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Japanese Voices in 2 steps !

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Rollyat    14

Hi !
Are you tired of playing with a character who shouts like a sea lion ?



Here is a little guide that will allow you to change the original voices of the game in the Japanese and Korean languages ! I'm using it, and it's working perfectly with this version of the game.




  • Then extract it directly into the folder * :
    EuroAion \ L10N \ [*** YOUR LANGUAGE CODE ***] \ sounds
    You may use 7zip to extract the archive.


And There you go with subarashi voices on your kawaii gamu desu ka !

* Note that it is better to make a backup of the original sounds (place where you can find it easily if it goes wrong)
In case you really make a mistake, you will have to use the 'check files' button of the EuroAion launcher to fix your errors.



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yujnx    20
2 часа назад, Shandris сказал:

Sadly you are wrong. Japanse>Korean bro.

To each their own. Battle sounds/casting are muuuch better in Korean, I tried Japanese ones as well and couldn't play with them for long. Currently I have Japanese NPC voices (for a change) with Korean battle voices.

Anyway everything's better than English hideous battle screams

Edited by yujnx

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yujnx    20
11 часов назад, Slideshow сказал:

Which one of the files there i must download for the sounds? Thanks

Download the "up to 5.8" version.

If you want full Korean (NPC will talk in Korean, cutscenes in KR and so on) do the exact same steps as described in the first post by OP.

If you want just battle sounds (casting, attack voices) copy the "voice" folder (inside sounds) and drop it into L10N/*language you use - enu in my case, for example*/sounds folder.

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yujnx    20

Most likely incorrect installation.  Double check if you did it right.

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Rulynn    0
On 05.06.2020 at 3:58 PM, yujnx said:

Download the "up to 5.8" version.

If you want full Korean (NPC will talk in Korean, cutscenes in KR and so on) do the exact same steps as described in the first post by OP.

If you want just battle sounds (casting, attack voices) copy the "voice" folder (inside sounds) and drop it into L10N/*language you use - enu in my case, for example*/sounds folder.

Bump. Lol I'm late for 5 years and dunno if you're still around but helloo, do you perhaps still have the korean 5.8-6.0 voice pack in your game-folder? Unfortunately kelekelio either deleted their files on google drive or idk and there's nowhere I can look, cutscenes won't work with the newer pack either.

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