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Found 8 results

  1. Aion FPS Uncap Guide

    This is my First Guide ive ever made so dont judge me. I created a Guide to Uncap the FPS in EuroAion. Aion Rainmeter is required for this so you have to download and install it. Aion basicly is 60FPS capped. With my Guide you can uncapp the FPS and have a new Game experience. Also the Guide inlcude a FPS Stability Guide too, that makes the Game smoother. Aion FPS Guide.pdf This is allowed beacuse it does not intervene in your skill or make you better
  2. В англоязычном сегменте присутствует гайд на схожую тематику. Теперь есть и по-русски (ну и по английски тоже))). Выкладываю файл настроек, который мной опробован на нескольких проектах (и на goldaion) для разблокировки FPS. Актуально для слабых компьютеров и вообще... для форсу.. (FPS изменится от 20-30 до 60-90 и далее). Графика станет попроще, но отзывчивее и быстрее. Без филосовских разборов параметров и значений. Скопируй и играй (и очень жестко доминируй). Вот почти не тронутый конфиг с другого старого ресурса про Aion. Положите его в корневой каталог игры и поставьте атрибут "только чтение" на файл system.cfg. После этого, войдя в игру, можно игровыми настройками некторые позиции изменить - звуки, некоторую графику, но это действует только на текущую сессию. Но после рестарта игры настройки опять будут как в system.cfg. В каталог с игрой надо положить *.cfg файлы. Файл system.cfg.txt содержит содержимое файла настроек в понятном виде, только для того, чтобы вы видели, что внутри. Если настройки system.cfg (сначала убрать только для чтения) открыть специальным редактором "aionsyseditor.exe" URL, то можно сохранять изменения, которые вам нужны (громкость, графику) и изменения не поменяются после рестарта игры. **** In the English-language segment there is a guide on similar topics. Now there is in Russian (well, in English too))) I post the settings file, which I tested on several projects (and on goldaion) to unlock FPS. Actual for weak computers and in general ... for force .. (FPS will change from 20-30 to 60-90 onwards). Graphics will be simpler, but more responsive and faster. Without philosophical analysis of parameters and values. Copy and play (and dominate very hard). Here is an almost untouched config from another old resource about Aion. Put it in the root directory of the game and set the read-only attribute to the system.cfg file. After that, after entering the game, you can change some positions using the game settings - sounds, some graphics, but this only affects the current session. But after restarting the game, the settings will again be as in system.cfg. In the directory with the game you need to put * .cfg files. The system.cfg.txt file contains the contents of the settings file in an understandable way, just so that you can see what's inside. If you open the system.cfg settings (read-only first) with the special editor "aionsyseditor.exe" URL, you can save the changes you need (volume, graphics) and changes will not change after restarting the game. **** system.cfg )) SystemOptionGraphics.cfg )) too **** content of system.cfg.txt -- [System-Configuration Ver1.0] -- Attention: This file is generated by the system, do not modify! Editing is not recommended! ai_AmbientFireEnable "0" ai_AmbientFireQuota "0" ai_AmbientFireUpdateInterval "0" ai_DebugDrawAmbientFire "0" ca_AnimIFrame="30" ca_AnimationDeferredLoad="1" ca_ClothMode = "0" ca_EnableCCG="0" ca_EnableCharacterShadowVolume="0" ca_EnableCubicBlending="0" ca_EnableLightUpdate="0" ca_EnableTangentSkinning="0" ca_HairAnim="0" ca_LodBias="1" ca_NoDrawShadowVolumes="1" ca_NoMorph="1" ca_NormalizeBases="0" ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = "1" ca_SSEEnable="1" ca_SafeReskin="0" ca_ShareVertex="1" ca_TangentBasisCalcPeriod="30" ca_UseDecals = "0" ca_UseFacialAnimation = "0" ca_UsePhysics = "0" ca_VertsPerTangSubskin="50" d3d9_AllowSoftware="0" d3d9_PS30="1" d3d9_PSforce11="0" d3d9_TextureFilter= "TRILINEAR" d3d9_TripleBuffering="1" d3d9_VBPoolSize="524288" d3d9_VS30="1" d3d9_VSforce11="0" d3d9_pip_buff_size="1000" e_AutoPrecacheCgf = "2" e_CharLodMin = "1" e_Dissolve = "0" e_DynamicLights = "0" e_ParticlesDiffCM = "0" e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles = "0" e_ParticlesGI = "0" e_particles_lod "0.1" e_ParticlesMaxDrawScreen = "8" e_ParticlesMinDrawPixels = "8" e_ParticlesObjectCollisions = "0" e_ParticlesPreload = "1" e_ParticlesQuality = "0" e_ParticlesShadows = "0" e_Shadows = "0" e_SkyBox = "1" e_SkyQuality = "0" e_SkyType = "0" e_StatObjPreload = "1" e_Vegetation = "1" e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = "1" e_VegetationUseTerrainColor = "1" e_ViewDistRatioDetail = "0" e_ViewDistRatioLights = "5" e_voxel_realtime_light_update="0" e_area_merging_distance="1024" e_beach = "0" e_cbuffer = "2" e_cgf_load_lods="1" e_clouds = "0" e_decals = "0" e_effect_quality = "0" e_flocks = "0" e_hw_occlusion_culling_water="0" e_lods = "1" e_max_entity_lights = "1" e_particles_fullfx = "0.000000" e_particles_lod "0.1" e_particles_max_count = "384" e_level = "1" g_save_preset = "1" e_particles_thread = "1" e_precache_level="1" e_PreloadMaterials = "1" e_shadow_maps = "0" e_shadow_spots = "0" e_stencil_shadows="0" e_sun = "0" e_vegetation_bending = "0" e_vegetation_min_size = "1" e_vegetation_sprites_distance_ratio = "0.1" e_vegetation_static_instancing = "1" e_vegetation_update_shadow_every_frame="0" e_vegetation_wind = "0" e_view_dist_ratio = "10" e_view_dist_ratio_detail = "0" e_view_dist_ratio_vegetation = "10" e_voxel_realtime_light_update="0" e_water_ocean_soft_particles = "0" e_water_render_distance = "0" e_weather_fx_enable = "0" es_DebrisLifetimeScale = "0.1" g_aionHeapSize = "22339365" g_blade_fx = "0" g_blade_time = "0.0" g_cam_rot_ratio = "0.220000" g_cfg_version = "7" g_cfg_video_BACKGROUND = "0" g_cfg_video_EFFECT = "0" g_cfg_video_ENTITY_DIST = "4" g_cfg_video_ENV_TEX = "0" g_cfg_video_FSAA = "1" g_cfg_video_GENERAL = "-2" g_cfg_video_GLARE = "0" g_cfg_video_GLOW = "0" g_cfg_video_MODEL_CACHE = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_BACKGROUND = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_BUMP = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_CAMERA = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_DOF = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_EFFECT = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_ENTITY_DIST = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_ENV_TEX = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_FSAA = "2" g_cfg_video_MRT_GENERAL = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_GLARE = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_GLOW = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_LOWEST = "2" g_cfg_video_MRT_MODEL_CACHE = "3" g_cfg_video_MRT_SHADER = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_SHADOW = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_SKILLFX = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_SUNSHAFT = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_TERRAIN_DIST = "0" g_cfg_video_MRT_TEXTURE = "4" g_cfg_video_MRT_WATER = "1" g_cfg_video_MRT_WEATHERLAYER = "1" g_cfg_video_SHADER = "0" g_cfg_video_SHADOW = "0" g_cfg_video_SKILLFX = "0" g_cfg_video_TERRAIN_DIST = "0" g_cfg_video_TEXTURE = "0" g_cfg_video_WATER = "1" g_cfg_video_screen_res = "1" g_chatlog = "0" g_client_var = "0" g_loadSlotState = "3" g_maxfps="-1" g_muteMyPet = "1" g_radialBlur = "0" g_showFPS = "1" g_uiFX = "0" gpu_particle_physics = "0" i_particleeffects = "0" q_ShaderGeneral = "0" q_ShaderPostProcess= "0" q_ShaderTerrain = "0" q_ShaderVegetation = "0" r_Character_LOD_Bias="1" r_checkSunVis = "1" r_ChromaticAberration = "0" r_ColorGrading = "0" r_DepthOfField = "0" r_Detail = "0" r_DetailDistance = "0.000000" r_EnvCMResolution = "2" r_EnvCMupdateInterval = "0.500000" r_EnvTexResolution = "3" r_EnvTexResolution = "3" r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = "0.200000" r_FSAA_samples = "0" r_FSAA_quality = "1" r_Flares = "0" r_Height = "1080" r_MotionBlur = "0" r_ParticlesHalfRes = "1" r_ParticlesTessellation = "0" r_PostProcessEffects = "0" r_PostProcessEffectsGameFx = "0" r_PostProcessFilters = "0" r_PostProcessGameFx = "0" r_PseudoFullscreen = "1" r_Quality_BumpMapping = "0" r_SSE="1" r_ShaderModel = "0" r_ShadersPrecache = "1" r_ShadowBlur = "0" r_SSReflections = "0" r_SyncVBuf="0" r_TexBumpResolution = "2" r_TextureStreaming = "0" r_TexLMResolution = "1" r_UseParticlesHalfResForce = "1" r_UseParticlesRefraction = "0" r_UseSoftParticles = "0" r_VegetationSpritesTexRes = "16" r_Vegetation_PerpixelLight = "0" r_VSync = "0" r_WaterGodRays = "0" r_WaterReflections = "0" r_WaterReflections_MaxViewDist = "0.000000" r_Width = "1920" r_checkSunVis="1" r_fx_draw = "0" r_mrt_initdetect = "1" s_MasterVolume = "0.800000" s_MusicIgnoreGameStatus = "1" s_MusicVolume = "0.100000" s_SFXMute_COMMENT_SYSTEM = "0" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_GOSSIP = "0.210000" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_NPC = "0.220000" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_QUEST = "0.230000" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_SYSTEM = "0.240000" s_SFXVolume_ENV = "0.1500000" s_SFXVolume_FX = "0.300000" s_SFXVolume_UI = "0.310000" s_SFXVolume_WEATHER = "1.000000" sys_AdaptiveCharLOD = "1.000000" sys_StreamCallbackTimeBudget="40000" sys_StreamCallbackTimeBudget="40000" sys_StreamCompressionMask="0" sys_StreamCompressionMask="0" sys_fixedframe_target = "60" sys_physics_CPU = "3" sys_skiponlowspec = "1.000000" s_BatterySave_Enable = "0" sys_spec_Environment = "-2" sys_spec_GameEffects = "-2" sys_spec_ObjectDetail = "-2" sys_spec_Particles = "-2" sys_spec_PostProcessing = "0" sys_spec_Shading = "0" sys_spec_Shadows = "0" sys_spec_Texture = "0" sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = "0" system.cfg SystemOptionGraphics.cfg
  3. Performance fix

    So i've been til now had the issue with client crashing, freezing or going down to 9 fps in every siege as soon as there are more than 100 people around me which tbh have made me skip siege a lot of times. However today i tried a different config of the system file and had a walloping stable 40-50fps in the taking of Miren. So i thought that I'd share the lines i added if more people are having issues with freezes, crashes, fps drops etc. I should add that my graphic settings are everything on the lowest besides texture detail which are at second highest, object range at farthest and terrain range at farthest with the high quality engine. as far as i've understood this sort of modding is fine as it simply makes the game run smoother with no detectable game changes, mechanics or looks wise. sys_spec_ObjectDetail = "0" sys_spec_Particles = "0" sys_spec_Physics = "0" sys_spec_PostProcessing = "0" sys_spec_Shading = "0" sys_spec_Shadows = "0" sys_spec_texture = "0" sys_spec_Quality = "0" ac_animErrorClamp = "0" ac_clampTimeAnimation = "0" ac_clampTimeEntity = "0" ac_disableFancyTransitions = "1" ca_AnimWarningLevel = "0" ca_AnimationDeferredLoad = "1" ca_AnimationUnloadMaxPerFrame = "0" ca_AnimationUnloadCheckPerFrame = "0" ca_AnimationUnloadDelay = "0" ca_ClothMode = "0" ca_EnableCCG = "0" ca_EnableCubicBlending = "0" ca_EnableLightUpdate = "0" ca_EnableTangentSkinning = "0" ca_MemoryDefragEnabled = "0" ca_NoMorph = "1" ca_NormalizeBases = "0" ca_PrecacheAnimationSets = "1" ca_SSEEnable = "1" ca_SafeReskin = "0" ca_disable_thread = "0" ca_thread = "1" d3d9_AllowSoftware = "0" d3d9_PSforce11 = "0" d3d9_TripleBuffering = "0" e_CullVegActivation = "0" e_clouds = "0" e_DecalsLifeTimeScale = "0" e_Dissolve = "0" e_DynamicLights = "0" e_GI = "0" e_GsmCache = "0" e_GsmLodsNum = "1" e_ParticlesMaxScreenFill = "16" e_HwOcclusionCullingObjects = "0" e_HwOcclusionCullingWater = "0" e_OcclusionCullingViewDistRatio = "0" e_ParticlesThread = "1" e_PrecacheLevel = "1" e_cbuffer = "2" e_PreloadMaterials = "1" e_PrepareDeformableObjectsAtLoadTime = "1" e_ProcVegetationMaxSectorsInCache = "64" e_Recursion = 0 e_Render = "1" e_SkyBox = "1" e_SkyQuality = "0" e_SkyType = "0" e_StatObjBufferRenderTasks = "0" e_StatObjPreload = "1" e_beach = "0" e_clouds = "0" e_flocks = "0" e_fog = "0" e_HwOcclusionCullingObjects = "0" e_HwOcclusionCullingparticles = "0" e_HwOcclusionCullingVegetation = "0" e_HwOcclusionCullingWater = "0" e_light_maps = "1" e_light_maps_quality = "0" e_optimized_render_object = "0" e_proc_vegetation = "0" e_recursion_occlusion_culling = "0" e_shadow_spots = "0" e_skip_terrain_culling = "1" e_sky_box = "1" e_stencil_shadows = "0" e_streamCgf = "0" e_sun = "0" e_water_ocean_soft_particles = "0" e_water_render_distance = "0" e_weather_fx_enable = "0" es_DebrisLifetimeScale = "1.0" es_UpdateInvisibleCharacter = "0" g_MaxFPS = "-1" g_NoWarFog = "1" g_chainSkillChangeCooltimeDelay = "0.000" g_chainSkillIndicateDelay = "0.000" g_chatlog = "0" g_client_var = "0" g_enableSkillVoice = "0" g_loadSlotState = "3" g_save_preset = "1" g_showFPS = "1" g_showUIActionMsg = "0" g_show_breath = "0" g_uiContour = "0" g_ui_stillview = "1" g_muteMyPet = "1" g_openSpecialServerList = "0" g_playerprofile = "custom" r_ChromaticAberration = "0" r_checkSunVis = "0" r_DeferredShadingAmbientLights = "0" r_DynTexAtlasCloudsMaxSize = "2" r_DynTexAtlasSpritesMaxSize = "2" r_EnvCMResolution = "3" r_EnvCMupdateInterval = "1.0" r_EnvTexResolution = "3" r_EnvTexUpdateInterval = "1.0" r_FSAA_samples = "0" r_GeomInstancing = "0" r_HDRBloomRatio = "0" r_HDRBrightLevel = "0" r_HDRGrainAmount = "0" r_MSAA = "0" r_MeshPrecache = "1" r_MotionBlur = "0" r_MultiGPU = "2" r_MultiThreaded = "1" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_GOSSIP = "1.000000" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_NPC = "0.377564" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_QUEST = "1.000000" s_SFXVolume_COMMENT_SYSTEM = "0.600000" s_SFXVolume_ENV = "0.350000" s_SFXVolume_FX = "0.188782" s_SFXVolume_UI = "0.232347" sys_warnings = "0"
  4. FPS FIX

    hi, I started playing again today but I realized that before my fps I was at about 120 now they vary from 40 to max 60. Some strange updates have been made and is there a way to solve? Thanks.
  5. Bonjour J'ai un problème récurant sur mon EuroAion, quand je joue pendant 30 min. Tous actions faites avec le pointeur de la sourie dans le jeu fait chuter mes FPS à 10-12FPS. Alors que je suis en 61 FPS constant. J'ai essayé beaucoup le méthode pour résoudre le problème mais sans succès: Redémarré le jeu Redémarré le PC Réinstaller le jeu Vérifier le jeu Lancé le jeu en 32 ou 64 Bits Lancé le jeu en Main update method; Torrent ou HTTP Driver à jour Merci de répondre et/ou trouver une solution pour moi. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello I have a recurring problem on my EuroAion, when I play for 30 min. Anything done with the mouse pointer in the game drops my FPS to 10-12FPS. While I am in constant 61 FPS. I tried the method a lot to solve the problem but without success: Restarted the game Restart the PC Reinstall the game Check the game Run the game in 32 or 64 Bits Launched the game in Main update method; Torrent or HTTP Driver up to date Please respond and / or find a solution for me.

    Hi, I'm disabled VSync and Fsaa from everywhere but my game still looks so smooth. I want high fps. where can i disable this setting?
  7. Alt-Tab and FPS issue

    Hello, I am looking for solutions about 2 problems. 1st problem : When Alt-Tabbing or try to change the graphic settings, a black screen appears. I've tried all the solution suggestions but the problem still exists. -I did everything have mentioned here : The problem still exists. - I did all the suggestions here: I've activated "windowfullscreen" in "SystemOptionGraphics.cfg" file and now, I can alt-tabbing but still cannot change options and use some in-game contents. The problem only exists in this game and one of my friends have the same problem(he has the same system as mine) CPU:Ryzen 3600x GPU: 5600xt RAM:16gb ,win10 2nd problem: FPS is always "60" but "Fixed FPS" option is not marked. Thanks in advance.
  8. FPS drops

    Hey guys, I really need help without which I can't continue playing because it obviously affects my gameplay badly I have these FPS drops (it drops to 5 FPS if I play in high graphics and to 10 FPS if I play on low) that occur every 3-4minutes and last for about 10-15 seconds. The weird part is that they happen only when the charger of my laptop is plugged in, so for example when they happen, I just unplug it real quick and the FPS goes back to normal instantly, then I plug it back in until it happens again *facepalm*........... I have an Asus Zenbook UX333FN, and my graphic card is NVIDIA GeForce MX150 I didn't have this issue when I played on the official Gameforge version, I played with very high graphics and I only had FPS drops during Divine fort siege wars specifically. Otherwise, never ever happened. I kinda CAN lvl up with this issue altho it's annoying, but later in the game it's just impossible to do anything without messing up : we did Indratu fort and it made it really hard to follow up with the team, or DPS properly...... Please help, Thank you <3