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Showing most liked content on 07/02/2022 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Would it be possible to reset GP in a way so people would keep their ranks by giving them minimum requirements for that rank? That would prevent stockpiling GP and forcing new and returning players to grind for months to be able to buy/use best AP gear. Also if Mods would do it every so often it would introduce constant rotations in "faction leaders" who lead siege. In my opinion it would be a welcome change. Thoughts?
  2. 1 point
    Сделайте рестарт серва, башня -1 заход(
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Тот печальный момент, когда ждал ивент с молоточками, а победила революция
  5. 1 point
    Can Sins fully enjoy candy transformations with Form one day ?
  6. 1 point
    they expect players to take a screenshot of every step just in case some incident happens lol
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I agree for gp reset but only if they make something about dodge/chaos arena problem .I don't want see dodge/trading clown fiesta for 2 months and see people make chaos arena with alt for farm glory arena ticket. And please close 12.00 13.00 saturday glory arena entry!
  9. 1 point
    I think that the initial theme has been somewhat distorted... it would be interesting to talk about the great problem of the server in a new post. PS: The solution is as simple as doing a reset every day like in Tiamaranta/Gelcmaros/Ingison, in this way we would all take SOMETHING and there would be motivation to go, since at least we know that the Elyos would take a Fortress. Cheers
  10. 1 point
    Everyone wants this. How many times do we see this exact same request each week? Wake up, Admin.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    Если итем будет соответствовать политике доната нашего сервера - мы его добавим. (никаких доспехов, оружия со статами (кроме вещей 1 лвл с минимальными статами), итемов нарушающих баланс (вода и т.п.). Предметы должен быть из Айон не выше 4.6 - 4,8 версии) Довольно странно это видеть,добавили петов на которые садятся и юзаются без анимации,те кто это купят легко либо убегают из пвп,либо догоняют в пвп,это же и есть нарушающий баланс игры,упёрлись чтобы оружие менялось 1 секунду,а тут маунт который спасает жизнь ибо можно на бегу его проюзать и дальше побежать.