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L2ro    4
14 hours ago, EndOfTime said:

Resetting GP makes as much sense as resetting all player equipment...

I'd rather have a 5 officer rank in front, than a 2 officer with +5 jewels the GP reset could lead to the shutdown of elyos assets in particular.

the rank represents only the attendance of the player. Nothing more. Today a player +15 / jewels +5 kills a BM player in just a few blows


Resetting will scare players off and that's understandable.

You want a rank, get moving, and stop QQ and asking for more ease.:/


We are far from the original spirit of aion, where everything was hard. There you are literally offered the basic BM pvp stuff, officer 2 takes a month to do.


An off5 today is 2 months of intense play. Stop asking for more, and more easy play...

I understand the ranking system lol im a high rank my self 5-star offi but all i want is that all the people that is ungeared would have to run in with people that is just max geared players so if did the reset happened it will just be fair to pvp without augments 2 against BM gears and many players will have a chance to get AP sets atleast before a new ranking system plus u make it sound like being a governor doesn't put a work lol they know how to farm to get to that rank lol these high rank leaders are veterans. 

plus u are speaking about how it would be unfair for players that have offi 2 gears after they reset GP to me sounds like u dont give a sh*t about the other players only to those whos already geared what about the ungeared players who probably wants to experience pvp, tbh it would make the game more fun bc IM A END GEAR PLAYER AND ITS BORING! I rather pvp in low lvls or low geared.



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L2ro    4
1 hour ago, L2ro said:

I understand the ranking system lol im a high rank my self 5-star offi but all im saying is that all the people that is ungeared would have to run in with people that is just max geared players so if did the reset happened it will just be fair to pvp without augments 2 against BM gears and many players will have a chance to get AP sets atleast before a new ranking system plus u make it sound like being a governor doesn't put a work lol they know how to farm to get to that rank lol these high rank leaders are veterans. 

plus u are speaking about how it would be unfair for players that have offi 2 gears after they reset GP to me sounds like u dont give a sh*t about the other players only to those whos already geared what about the ungeared players who probably wants to experience pvp, tbh it would make the game more fun bc IM A END GEAR PLAYER AND ITS BORING! I rather pvp in low lvls or low geared.




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RevreDy    8
10 hours ago, passthesauce said:

Selling accounts and kinahs happened since official but still we are trying to minimise that and when we do have proofs those people get punished.


you guys dont ban if email or password change or if ip or location change so what proof does someone need? and dont say the discord chats cause no buyer or seller would invite a bunch of people to watch


we cannot ban anyone just for changing a mail - pass or ip, I moved some months ago to another city and in this time I had some troubles with the passwords on my social therefor changed the mail of the game for reasons like having a mail complete for aion so my main one ill have it for bussiness and also changed password and ip since i moved to another city.. so what should happened? should I get banned for that? you guys find it easy saying "oh but if someone change mail - pass and ip for sure he bought acc there for ban him" without even thinking that might be even a 5% possibility that this person just wanted to make some changes in hes life so what about that? we will end up banning inocent people without proofs that either they'll stop playing after that either they will blame us with all the right. You guys should stop thinking more about pros and cons not only the action without thinking about what could happen next. Therefor if we do not have enough proof of somebody that did something like this we cannot ban randomly!

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RevreDy    8
6 hours ago, L2ro said:

I understand the ranking system lol im a high rank my self 5-star offi but all i want is that all the people that is ungeared would have to run in with people that is just max geared players so if did the reset happened it will just be fair to pvp without augments 2 against BM gears and many players will have a chance to get AP sets atleast before a new ranking system plus u make it sound like being a governor doesn't put a work lol they know how to farm to get to that rank lol these high rank leaders are veterans. 

plus u are speaking about how it would be unfair for players that have offi 2 gears after they reset GP to me sounds like u dont give a sh*t about the other players only to those whos already geared what about the ungeared players who probably wants to experience pvp, tbh it would make the game more fun bc IM A END GEAR PLAYER AND ITS BORING! I rather pvp in low lvls or low geared.



I agree with you but I just wanna make a correction that augment 2 even tho u lose the star officer you can still do it not by NPC but EB or buying it from broker.

Also I wanna add that a lot of player made their way to star 2 got their gear and now they play at rank 1 with full gear and +5 acc there for rank really doesn't mean too much it does just for those who wanna get the Xform but to other the only thing they want is the oportunity to reach that star 2 and get that PvP gear so they can finally have fun doing PvP without getting destroyed in 2-3 skills by a rank 1 fully geared!


And last but not least, as I said before we do think about a reset but also I said what's gonna be the problem/s so we are still working on that.

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passthesauce    41
2 hours ago, RevreDy said:

we cannot ban anyone just for changing a mail - pass or ip, I moved some months ago to another city and in this time I had some troubles with the passwords on my social therefor changed the mail of the game for reasons like having a mail complete for aion so my main one ill have it for bussiness and also changed password and ip since i moved to another city.. so what should happened? should I get banned for that? you guys find it easy saying "oh but if someone change mail - pass and ip for sure he bought acc there for ban him" without even thinking that might be even a 5% possibility that this person just wanted to make some changes in hes life so what about that? we will end up banning inocent people without proofs that either they'll stop playing after that either they will blame us with all the right. You guys should stop thinking more about pros and cons not only the action without thinking about what could happen next. Therefor if we do not have enough proof of somebody that did something like this we cannot ban randomly!

so what proof you guys need?

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EndOfTime    11

I think many have forgotten the original game in the 2010s ...

Having pvp stuff was a real challenge.

A full 40 elite or 50elite was a project over several months. You supposedly speak for new players.  With this reasoning, we will soon give an EB weapon to all level 65 ... :/


An officer gear 2 is 1 to 2 months to get it.

For fusion classes like gladiator, ranger, it will take you longer to have a weapon like grendal or Eb than to have an abyssal gear. So it would be nice to give a EB +15 weapon as a gift too xD (just kidding of course)

You kill the spirit of the game.


To return to rank subject :  @L2ro

Amazing to read this from a 5* officer You did not understand the principle of rank since you are talking about noobies...

The rank is a simple picture of the attendance rate. Nothing much. You are off5, you are not necessarily good, but you are an asset.

Do you care about the new ones? group them and go xform to make them contribute ;) or maybe you talk about your other characters, and therefore not in the common interest   :P :P :P 


Anyway it is enough to see who is always present during the Ddos : the ranked players, not only them, but they are always present.

Do a GP *reset + Ddos problem, you will see the result...

Edited by EndOfTime

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RevreDy    8
6 hours ago, passthesauce said:

so what proof you guys need?

proofs that shows the account is bought or sold, proofs that we have gotten from some people therefor ended up perma banned.

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TheAlmighty    1,135
7 hours ago, passthesauce said:

so what proof you guys need?

Direct proofs that don't require any reconsideration. Meaning: you see that and it just shows exactly that the account is traded. Change of IP is not a direct proof, as then you start thinking further about what that could mean: normal change from the provider, moving to another place or trade.

I change my passwords from time to time and I changed location some time ago, + to this I change it pretty often due to travels. Should we ban admin? :)

So again, proofs that don't require any overthinking. Just those that exactly show the trade.

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Alexis    3

the rank is not good to be ofi 2 you need 25 thousand gp. In my Spanish legion we were almost 60 in 1 week we stayed 4 prescribe the rank please let's see if those of us who remain on the server dare to play

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CRRY CRRY CRRY    no one cares about GP and ranks  if  a singel rank1 player with +5 acc´s KILL y ALL.



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medya    8

Stop cry about gp reset its not hard make lol just do daily stuff . i had np make my  2 star from 0 . Now i even 3 start just running arenas nothing else. We no need gp reset like guy said up even rank 1 can kill people, better focus not balance of server. and asmo should stop be greedy atleast give 1 fort abyss and one kata/dana so no need cry about pvp buff . This gp reset its not main problem.

Edited by medya
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Christof    72
6 hours ago, medya said:

Stop cry about gp reset its not hard make lol just do daily stuff . i had np make my  2 star from 0 . Now i even 3 start just running arenas nothing else. We no need gp reset like guy said up even rank 1 can kill people, better focus not balance of server. and asmo should stop be greedy atleast give 1 fort abyss and one kata/dana so no need cry about pvp buff . This gp reset its not main problem.

I really think that a GP reset ain't the problem here, if you remember back on the kata PVP event, most of the time elyos were much more in the world PVP and at the siege time the % between of races ain't that different, so elyos should get some leaders and try to get it back.

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