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reporting gunner Bombany

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mostafa76    11

Reporting this player because he just looted all event boxes for himself, we did sauro 4 man, 6 boxes dropped and he just took all boxes, if admins care about the integrity of the server as they claim please do something about players like him, I mean how many people have to be trapped in this shit with kids playing and not caring. 


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Christof    73

Hey @mostafa76, we can't interfere in the gameplay, you should've agreed before killing the boss or changing the loot, but I'd like to know your suggestion to solve this problem, there's no way.

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mostafa76    11

agreed to what? he do not speak/understand english and when I tried to talk with him he just left the group, and my suggestion is if any one else reported something like that, u give the player who did this a warning and if the same player do it again, he has to be banned for a week or so, bottom line is who ever do this has to be an example for others

Edited by mostafa76
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mostafa76    11
17 hours ago, Christof said:

Hey @mostafa76, we can't interfere in the gameplay, you should've agreed before killing the boss or changing the loot, but I'd like to know your suggestion to solve this problem, there's no way.

agreed to what? he do not speak/understand english and when I tried to talk with him he just left the group, and my suggestion is if any one else reported something like that, u give the player who did this a warning and if the same player do it again, he has to be banned for a week or so, bottom line is who ever do this has to be an example for others

Edited by mostafa76

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mostafa76    11
23 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


You should have set the loot roll for white items too, not only for gold and higher. 

    I was not group leader, he was, as I mentioned he clearly do not speak/understand english so it was not my fault.

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Sentry    29
  • My advice, seeing how things work (esto parece mi Españita, donde el culpable siempre es el agredido y no el agresor) on this server, is to NEVER make instances with randoms, always with friends, and thus you will avoid this type of problems.

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Ellowain    78

"Agree on loot before you start"

You know ppl change the loot settings before boss drops, right? How do players protect from that? Leave during the boss fight and waste my entry? Sorry, but it just sounds like admin blaming innocent players, rather than the scammers.

And just curious, why are event items white? Just like the snowflake scams- admin changed the snowflake icon to prevent scammers. How about making event items....not white? 


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TheAlmighty    1,151
3 hours ago, mostafa76 said:

    I was not group leader, he was, as I mentioned he clearly do not speak/understand english so it was not my fault.

So, we cannot ban the others because you couldn't communicate with them

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, Ellowain said:

"Agree on loot before you start"

You know ppl change the loot settings before boss drops, right? How do players protect from that? Leave during the boss fight and waste my entry? Sorry, but it just sounds like admin blaming innocent players, rather than the scammers.

And just curious, why are event items white? Just like the snowflake scams- admin changed the snowflake icon to prevent scammers. How about making event items....not white? 


If there was the situation that the player changes the loot right before the roll and took EVERYTHING from the boss, we would take the actions. Here the situation is different and you can clearly see in the chat that the roll is just set wrongly.

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