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Showing most liked content on 01/18/2022 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    There are still kids who don't know how to lose and who wait to find the guy who killed them ... And then tell someone that pvp with lower lv than theirs is not right and then go back to 3 lv 65. .lol
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Did you forgot about part when you trashtalked us? Reason why we kill you, we are trying to stop you from killing other under lvl ppl. We are not doing it for our advantages, we are trying to show you, that this needs to stop. Try to be a little bit polite next time, oh and i want to remind you, you are now circling in heiron with your 52lvl alt assasin, so fair.
  4. 1 point