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Reduce/Stabilize ping

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Ziffa    18

I wanted to make this guide for anyone not knowing about Leatrix or AionLogAnalyzer.

Both of them works inside the "regedit" changing/adding some line to improve TCP connections and blah blah blah

LEATRIX   To install Leatrix you just open the .exe as Admin and click install, you can then restart your computer or just turn off and on your ethernet card


Virus Total AionLog :

Virus Total Leatrix :


To install Aion Log Analyzer, since it's in korean you can follow this images 


After installing it and opening as Admin a korean massage may appear, just press ok

Press on the drop down menu as shown and choose

Step 1O3lXreC.png


Step 2 :fnRsTWG.png

Press OFF,wait 15 seconds max and then press ON,it disconnect you for a couple of seconds, after that you can click the third button (the one in korean)

Step 3 fnRsTWG.png

At this point you should see the two "on", you can now close the program,restart pc or turn on/off your ethernet card,the changes are "permanent" and you don't need to open the program anymore


Before: 0O8UhVX.png




After: ChGja1L.png

Post results if something change,it may or may not.

Hope this help some of you that don't want to spend money on WTfast or similar.

Next guide will be on how to boost FPS

Edited by Ziffa
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Selionor    1


Thank you for your giude! Can you also describe the way of deinstalation/restoring/reseting for these features if they won't work? Or can it be done through SystemSettings?

Edited by Selionor

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Ziffa    18
5 hours ago, Selionor said:


Thank you for your giude! Can you also describe the way of deinstalation/restoring/reseting for these features if they won't work? Or can it be done through SystemSettings?

To delete the changes,for leatrix you click "unistall" inside the program,followed by restart or turning off/on the ethernet card.


For AionLog, you click off,wait disconnect/reconnect and then you can restart or off/on ethernet card

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Eva    29

1. Вот еще программа для оптимизации соединения (как leatrix_latency_fix_3.03), программа на английском, но внутри пояснения на русском: TCPOptimizer.
2. Тоже, но надо заплатить, более сложный аналог: Cfosspeed.
3. Кроме того, есть аналоги программs VPNGame: Noping, Wfast (и може, не уверена, SecurityKISS).
Я буду все тестить, надеюсь что-нибудь подойдет.

1. Here is another program for optimizing the connection (like leatrix_latency_fix_3.03), the program is in English, but inside the explanation in Russian: TCPOptimizer.
2. Also, but you have to pay, a more complex analogue: Cfosspeed.
3. In addition, there are analogues of VPNGame programs: Noping, Wtfast (and maybe, not sure, SecurityKISS).
I will test everything, I hope something will work.


Edited by Eva
wfast > wTfast ))
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Ziffa    18
27 minutes ago, Eva said:

1. Вот еще программа для оптимизации соединения (как leatrix_latency_fix_3.03), программа на английском, но внутри пояснения на русском: TCPOptimizer.
2. Тоже, но надо заплатить, более сложный аналог: Cfosspeed.
3. Кроме того, есть аналоги программs VPNGame: Noping, Wfast (и може, не уверена, SecurityKISS).
Я буду все тестить, надеюсь что-нибудь подойдет.

1. Here is another program for optimizing the connection (like leatrix_latency_fix_3.03), the program is in English, but inside the explanation in Russian: TCPOptimizer.
2. Also, but you have to pay, a more complex analogue: Cfosspeed.
3. In addition, there are analogues of VPNGame programs: Noping, Wtfast (and maybe, not sure, SecurityKISS).
I will test everything, I hope something will work.


I had the pleasure to test in game ping for a couple of minuts and had 34.

Bute sure VPN and GPN such as Wtfast will cut your ping by at least 50% and are the best choice.Hopefully i don't need them this time

About the tcp optimizer need to see what regedit voice it change, to avoid overlapping, idk if it does the same things of my guides.

Thanks for posting anyway


P.S try to see what voice add and let me know, i'll see if they already there or not

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Apacchi    0

I get over 300ms ping ingame, but when I ping the server outside I get 170-190. I used AionLogAnalyzer and TCPOptimizer, they do help a little bit by keeping ping stable, but still over 270+


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Heller    0


On 10/24/2019 at 9:20 PM, Heller said:

should I download both or only one of them?

can someone respond to this

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Marchutan    0
On 9/17/2019 at 1:32 AM, Ziffa said:

I wanted to make this guide for anyone not knowing about Leatrix or AionLogAnalyzer.

Both of them works inside the "regedit" changing/adding some line to improve TCP connections and blah blah blah

LEATRIX   To install Leatrix you just open the .exe as Admin and click install, you can then restart your computer or just turn off and on your ethernet card


Virus Total AionLog :

Virus Total Leatrix :


To install Aion Log Analyzer, since it's in korean you can follow this images 


After installing it and opening as Admin a korean massage may appear, just press ok

Press on the drop down menu as shown and choose

Step 1O3lXreC.png


Step 2 :fnRsTWG.png

Press OFF,wait 15 seconds max and then press ON,it disconnect you for a couple of seconds, after that you can click the third button (the one in korean)

Step 3 fnRsTWG.png

At this point you should see the two "on", you can now close the program,restart pc or turn on/off your ethernet card,the changes are "permanent" and you don't need to open the program anymore


Before: 0O8UhVX.png


AionLogAnalyzer << i try to download  says error could you upload it on googledrive or mega


After: ChGja1L.png

Post results if something change,it may or may not.

Hope this help some of you that don't want to spend money on WTfast or similar.

Next guide will be on how to boost FPS


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В 17.09.2019 в 02:32, Ziffa сказал:

Я хотел сделать это руководство для тех, кто не знает о Leatrix или AionLogAnalyzer.

Они оба работают внутри «regedit», изменяя / добавляя некоторые строки для улучшения TCP-соединений и бла-бла-бла

LEATRIX    Чтобы установить Leatrix, вы просто открываете .exe от имени администратора и нажимаете кнопку «Установить», затем вы можете перезагрузить компьютер или просто выключить и включить свою карту Ethernet


Вирус Всего AionLog:

Вирус Всего Leatrix:


Чтобы установить Aion Log Analyzer, так как он на корейском языке, вы можете следовать этим изображениям 


После установки и открытия в качестве администратора может появиться корейский массаж, просто нажмите ОК

Нажмите в выпадающем меню, как показано, и выберите

Шаг 1O3lXreC.png


Шаг 2 :fnRsTWG.png

Нажмите OFF, подождите максимум 15 секунд, а затем нажмите ON, он отключит вас на пару секунд, после этого вы можете нажать третью кнопку (ту, что на корейском)

Шаг 3fnRsTWG.png

В этот момент вы должны увидеть два «вкл.», Теперь вы можете закрыть программу, перезапустить компьютер или включить / выключить вашу сетевую карту, изменения являются «постоянными» и вам больше не нужно открывать программу


До: 0O8UhVX.png




После: ChGja1L.png

Опубликовать результаты, если что-то изменится, может или не может.

Надеюсь, что это поможет некоторым из вас, кто не хочет тратить деньги на WTfast или подобное.

Следующее руководство будет о том, как повысить FPS

Does this program work for anyone?everyone suggests it, but it really doesn't work!Are there any players she works for?I think it's a useless program

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Ziffa    18


11 hours ago, Legkodostupnyi(Roma) said:

Does this program work for anyone?everyone suggests it, but it really doesn't work!Are there any players she works for?I think it's a useless program

The programs mostly help stabilize ping, avoiding spikes.And yes it works

But if you are to fram from server your only option is WTFAST and similar



P.S links are working, none of them are broken

Edited by Ziffa

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Dred    0

How to use WTfast and EuroAion? I ping 220-270 currently. Other games I ping 140 to French servers. 

I setup a custom game and it launches the launcher but nothing happens. WTfast still reads "loading" and ping is still 270..

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Apacchi    0
On 11/1/2019 at 2:57 PM, Dred said:

How to use WTfast and EuroAion? I ping 220-270 currently. Other games I ping 140 to French servers. 

I setup a custom game and it launches the launcher but nothing happens. WTfast still reads "loading" and ping is still 270..

I choose EU Aion from game list, it then tells me it can't find launcher, but that is fine just let it run in background, then launch EuroAion launcher and play. Mine works, I play from South Africa, without I get very unstable ping from, 230-450. now I get 187-200 consistently.

I hate Wtfast though, but I need to use it because I got 6 months free with GFX card :P.

I prefer ExitLag instead

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Kizzuwa    0
On 23.01.2020 at 4:47 PM, Raidon said:

Has anyone tested Battleping or Exitlag to see if they help?

anyone tested exitlag ? I prefer it over wtfast cuz it provides more stable connection for me. Can i use it on Euroaion ? 


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Konoyaro    71

Interestingly for me both Exit Lag and Wtfast works better from Frankfurt, Germany, than from Paris, France. Noticeably lower latency.

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Caypo    1

Grüsse Ich habe einen Ping von 34 ms im Normalen Fall bei Raids geht  er auf ca 50-60 ms kann man das noch verbessern? Und warum ist, dass schreiben hier in der Box so komisch? 

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