
[Event] Shugo Kingdom Adventure

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Admin    422

Shugo Imperial Tomb is already available on the server! 


One spring morning the sorcerer Mirk woke up from knocking. But it sounded more like hammering on the door with all power, rather than knocking. The sorcerer crawled out from his bed unwillingly and opened the door. Behing the door stood Osaye and her eyes were telling that this day is not going to be peaceful.

  • What has led you here so early, Osaye? – Mirk was obviously sleeping on his feet, but was still holding on, as it is supposed for such an intelligent magician.
  • For today I’m not called Osaye anymore, my name is now Lara. And as soon as I transform into a Shugo, you’ll be calling me Lararin.
  • Why are you transforming into a Shugo? Have you got in some troubles and now trying to hide from the Archons? – The sorcerer didn’t understand anything about what was going on.
  • We are going to the Tombs. Wild Tayga is recruiting the group, so get ready, take your orb and let’s hurry up. Come on, no time for shaking. Or you don’t want to get gear?

Confidence of the witch left Mirk with no choice. He put on his tunic, took the crystal ball from the table and went with the witch.

Important details:

  • Instance time reset: 22h
  • Lvl range: 51+
  • Group: Two or Three players
  • Items allowed:  food, scrolls and special items collected from the mobs.
  • Entry to the event dungeon is unavailable from 20:00 to 23:00 every day!

A special dungeon has been opened for the event. The entry to the dungeon is available through the quest NPC Indiana Jonshunerk.


NPC can be found in the following locations: 

At this NPC you should take the quest [Event] Empires Past, for which you will receive Coin-collector's Pouch.

After this quest 2 more become available:

Daily: [Event/Daily] Spirited Thanks. Reward:

  • Coin-collector's Pouch.

Additional optional reward when completed 10 times - 10 Coin-collector's Pouch

One-time quest: [Event] Secret of the Map Piece. Награда:

  • Immortal Treasure Chest Key - 5.
  • Magical Map Box

Now, after taking all quests, it’s time to go to the dungeon with a group (3 players maximum, possible to enter in two). After entering the temple everyone transforms into a Shugo, all the skills become inactive, and only new special skills on the new panel stay available. Now only special items, acquired from the mobs, and food with scrolls can be used. The distance of skills is short, you should stay very close to the mobs.

The whole dungeon has 3 stages. On every stage you will be defending from monsters three Tombstones, placed in the center of the dungeon. Monsters do not attack players and do not deal them any damage; they are heading to the Tombstones to destroy them.

The main target is to defend central Tombstone – “Emperor's Monument ".  If it is destroyed – you won’t get any reward. 
Before you launch the first stage, we recommend you to change loot roll to the “common and superior” 
The stages are launched by the Shugo Cleric:


1 Stage


Start the 1st stage, it is the easiest one. Monsters appear slowly, there are monsters-bosses among them, from them you can get keys and pieces of the treasure map. 

You get 3 skills:

Normal Attack

Shugo Strike: normal attack inflicts 250 damage apiece on up to 2 enemies.

Sharp Blow

Shugo Doom: Causes 3000 physical damage to a selected target.

Lighting bolt of justice

Shugo Sweep: up to 4 opponents in your vicinity will incur 566-567 additional damage.

From the Awakened Guardians you can get some useful items restoring DP, healing tombstones and freezing monsters. These items can be acquired on every stage and disappear when you leave the dungeon.

Elf essence

Instantly restores 2000 DP

Major Elf essence

Instantly restores 4000DP

Spell of Healing

Instantly increases HP at the Imperial Tombstone “Tower” by 50%

Cursed Chill

Immobilizes all enemies inside the Imperial Tomb for 6 sec. Very useful during the boss fights.



2 Stage

This stage is more difficult than the previous and monsters are stronger. The keys and pieces of maps can be only acquired from 2 bosses: Elite Krall Lookout Leader and Elite Krall Lookout.

A new skill for DP is added, but you are better to keep it for the best moments.
Scatter_Poison.pngShugo Venom: usage costs DP 1000 – Up to 8 enemies in radius of 10 meters will receive additional 339 damage for a duration of 10s every 1s. 

If you have left the game on this stage, use " Veteran Shugo Warrior Transformation Device ":

3 Stage

This stage is the most difficult, you will face crowds of monsters and 2 bosses which will give you pieces of the map, keys, plates and Coin-collector's Pouches. All these items disappear right after you leave the dungeon, except Coin-collector's Pouch. 

One more skill for DP is added:

Reflecting Aetheric FieldMagic Mirror: Usage costs DP 2000 – Cast reflective shield on towers. Reflect all attacks back to enemy for 8s.
 Use it to protect Emperor's Monument (Take the monument to your target, otherwise the baff will be given to your groupmembers)


Map piece

After you have collected all the pieces of maps, you will get a Magical Map Box. From this box you will receive Empress' Brass Tag or Empress' Silver Tag orEmpress' Gold Tag.

Attention! If you have already finished this dungeon before, do not hurry up to open the box, it can also be used for the quest [Event] Secret of the Map Piece.
Keys and pieces of maps disappear after you leave the dungeon.


At the Emperor's Stele you can pass quests [Event] Secret of the Map Piece  and [Event/Daily] Spirited Thanks. The keys which you got for the quests will not disappear when you leave the dungeon and are tradable. These keys are also used to open treasure chests.
The tags, which you have got from the dungeon, are used to enter the room with treasure chests. Go to the Stele and choose the type of the tag you have:

After you give your tags to the Stele you will get into the room of treasures. The quantity of the rewards and their chance depend on the type of the room. 

Empress' Brass Tag – Emperor Mirinerun’s Treasury:
Crown Prince’s Relic 
(1 Key)
Greater or Major Ancient Icon (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower 

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Empress' Silver Tag - Emperor Bellisung’s Treasury
Empress' Relic
 (1 Key)
Greater or Major Ancient Seal (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

Empress' Gold Tag Emperor Tillirun's Treasury
Emperor’s Relic 
(1 key)
Greater or Major Ancient Icon (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower 

Special Chests (3 Keys)
Greater or Major Ancient Crown/Goblet (randomly 1-5 items)

+ with some chance the loot described lower

The list of items included to all the chests with different chances (depends on the typr of the chest):

  • Tahabata Egg (15 days)
  • Mini Crystal Lucid Shield
  • Tempering Solution
  • Spotted Beachwear
  • Sharptooth Voidtracer (15 days)
  • [Event] Beritra Idian Pouch
  • Noble Composite Manastone Bundle
  • [Event] Ancient Coin Chest
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Eternal) 
  • Greater Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
  • Ceramium Medal
  • Armor Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Accessory Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Weapon Wrapping Scroll (Eternal)
  • Precious Steampunk Wings
  • Leopard Headpiece


After you leave the dungeon you can exchange your Shugo coins at the Shugo Marion Reiring (near  Indiana Jonshunerk) to the following items:




From the token pouch you can get (1-3 of items on the list):

  • Kahrun's Symbol
  • Crusader Token/Radiant Token
  • Guestpetal
  • Protectorate Coin
  • Sillus/Silona /Paradeth Crest
  • Blood Mark
  • Conqueror's Mark

From the Fairy Tail you can receive:

  • Fairy Horn
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy horn you can get: 

  • Fairy wing
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy wing you can get: 

  • Fairy heart
  • 1 Shugo coin

From the fairy heart it's possible to get:  more than  50 Shugo coins.


Event is in progress from 25.01 to 07.02 (inclusively)!
Entry to the event dungeon is unavailable from 20:00 to 23:00 every day!



Thank you for attention and have a nice gameplay!

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FireRuler    2
6 часов назад, Admin сказал:

Instance time reset: 22h

Время отката на стандартное - 9:00 - пересматриваться будет? Понимаю, что у вас свои мысли по этому поводу. Но очень неудобно, тем более при условии недоступности входа в данж во время бг/осад.


Спасибо за ивент!

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Nimfeya    135
34 минуты назад, FireRuler сказал:

Время отката на стандартное - 9:00 - пересматриваться будет? Понимаю, что у вас свои мысли по этому поводу. Но очень неудобно, тем более при условии недоступности входа в данж во время бг/осад.


Спасибо за ивент!

Время отката у нас стандартное в 9 часов утра
А время сервера у нас не по мск, а европейское как и сервер. 


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FireRuler    2
1 час назад, Nimfeya сказал:

Время отката у нас стандартное в 9 часов утра

А, понял. Спасибо. В описании просто указано откат: 22 часа.

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Ellowain    78

Are the token prize bags level locked? Was hoping this would be the chance to get Radiant Op tokens after lv61, but after many bags I haven't gotten a single one? 

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TheAlmighty    1,151
7 hours ago, zcpplayer said:

as always first 2 days of the event big drop and then nerfed to the ground :D


We didn't change anything in the event since the start of it. Everything is random and depends on your luck. 

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pindigo    10

this sux... i could used that after the first one is finished. but why tho. fix this and give me my other sharptoot -.-Aion0050.thumb.jpg.ebab8c5bdd1887ccf3ffc831ea2e0a57.jpg

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d3n1zk4g4n    0

ı have never seen like this shugo events drop rate 0.000000000000001.No key No heal No freeze Welcom to Best Quality euro aion big fun....

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disgusting    18
38 minutes ago, d3n1zk4g4n said:

ı have never seen like this shugo events drop rate 0.000000000000001.No key No heal No freeze Welcom to Best Quality euro aion big fun....

whats the problem, always get 3 keys up to 5 keys. always 3 heal 3 freeze that is enough and you get really much DP potions

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