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Showing most liked content on 03/16/2020 in Posts

  1. 391 points
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
    Coronavirus epidemy is growing even more. Our main task is to save our health and lives! Fortunately, this desease is unknown in Atreia and so you're safe! However, we do not want to risk and will prepare for the worst. Now your health is under the care of the medical workers and you can always call in aid! Event is in progress: from 16.03.2020 to 31.03.2020. In the capital cities of the both sides you will find the tents with the NPCs of the field hospital, which will help you to charge with the martial spirit on the threshold of the great victory. In Pandaemonium: In Sanctum: Completing the quests (available for the characters of the level 10+) [Event/Daily] Prescription for Medicine [Event/Daily] Prescription for Psychiatric Medicine you will reveive the following rewards and after a small talk with the medical staff the character will receive the following effects: The quests are daily. There's no need in executing any tasks - you only need to talk to the medical staff. Have solid health, Daevas!
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    Эпидемия коронавируса распространяется все сильнее. Наша главная задача - сохранить свое здоровье и жизнь! К счастью, в Атрее о этом заболевании ничего неизвестно и вы в полной безопасности! Но все же, мы решили не рисковать и заранее подготовились к худшему. Теперь за вашим здоровьем будут следить медицинские работники и вы всегда можете обратиться к ним за помощью! Сроки проведения ивента: с 16.03.2020 г. до 31.03.2020 г. В столицах обеих рас выставлены палатки с NPC полевого госпиталя, которые помогут вам зарядиться боевым духом в преддверии великой битвы. В Пандемониуме: В Элизиуме: Выполняя квесты (доступны персонажам 10+ ур.) [Ивент/ежедневно] Рецепт восстановления тела [Ивент/ежедневно] Рецепт восстановления души В награду вы получите а после разговора с медперсоналом на персонажа повесится один из двух бафов : Квесты ежедневные. Выполнять никакие задания не требуется - лишь поговорить с мед. персоналом. Крепкого Вам здоровья даэвы !
  6. 2 points
    The topic is only for works publishing! Rules of participation and publication are available in the topic [Competition] 8 Reasons for Love . Эта тема только для приема работ! Правила участия и публикации доступны в основной теме [Конкурс] 8 причин для любви .
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    - Abel, tell me, what do you love me for? - Asks the cleric girl with shaking voice, removing dust from her hauberk. - I'd rather say, «in spite of what» - Answers Abel and askilfully dodges from a mana potion. - For everything, I love you for everything. - Name at least eight reasons! - Why only eight? I can name more, but then you will have to stay at me overnight... - The gladiator laughs and catches the next potion. - The first reason is you... - Dear friends! In order to participate in this competition you must state different reasons of any kind for loving girls, ladies and women. Everyone may participate, no matter of gender Competition in progress: 07.03 -15.03 Announcement of the results: 16.03 Task: Think of the resons and write down to the comments 8 resons for loving any woman or women. The reasons can be not addressed to anyone. Details: The competition will be scored according to creativity. Rules: Using profanity is prohibited; The number of comments left by one participant is not limited; Comment(s) must be published in the specified topic. Works acceptance: The works must be published in the specified topic (the link will be available later); Evenry participant under their work must write their nickname and side. Finding out the winner: winner will be chosen by the administration. Prizes for both winners: Full premium account for 30 days; Lightweight Luxury: 10 composite manastines on your choice; 3 Tempering solutions; Applause.
  10. 1 point
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  13. 1 point