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  1. 3 points
    22. August 2020, around 22h-22:30h CET. Player name: Toxiq Many insults.
  2. 1 point
    Hi, as you might know, on NotAion one of the most popular skins were the water/fire dragon king's weapons. Please add them to the cash shop with a reasonable price as I bet people would love buying them. You already added the shields so why not add the rest of the weapons as well? We only want the skins, and not the stats. There are skins-only variants for those weapons as well if you look through the database. Fire weapons: https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100001762 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100101356 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100201531 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100501333 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100601452 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100901397 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101301288 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101501378 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101701388 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101801244 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101901153 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/102001271 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/102101088 Water weapons: https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/102101141 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100201618 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100901472 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101801297 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101901203 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101301359 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101501456 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100601517 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100501399 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100001910 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/100101436 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/102001325 https://aionpowerbook.com/powerbook/Item/101701453
  3. 1 point
    If you take a closer look to GAINZ, you will surely recognize, that this is not a "normal" legion that likes crafting. Its a 24/7 "bot-alchemy-industry" that it makes hard for normal players to compete with this. Honestly IF Aetherbotting is allowed here, everythng is fine. But if not, there sould be a ban to this player(s). So i aks a unmistakeable question to the admins: Is Farming Aether by Bot allowed on this Server? I've added a screenshot, taken 5 Minutes sgo. So another Question to the admins: Is Kinah-Selling on your server allowed? If these things are not allowed, please act like its forbidden and such players should feel the consequences.
  4. 0 points
    Hi, "Aetherspast" has received multiple reports for botting; from multiple people, yet this player has not been banned yet? With admin reluctance to address this issue (or even respond to my previous report) is aethertapping botting considered "legal"?