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Zutto last won the day on February 29 2020

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  1. You can only use that skill against other players, not mobs.
  2. [Taking advanted of Bug]

    Bards have 3 skills that are not seen by guards. It used to happen a lot even on retail, so I don't think it'll mind on this server anyway
  3. [spy] elim of elysea

    The quest "Reaching out" is given by Lorando, at Kellan's Cabin. Talk with him even if there's no quest icon appearing. After completing that quest, you should be able to take the quest "[Spy] Elim of Elysea" from Nabaru, in Patamor Thicket. Check if you've already taken the first quest, since the required level is 23 according to the database.
  4. the mission has a bug

    Las campañas en Tiamaranta las desbloqueas al nivel 58
  5. Am stuck in Eltnen

    You can always use /retreat or /escape command in order to return to your bind point
  6. La misión tiene un error

    Yo cuando la hice sí me aparecían los objetos, no es un 100% de drop pero sí que salen