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DPS meter

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mister    3
В 29.09.2019 в 02:24, Antonio сказал:


Personally i tried this one at it work's just fine:

hi, please help how to use aiDPSMeter I went through all the points, went into the game but it does not display anything. please help (preferably in Russian)

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Nimure    34
On 9/30/2019 at 7:15 PM, mister said:

hi, please help how to use aiDPSMeter I went through all the points, went into the game but it does not display anything. please help (preferably in Russian)

Same here, I followed the steps and started aiDPS before Aion. Even though I deal damage to monsters, nothing happens in whichever mode I choose.

I have chosen a custom installation path for Aion and also for aiDPS (both in the same directory), I hope this isn't the cause for this problem?

I don't understand Russian, so I need help in English or German ^_^:x

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Nobrain    3
On 29/9/2019 at 1:24 AM, Antonio said:


Personally i tried this one at it work's just fine:

may i ask how exactly to do so? I know you have to use an older version but there is no link for it anywhere, maybe you can upload it somewhere?

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Antonio    15
44 minutes ago, Nobrain said:

may i ask how exactly to do so? I know you have to use an older version but there is no link for it anywhere, maybe you can upload it somewhere?


Unfortunately i do not have a link to an older version. I do not start the game with the launcher you guys are using, i have a different launcher.

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Nobrain    3
1 hour ago, Antonio said:


Unfortunately i do not have a link to an older version. I do not start the game with the launcher you guys are using, i have a different launcher.

oh i understand, then it would be nice if the current version could be used, as someone pointed out, it would work here as well but the "package transfering" is blocked from the anticheat so it leaves us with no option for dps meters aside from Aion Rain Meter which doesnt even read dots from sm's or such

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Conedog    10
13 hours ago, Antonio said:


Unfortunately i do not have a link to an older version. I do not start the game with the launcher you guys are using, i have a different launcher.

I have a few questions regarding your reply...

I managed to obtain a legacy (0.29 - 4.5/6 beta) version of aiDPS from website snapshots I'm unable to pinpoint why exactly it isn't working, I assume it has to do with the frost protection, but it might be something else entirely.

One of possible reasons could be the lack of NA localization. AFAIK aiDPS started distributing that with 0.32 and 0.33, unfortunately those were uploaded to mega (being old and relatively less popular files they are now "corrupt" AKA mega deleted them to free up space). Would you mind checking which version you have, and if it's one of the aforementioned two, sharing a copy of the files (ofc assuming the files are in an "aiDPS" folder and not bundled in as resources in your "different launcher").

Another thing, altho more of a long shot, could be a missing entry for EuroAION in the serverlist.txt file in the aiDPS directory (assuming you can share a copy of your "aiDPS" we can confirm or deny this one also).

Lastly, if it is related to the way frost protection interacts with the functionalities of Npcap and aiDPS itself, would you mind asking the board to have the game launcher modified to allow/include it. aiDPS is unique in the way it works compared to other damage meter solutions, as it both, has virtually no impact on computer performance while also providing the only accurate damage breakdown (all damage correctly attributed to respective sources without missing skills).


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Nimure    34

Hello everyone,


I've been in contact with the developer of the Rainmeter for a few weeks now. Initially I asked him if we could get an old version of the rainmeter that works with 4.6. He sent me the old version but said that he'd adapt the current version to euroaion as it's much better than the old one. He made good on his promise and released the new version a few days ago on his official website.

If you use the rainmeter, then please consider donating, because for such a well-known developer to attend to a private server's player's wishes is not something that should be taken for granted. And no, I don't get money for writing this, I'm not affiliated with him. It's simply my desire to thank him for all he's done for us. Let's show him some love ;)


tl;dr: The newest Rainmeter (version 3.30) works fine with euroaion




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DevWolx    62

aidps gets always updated to work with retail so its doesn't work with previous updates unless you get an old version maybe and it can be tricky perhaps with a private server never tried it. I used to use it for retail cause it was very light compared to rainmeter which is too overloaded, only complain is you have to run it before the game and requires another software. Before aidps when I played on retail at this version I used ultrakikimeter very simple to use I think you can still find it online.

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Leo1000    3

А есть русский DPS METR ??  чтобы работал с русским клиентом, не то на английском клиенте совсем не хочется играть .
Как сделать чтобы работал любой дпсметр на русском клиенте ? 

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Booblik    130
4 часа назад, Leo1000 сказал:

А есть русский DPS METR ??  чтобы работал с русским клиентом, не то на английском клиенте совсем не хочется играть .
Как сделать чтобы работал любой дпсметр на русском клиенте ? 

Он и так работает на любом языке. ДПС метр читает логи и по ним считает дамаг, если дпсметр ничего не посчитал, то скорее всего лги записались таким видом: ???? ????: ????? 20 ?? ?????
Для этого нужно что-то на английском написать, и он должен встать как надо

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Leo1000    3

ДАЙТЕ ССЫЛКУ ИЛИ ФАИЛ ЖЕЛАТЕЛЬНО С ИНСТРУКЦИЕЙ,  как что куда ставить как включать , лишь бы он был под русский клиент игры, даже если сам ДПСметр на английском , не страшно, я просто не когда не ставил раньше его , очень хочу попробовать , в инете , ютубы гуглил , скачал штук 5 дпсметров,, не работают не один , из за этого и прошу рабочий под евроайон . если есть скиньте плиз , буду оч. признателен.  

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DreamAngel    44
14 часов назад, Booblik сказал:

Для этого нужно что-то на английском написать, и он должен встать как надо

Можно подробнее, как активировать данную функцию на Ру клиенте?

Edited by DreamAngel

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DreamAngel    44

Да ну фигня какая то, простите, за не уважение к трудам, но у меня РейнМетр работает и норм.


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gcd-team    16
7 минут назад, DreamAngel сказал:

РейнМетр работает и норм.

на русском клиенте?

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Booblik    130
11 часов назад, DreamAngel сказал:

Можно подробнее, как активировать данную функцию на Ру клиенте?

Вон, тебе скинули архив с дпсметром. Включаешь логи и пошёл

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