn and easily out DPS a 2-3 group team of Sorc and Cleric and other slow hitting team ... full Sin event ! why ??