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What are we doing about players like this?

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Snatcharoo    0

What is being done about players who kick from group and insult during instances, due to accidental deaths?

TLDW; Video is of sauro run where Vinley - Korea accidentally died and refused to continue the instance any further. Then proceeded to call me a crazy b*tch & kick myself and a gunner from the party.

I purchased a scroll from your game shop to run this instance and these are the players i'm greeted with?


Edited by Snatcharoo

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yujnx    20
6 часов назад, rezan сказал:

they can abuse dual client exploits and so on we all know that was not possible in retail where you face perma acc ban

No, it was possible to do on all retails I've played on (NA, EU, RU) and it wasn't bannable.

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yujnx    20
16 часов назад, rezan сказал:

make new char and you will see at least 10 lvl 1 who afk in reatil this shit never was a thing and having 2 or 3 accs was ok on retail but playing all 3 at the same time was against rules and banable for fk sake ban this trash who invade morheim with lvl 10 chars 

Only 2 (dual) clients were allowed on retails IIRC.

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Konoyaro    71

Why would the staff compensate you for a player's decision to kick you? Join a legion and don't go with randoms you don't trust, then these problems will not happen. Or make the party and invite randoms, but don't let them have the lead.

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Desperation    6
On 26.06.2020 at 8:47 PM, Konoyaro said:

Why would the staff compensate you for a player's decision to kick you? Join a legion and don't go with randoms you don't trust, then these problems will not happen. Or make the party and invite randoms, but don't let them have the lead.

and kick them

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Christof    73

Thanks in advance for the report the player got his punishment for the action, have a good game.

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ldfilip    47
On 25. 6. 2020 at 8:11 AM, Snatcharoo said:

What is being done about players who kick from group and insult during instances, due to accidental deaths?

TLDW; Video is of sauro run where Vinley - Korea accidentally died and refused to continue the instance any further. Then proceeded to call me a crazy b*tch & kick myself and a gunner from the party.

I purchased a scroll from your game shop to run this instance and these are the players i'm greeted with?


According to the modern law, every human being has right to be an idiot. And you can´t do anything about it.


PS: Yes, I have some personal experience with ppl from "Korea" legion too. Most of them are well geared and... that´s pretty much all the positive I can find. Just add the desired/undesired legion names into your memo pad and move on.

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