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scseke    3

Our legion would like to thank you for the experiences and great battles so far, unfortunately it looks like we will have to watch it on another server. We hope to solve the server problems as soon as possible, unfortunately we have waited long enough. bye euro aion, Rip 😞

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scseke    3

Is it better to go down random for 2-3 hours? Why not have the server ddos protection? I think they got enough money from donate to do this... Or not?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, scseke said:

Is it better to go down random for 2-3 hours? Why not have the server ddos protection? I think they got enough money from donate to do this... Or not?

I think we wrote that we have anti ddos protection. We also mentioned what other problems with the game there are. Just today a lot of work was done on closing the breaches. 

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utterbitter    33
13 hours ago, realxcz said:

so where can you even go? Russian trash 1 month servers?

Well, we lived without Aion before this server was created(and well-before the game was created for some of us) so we can do it again. Sad but-what can we do.

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