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Anticheat Version is Old

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Kaugummi    1

Good Morning,

when i try to start the game, via the ActiveLauncher.exe, i get this error message:



upon choosing "ok" the Launcher closes without giving me the possibilty to update.


Hope you can help, 

best regrads


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TheAlmighty    1,145


After the maintenance some game files have been changes. So for the correct start of the game it is necessary to check the files and get the updates. 

Please, press the "check" button in the launcher before starting the game.

Best regards

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Kaugummi    1



the thing is, the launcher doesnt get to that point, the error instantly pops up. And thats it. Is there a way to force showing the launcher? Maybe i just start the game in a wrong way?

edit: Oh, just saw your reply, really didnt want to do that, but gonna try it now :) thanks

Best regards

Edited by Kaugummi

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Dux    0

Hello, im experiencing this issue right now too.

Also i cant download launcher, its failing to download.

Tried 3 different browsers for download, all failed....

Edited by Dux
Update on download

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Admin    422
23 минуты назад, Dux сказал:

Hello, im experiencing this issue right now too.

Also i cant download launcher, its failing to download.

Tried 3 different browsers for download, all failed....

Turn off your antivirus

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kaja04    0

Hello, im experiencing this issue right now too.

Also i cant download launcher, its failing to download.

Tried 3 different browsers for download, all failed....

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Serah    2

Well i've been playing on the server over a week ,acccidently deleted whole aion folder, so i downloaded the game again now it gives me an error about not being able connect to the server with sad face showing 404 . Checking files gets to 89% then message connection lost reconnecting. Can't even re download the game again to see it some files  somehow got broken cause it simply doesn't connect. After few tries showed me some message about updating anitcheat ,re downloaded launcher cause seems like for some people it works, and it  doesn't for me . I don't have any antivirus or firewall on in facet aion itself added to white list on firewall any ideas how to get back to the game?


After trying re-downloading  launcher just can't connect to any source to download the game simply gives me constantly  404 sad face icon .

Edited by Serah

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TheAlmighty    1,145
On 23.02.2020 at 12:32 PM, Serah said:

Well i've been playing on the server over a week ,acccidently deleted whole aion folder, so i downloaded the game again now it gives me an error about not being able connect to the server with sad face showing 404 . Checking files gets to 89% then message connection lost reconnecting. Can't even re download the game again to see it some files  somehow got broken cause it simply doesn't connect. After few tries showed me some message about updating anitcheat ,re downloaded launcher cause seems like for some people it works, and it  doesn't for me . I don't have any antivirus or firewall on in facet aion itself added to white list on firewall any ideas how to get back to the game?


After trying re-downloading  launcher just can't connect to any source to download the game simply gives me constantly  404 sad face icon .


The problem was on our side and it is now solved. Please, contact us, if there's still error when you start the game. 

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Kottra    0

Yop, same problem here, "Anticheat Version is old, please, update! 3". Any solution? Ty in advance.

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Christof    73
12 hours ago, Kottra said:

Yop, same problem here, "Anticheat Version is old, please, update! 3". Any solution? Ty in advance.

Did you check all the information in this post about the problem, and you did do all of it ? You should keep your game to the date, please check your game files using the launcher "Check" option, if it doesn't work please contact me please.

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