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ely sin Owahl no animation

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lexlexlex    0

video is slowed down, and its more than obvious
i've already sent this to a mod a week ago and said that he will relay it to the admin, yet the assassin is still playing AND hacking

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sophisticated    241

The video shows all of the assassin's animations. Also this video has already been sent to the Administration earlier via a ticket in our discord channel. 

If you have other videos that could be proof of cheats, please attach them in this thread or send me a private message. 

On the basis of the video provided the use of cheat programs is not detected.

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lexlexlex    0

There is 10 autoattacks going in after Shadow fall, its a clear evidence of attack speed hack, because normally it doesn't work like that and any person who ever touched the game knows it, i don't understand what type of evidence required and why is the administration is so soft to take action against dishonest players !


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Albin    164
15 минут назад, lexlexlex сказал:

There is 10 autoattacks going in after Shadow fall, its a clear evidence of attack speed hack, because normally it doesn't work like that and any person who ever touched the game knows it, i don't understand what type of evidence required and why is the administration is so soft to take action against dishonest players !


Dude you are playing as a sork. The thinnest class in all game. And you was killed by assasin and ranger - classes, created to kill mages. 

You even lived for a few seconds while they killed you. There is no speedhack here. With a speedhack, he would burst you in half a second.)  

And yeah, I also play as a sorc. I feel your pain.

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Meganegro1    2

this is a speedhack. 100%. the animation can be shorter then normal, it does work like that when u add scroll o atk speed weapons. the hack can speed up the animation beyond the cap ( 50%). that is the hack, free atk speed over the cap. obtain something that legit players cannot obtain. there is a no animation hack, but is different from this one. VIDEO IS SLOWED DOWN.


if you cannot understand this, i'm left speechless

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Albin    164

Even in the slow-motion video, anyone can see that you survived the stun and ran back five meters. 

With a speed hack, you would die without leaving the stun. Well, or if the sin and the ranger would be more skillful. 

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passthesauce    41
1 hour ago, Albin said:

Even in the slow-motion video, anyone can see that you survived the stun and ran back five meters. 

With a speed hack, you would die without leaving the stun. Well, or if the sin and the ranger would be more skillful. 

you blind or is this your friend? the sin stop attacking it looks like the ranger got the final hit after sorc ran

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Игрок    7

You need to set the video speed to 0.25 and everything will immediately become clear who has poor eyesight))) Is it really not clear that players are banned once a month with online 1700 + -. It doesn’t happen, or many are not shown)

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Namenoname    40

Админитсрация вы серьезно??? МОмент на 8-9 секунде син без анимации кинул Клык зверя. Без анимации, такое можно сделать после засады , но не после опрокида уж точно. Если надо могу заснять как это выглядет реально с анимациями . И сразу же кинул сало.... НА вашем серве если сделать слайд клык + сало, то сало не сработает если что.

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Snowboy    0
1 час назад, Namenoname сказал:

Админитсрация вы серьезно??? МОмент на 8-9 секунде син без анимации кинул Клык зверя. Без анимации, такое можно сделать после засады , но не после опрокида уж точно. Если надо могу заснять как это выглядет реально с анимациями . И сразу же кинул сало.... НА вашем серве если сделать слайд клык + сало, то сало не сработает если что

Когда лук бафался в начале у него тоже нет анимации, у парня отключено отображение чужих анимаций, вот и вся трагедия

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Namenoname    40

Всм, нет анимаций, у него все скилы видны, а именно клыка нет, и во время наложения печати просто ни чего нету или идет авта, и адекватные обычно дают серию засада - клык - опрокид, чтоб анимацию клыка убрать, этот дал серию засада - опрокид - клык, на серию уходит 1-1,5 сек. У этого есть анимация опрокида(по ходу тож ускоренная) нет анимации клыка но есть анимация всего остального , правда быстрее чем должно быть.

Edited by Namenoname

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