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  1. 1 point
    I did some math on this server and thought i'd share. Some interesting notes: Searing (both short casted and full casted) is both one of the best DPS and DPM (Damage per Mana) skills in the game. You should use this over flame bolt or harpoon as much as you can. Stigma skills such as Flame Spray and Glacial take a huge hit in DPM on their last 1~2 upgrades for only minor DPS boosts. I recommend not using the most upgraded versions of these skills, but the 2nd best upgrade as you will have a better mix of DPS and DPM that way. There are exceptions to this of course, like if you usually play with bard/sw and not concerned about mana. Wind Cut Down does surprisingly well here, I thought it was worse, but it's actually a decent skill. That damage did not include the bleeding effect either.
  2. 1 point
    Thank you very much for the help :))
  3. 1 point
    The mentioned player was given a chat mute for 1 day. We recommend you to add this character to your black list.
  4. 1 point
    Если вы пишете в русскоязычном разделе, пишите по русски плиз, никто переводить не будет и не все понимают, если мы пишем в вашем разделе, мы же пишем на английском, пользуясь переводчиком например. Спасибо .
  5. 1 point
    На сайте отображает 972 онлайна (45% Элийцы и 55 Асмодиане) получается что Элийцев должно быть примерно 437 человек.. В игре на няхо стороне сейчас 353 человека и не стоит забывать о тех, кто в анониме сидит. Так что, как по мне, нормально всё на сайте отображается.