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Stigma Shard

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rulai    21

Dear Admins,

I am brief, the stigma shards are way too expensive. The cheapest cost 25kk Kinah for 10k shards. A cleric need 4.289 shards for the heal tree and 4.387 for the dmg tree.

8676 Shards = 21.69kk Kinah for 1x switch. Its not acceptable. You said, you want to be like the official server, but on official server were stigma shards in shop. So the price were only 5KK for 10k shards. 


PLEASE: Put stigma shards into shop for a smart price like 30 ECOIN FOR 10.000 shards. For avarage coint trader(150EC/1 ECOIN) it would be 4.5kk Kinah for 10k Shards it is a fair price for private server






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rulai    21

i am not playing this game to farm shards O.o but u can farm them for me, if u have time to do this ^_^

Edited by rulai

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rulai    21

stigma change in 4.8 cost 0.1-0.2kk kinah? so what is the argument for expensive stigma shards

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TheAlmighty    1,151


THis has been discussed previously. The shards can be obtained from quests and from monsters. If you are not here for farming shards, then other players can do it for you can you can buy the shards from them with kinah on the broker. 

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rulai    21

hi almighty,

i know it was discussed previously, but i did not understood why you dont want to put stigma shards in the shop?

something like 100% to socket a manastone is in the shop, but stigma shards to switch stigmas not? everyone can farm manastones aswell, no reason for 100% socketing aid

tell me good reasons why you dont want to have stigma shards in the shop?

should we start a poll? i mean u cant ignore so much people :)

please dont be stubborn and help your community

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Tramadol    3

Yeah you can pay 21KK for switch xD

On official (EU) we used to have bots, so shards were very cheap. And when GF banned bots, they started to add shards in shop.

No bots, no shop = no switch. Really funny to stay on heal for arena.

(& farm underground with heal tree... it takes soooooo long).


Edited by Tramadol
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59 minutes ago, Tramadol said:

Yeah you can pay 21KK for switch xD

On official (EU) we used to have bots, so shards were very cheap. And when GF banned bots, they started to add shards in shop.

No bots, no shop = no switch. Really funny to stay on heal for arena.

(& farm underground with heal tree... it takes soooooo long).


oh my GOOOOD! level a gladiator or gunner for farming. Why do you play a class, which needs unstopable kinah river for switching and socketing\enchanting 100500 sets of gear? 

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rulai    21
7 minutes ago, ZbigniewBrzezinski said:

oh my GOOOOD! level a gladiator or gunner for farming. Why do you play a class, which needs unstopable kinah river for switching and socketing\enchanting 100500 sets of gear? 

1. can we ban this troll out of this topic? all he can say is go farm shards

2. why we should not play classes like cleric? did u even took 2 seconds to think with ur brain what u wrote?

3. socketing and enchanting is not a topic of my post. only stigma shards

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rulai    21
5 minutes ago, ZbigniewBrzezinski said:

You can play cleric, but why do you cry about its mechanics? Theres no reasons to ban me, read the rules.

1.i dont want u get a ban just an exclude from this topic, read my post. just i see no content in ur posts.

2.i dont cry about mechanics. i just want some arguments why 100% socketing aid can be in shop and such a basic think like stigma shard cant?


PS .Official server had stigma shard event, npc where u can get daily 1000 shards. maybe it can help us?

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rulai    21

All we need is 10.000 Stimga Shards for 30 ECoins. It would help to keep this server playable for clerics/other classes

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Nimure    34

I personally am not playing a lvl 65 cleric (not yet at least), but I totally agree with rulai's reasoning. Stigma Shards are essential for a cleric who's playing on both heal and damage (and maybe even hybrid). To say he should just level up another farming character... leveling takes so much time and you can't force other people to play a class they don't want to, let alone trying to tell them what they should or shouldn't do.

The price for stigma shards is just too high. Let's hope that the admins will give us an event or do something else about this problem. 21kk for switching once is unreasonable.

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Tramadol    3

This topic doesn't concern clerics only : chanter need to switch too, sorc too (pvp control, pve dps), etc.

I don't want to lvlup another char for farm lol, no time to do this. I play AIon for fun, not for be boring by shards !

I agree to buy shards at broker but not at this price, sorry. I can't play all day long because i work (like others ppl i think), no time to farm 8k shards all days. Strange Crystal for IS is enough farm for me lol.

I need kinah for others things that theses shards.


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star    2

This is great idea, prices are high and half of classes are hurted because of this and specially clerics, they have to change stigmats whole time. People are here to play and have fun, NCsoft fixed this problem few patches later, but we re stuck in this one. Why do not we make ourselves less wronged?

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Lynnn    5

@rulai Vergiss es, interessant das du damals hier ein Post gemacht leider nicht mitbekommen da ich erst seit Januar spiele.

Den juckt das gar nicht mit den Shards :D hab schon 10x versucht mit denen zu reden. Glaube die kapieren nicht was das Problem ist.

Habs aufgeben und bin mit Lynnn nur noch auf DMG und switche nur wenn es wirklich notwendig ist auf Heal (z.B Runadium)

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berousing    10

God, i haven't read this before ... and "Why do you play a class, which needs unstopable kinah" just killed me. We play clerics because we are altruistic, no, seriously, common. mid 2020 and the prices are still the same.

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Desperation    6

Cause publisher doesnt play cleric probably. Or doesnt play on his own server at all.
It's easy to deal with if it doesnt concern you.

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Konoyaro    71

This is a hardcore korean MMO and it's basic element is farming. Adding stigma shard to shop and skipping this basic mechanic half of the game built on and giving yourself advantage with your wallet is the definition of pay to win. Ask your legion to help you if they are using your services, or go farm. Don't have time to farm? Then Aion is not a game for you, play Final Fantasy 14 or something, where you are less needed to. I'm playing a chanter where I also have to swap stigmas. Deal with it.

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Kikoro    11
9 minutes ago, Konoyaro said:

This is a hardcore korean MMO and it's basic element is farming. Adding stigma shard and skipping this basic mechanic half of the game built on and giving yourself advantage with your wallet is the definition of pay to win. Ask your legion to help you if they are using your services, or go farm. Don't have time to farm? Then Aion is not a game for you, play Final Fantasy 14 or something, where you are less needed to. I'm playing a chanter where I also have to swap stigmas. Deal with it.

Hi, I cant even tell you how wrong you are xD
lets examine your reasoning here: 

Aion is a grinder mmo > correct, however every part of a game has different uses. Stigma Shards are in this patch as a so called money sink, some way of extracting currency from the market, similar to entchantstones, scrolls, pots, manastones. 

These Money sinks are meant to be ballanced. All moneysinks in this game are aimed at the broadest possible playerbase and meant to effect mostly the endgame players. 

If money sinks affect certain classes more than others, thats a bad thing. If money sinks themselves go out of proportion thats also a bad thing. And retail ALSO REALIZED THIS. Its the difference between programming a money sink and managing it. If you realize as a product owner, that mechanics don't work as intended on your specific deploy, you have to act on it. 

For Aion on retail, as rulai said, the shards where meant as a money sink but NEVER as a major investment since it would slow the progress of certain classes too much and dissadvantage only those who play the game as intended. Thats why after the market reacted to the bot banns they had to introduce them via the shop mechanic to NOT END UP LIKE THIS SERVER IS CURRENTLY! 

Thats also the reason the system was removed. And if you check the Kinah prices for Stigma change in 4.8+ you can easily figure out what kind of expense stigma shards where originally meant to be. Enough to make you think about switching but not enough to make a cleric go on heal stigmas for a week cause he can't waste 20kk on switching for arena. 

ANYONE who knows anything about how these games are made and what mechanics interact knows this so please stop talking about "you can just farm" "its meant like this"... its bullshit. its a broken system and even EA and GF knew this. 

Take an average day of Aion, if people go to instances and do pvp on a normal shedule (arena times, jmr, kbf,t dred) the daily stuff changes between pve and pvp content  easily 3-5 times each day, thats 100kk if you really wanna play the game as intended by the retail devs.... so yea, just go farm 24h in order to play 1 day proper on cleric ... gg...

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Konoyaro    71

While stigma shards were removed in later patches, much more other kinah sinks were added such as stigma enchanting. They didn't removed it because they thought it was a good idea, it was swapped to another thing. I emphasise again, you are playing a korean farmed base MMO. Did you know, back in older patches ranger had to buy arrows? I have more than enough money to buy stigma shards, you need to manage yourself.

A, For easier instances, ask your chanter or bard to help with your healing. I healed through KKM on full dps chanter heal. You can do alot of instances with cleric + chanter on DPS tree if you work together and play good. Only switch to full support on harder instances where you cannot manage.

B, Get balance between your heal / support tree and dps. That's what I'm doing now.

C, Sit and farm, make money in game as supposed to. It's not the game to blame if you don't have time or mood, that's your wrong choice of game to play.

D, Reroll, if you cannot handle this.

Not long ago I cried on forum for courier passes for extends, then people talked sense into me to change my mind, cause it's not how it supposed to work. You chose a class which has higher kinah maintenance not the EuroAion staff. Every cleric has to deal with this issue, not just you. Be competitive.

Btw if you think you had it difficult, talk with crafters.

Edited by Konoyaro

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Kikoro    11
1 hour ago, Konoyaro said:

While stigma shards were removed in later patches, much more other kinah sinks were added such as stigma enchanting. They didn't removed it because they thought it was a good idea, it was swapped to another thing. I emphasise again, you are playing a korean farmed base MMO. Did you know, back in older patches ranger had to buy arrows? I have more than enough money to buy stigma shards, you need to manage yourself.

A, For easier instances, ask your chanter or bard to help with your healing. I healed through KKM on full dps chanter heal. You can do alot of instances with cleric + chanter on DPS tree if you work together and play good. Only switch to full support on harder instances where you cannot manage.

B, Get balance between your heal / support tree and dps. That's what I'm doing now.

C, Sit and farm, make money in game as supposed to. It's not the game to blame if you don't have time or mood, that's your wrong choice of game to play.

D, Reroll, if you cannot handle this.

Not long ago I cried on forum for courier passes for extends, then people talked sense into me to change my mind, cause it's not how it supposed to work. You chose a class which has higher kinah maintenance not the EuroAion staff. Every cleric has to deal with this issue, not just you. Be competitive.

Btw if you think you had it difficult, talk with crafters.

Sorry, still wrong xD 

first off: Im not some newbie who can't handle a Korean MMO, I played Lineage II before Aion and Aion since Beta and saw the endgame of both these games going to 5* on retail so yea, I know what I get into when launching the game. Also: I don't main Cleric, however I do have a 65 cleric and my main is ranger, so yea I know arrows where a thing, but I also remember the prices and how they where sold by VENDORS and not drop which is a CRUCIAL F***ing Difference -.-

I studied gamestudies and economics at uni and I've even written papers about Aion so trust me when I tell you that Stigma Shards where never meant to be one of the main expenses of the game, which for many classes, if played as supposed to on retail, they currently are. The whole idea that this is "supposed to be like this" is absolutely insane tbh O.o 

MMO economies in f2p games are always managed by 3 factors: Development of features, implementation of events and the cash shop. Since we are on a private server the first option is rather limited, leaving only 2 ways to manipulate the economy to match the gamedesign. One of these levers has to be used otherwise the game will drift further and further from what it wants to be (retail 4.6). 

The reason Clerics are taken as a main example is cause their builds are much heavier reliant on changing then eg. a gunner would be. However the problem effects more than just one class and thus changes the ballancing of the classes itself ALSO in pvp and pve content which can not possibly be something the devs want to happen. As you mentioned before, choosing cleric already is choosing the most expensive class, even without having to sink the equivalent of +5 entchants into stigmas daily... 

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Konoyaro    71

If you are veteran korean MMO player and studied economics I'm not even sure why you are struggling then or what are we talking about, you should be a billionaire by now on this server. I got 131kk at the moment without even trying. Every cleric has the same disadvantage as I pointed. You just want to get advantage with your wallet.

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DevWolx    62

Stigma shards in themselves are a stupid mechanic. They don't have to add them to the shop I don't think they belong there (also there is more "p2w" stuff in the shop right now than stigma shards). They can either increase their drop count and rate or add them to some dailies or weeklies so you should work for them. I think this is the best solution overall.

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