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[Changes] Blood Mark Enchantment Chest

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NancyFox    223

Today we have added some changes to the rewards from Blood Mark Enchantment Chest!

Aside the Greater Supplements (Mythic) and Blood Mark Composite Manastone Bundle you can now receive

  • Tempering Solution (low chance)


The chest can be purchased in the Katalam and Danaria camps from the NPC Buttlefield Consumable Item Reward Officer



1 chest = 50 blood marks.
One character can purchase 5 boxes in every camp once a week (in total 10 boxes a week on one character)
The purchases will become available again every wednesday at 09:00(AM) server time.

We hope that these small changes will raise the interest of the players to the weekly quests and will revive open wolrd PVP in the mentioned locations.

Thank you for your attention and enjoy the game!

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Sakuraba    11

A good idea but now there is the question how "low" is that chance?

If I only get 1 Tempering Solution in a year while doing the quests every week on 4 characters it won't be worth it.

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Kamai    72
1 hour ago, Sakuraba said:

A good idea but now there is the question how "low" is that chance?

If I only get 1 Tempering Solution in a year while doing the quests every week on 4 characters it won't be worth it.

if its lower than getting composite GL gettings it

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NothingNew    12
5 часов назад, Sakuraba сказал:

A good idea but now there is the question how "low" is that chance?

If I only get 1 Tempering Solution in a year while doing the quests every week on 4 characters it won't be worth it.

i think around 0.5-1% :ph34r:

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Pongi    1

nice try, but horrible execution ... chances should be around 12-15% each chest, so that people actually get 1 tempering every 2 weeks

just my opinion

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NothingNew    12
6 часов назад, Pongi сказал:

nice try, but horrible execution ... chances should be around 12-15% each chest, so that people actually get 1 tempering every 2 weeks

just my opinion

12-15% like a chance on tempering event from any instance(except rose 5-7%). Then u can get from 10 boxes 2-3 every week:|

Edited by NothingNew

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Christof    73
9 hours ago, NothingNew said:

12-15% like a chance on tempering event from any instance(except rose 5-7%). Then u can get from 10 boxes 2-3 every week:|

We can't increase the % much more this isn't an event, it's only to motivate the players for the world PVP and to farm the camps again, I personally saw many players getting them this week from the chests.

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NothingNew    12
3 часа назад, Christof сказал:

We can't increase the % much more this isn't an event, it's only to motivate the players for the world PVP and to farm the camps again, I personally saw many players getting them this week from the chests.

y sure i mean 0.5-1% enough like the usual game mechanics. But  if u need 100-200 boxes(5000-10000 BM = around 1b-2b) for getting 1 tempering then better sell BM and buy temperings for kinah :ph34r:

Edited by NothingNew

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