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  1. 1 point
    The same problem was posted in other topics several months ago like: The second post referred a reddit link which contains a potential fix with a patched version.dll file, it is open sourced:https://github.com/zzsort/Aion-Version-Dll I tried putting the version.dll into bin64 and create a bat file with: start aion.bin -unlimited-gfx -lang:ENG -cc:2 -megaphone -noweb -noauthgg -st -charnamemenu -f2p -lbox -ncping -nosatab -aiontv -nobs -60f2p -n20 -oncmsg /SessKey:"" /CompanyID:"11" /ChannelGroupIndex:"-1" -ip:XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -port:XXXX only "-unlimited-gfx" was added compared to the official start arguments. It worked, but I cannot login to character selecting screen. I guess the anti cheat program blocked me. So I tried another command: start ActiveLauncher.exe -unlimited-gfx I can successfully login this time but the settings were locked as before, so I guess the patched version.dll was not loaded because of blocked by the anti cheat program. Could official staff please do some fixes? It is frustrated to have a high performanced grahic card but can't set the game grahic to highest level. Since the patched version.dll doesn't contain cheating code, only some little changes on the code of the launcher to allow loading that patch and add the extra start argument by default will help many of our players. Please help us thank you! PS. I am not a native English speaker if any expression were confusing please let me know.
  2. 1 point
    Hello, Thank you for your screenshot, passing it to the admins!
  3. 1 point
    This problem was reported for 2 years now and was always ignored, compare to adding proxies, solve ping problem or any different problem that admins had with server over the years this problem can be easily fixed in one wednesday technical break. There may be few people that reported this problem on forum, but a lot more have it. Game may be old but every year, now in 2023, high resolution gaming becomes more and more popular, and I don't think that people play only Aion, so in time this problem will become more common, so if admins can just repair it from open souce code from Git Hub I think they should consider doing it.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for your reply. But can you please tell these information to the administrators? There do be a solution that just need the adminstrators do a few changes for the launcher or even just some configrations. I am not requiring an instant fix but why can't the administrators take a glance at the potential solution and just tell players the technical reason why they won't fix it? As I googled the problem, I found some other private server(click here) faced the same problem but in contrast that admin accepted the player's advice and fixed the problem. I really like euroaion server and hope it be better, so please tell these information to the administrator. I am looking forward to a technical feedback, thank you!
  5. 1 point
    Death is unavoidable for static content. Everyone will be bored one day...