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Showing most liked content on 05/24/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Nimfeya helped me on Discord. Thank you
  2. 1 point
    Heyho, I've been playing on this server for quite some time now. And I'm having a blast so far. It's a really nice server and mostly kind people to play with. There is one thing that bothers me quite a bit tho and that is the availability (in form of the broker prices) of stigma shards. Especially for classes that have to switch stigmas a lot (mostly between PvP and PvE) you are soft locked out of some content if you don't farm 24/7 to be able to afford switching stigmas on a regular basis. My suggestion would be to either lower the shard cost on switching stigmas or higher their drop rate. I know you have a policy of being 100% retail like and maybe the drop and stigma equip rates are the same as they were on retail but on retail I never ever had the problem of not being able to switch my stigmas cause I didn't had enough kinah. Even when I switched 10 times per day as cleric. Stigma shards were just cheap in retail and I would really like that here. Imo it wouldn't even change to much. You would just give the players the freedom to play the build they like where and when they like without spending all their money on stigma shards. I don't even want like 1 stigma shard per stigma switch. Just bring it down to a reasonable price. Greetings
  3. 1 point
    I've had it before in the retail na version.....I don't remember what I finally did to fix it. However try changing the graphics engine to default or running it as a window instead of full screen. Then once done with creating a toon change it back and you should be good to go.
  4. 1 point
    Hello, Compensation is going to be eqal for everyone, we are not giving different items or boosts to everyone, it will take forever. We are still watching the work of the server to be sure that everything works correctly, after that the compensation will be sent.
  5. 1 point
    Уважаемые игроки Работа сервер восстановлена. Просим прощения за перебои и предоставленные неудобства. Спасибо за ваше терпение и понимание! Компенсация за перебои будет выдана когда мы удостоверимся в стабильной работоспособности сервера.
  6. 1 point
    problems in the morning, problems now.. this perfect quality server is actually terrible
  7. 1 point
    The assassin was looking the situation, and accidentaly fell from his mount.
  8. 1 point
    Вношу поправку - некоторым классам (таким как глад, страж, син и даже чант (!)) будет сложно в Пхасе соло. Даже при данном эквипе. Мобы стоят иногда по 2, а для ближника на 53м-55м лвл это практически шот. Плюс постоянное замедло, кровоток и другие ДОТы, которые вешают в Пхасе почти все мобы. Данный гайд актуален для прокачки 53+ только для дальников (не хилящимся классам все равно считаю будет тяжеловато). Остальным скорее всего придется искать себе в пару сапорта. Причем в этой ситуации скорее сапорт будет качать дедешку, чем наоборот Особенно если это бард или хил.