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Suspicious positions

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Rcelenium    3


I don't usually create topics, and still less for complaining about a cheats, to be honnest, I have never been sure about a cheat until today.

Here is a little tail.

I just decided to get some Blood Medals by doing my weekly quests in Katalam, when I encounter 2 players from the ennemy faction ganking me (garrison 76), no problem, I decide to respawn in the Rhun temple, and chose another garrison (72th). How unfortunate ! I just encounter the same 2 players as I arrive and get the quests, and I get ganked a second time.
Then I decide to instantly go for the 73th garrison, and after doing half a quest, I get ganked a third time, by the same 2 players. This is begining to grate on my nerves but let's say they can teleport this fast legitimately to my exact position 3 times in a row.
Let's calm down and go to the 72th garrison, they can't travel there in such a short amount of time. Guess what ? 4th gank by the same 2 players in less than 30secs when I arrive.

By the way, I never waited more than half a minute between a death and a TP to a new garisson.

Here are the names : Ligeia and Lairiel, both from Heroes Of Legend legion.

Would it please be possible to have any feedback about this issue ?

PS : Your event is a great thing, and it should not be spoiled or abused by any cheater.

Thanks in advance,

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Christof    73

Hey @Rcelenium i can talk here as a normal player too, I can't see any problem here, is aion, and these things can happen quite often, they were just looking around to do PVP and you probably got the wrong timing also as after I know I never see a hack for player detection (wallhack).

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