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<[EuroAion] Boost Drop Pack (30 Days)> 100% drop items boost its scam or bug?

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Ryonx1    5

Hello i buy this  <[EuroAion] Boost Drop Pack (30 Days)> and ready left 17 days from now but i see nothing drop extra then normal drop like before even some mobs 0 drop , on bosses instance solo same drop like before or even nothing just junks , its a scam item or bug or just fake and make us losse our money in ecoins for nothing ? boost xp same nothing change just amulet help  ;(

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NancyFox    223

Specify exactly what changes do you expect from the premium package? It is desirable that you have arguments in the form of links to the database, if we are talking about experience with mobs or for quests, screenshots of system messages and so on.
If you don't have this, then our conversation loses all meaning, unfortunately.


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Kamai    72

from my knownladge if you are in party of 6ppl your drop boost is divided by 6, so its 16,67% (IM NOT SURE IF THATS TRUE) so if you have 0,23% to drop X Item after you buy it you have only 0,2668% to get it

also welcome to aion RNG game sometimes you can go 10x to sauro and get 10 tempering solutions and sometimes you can go 100 times to not see any TS

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Chusheen    45

The Exp Boost only works in combination with Tea of Respose which recharges the buff from being Offline.

The Buff will be boosted from 40% Exp buff to 100% when killing mops or exchanging quests.

Basicaly Exp Boost Pack is only worth to use when you also grab a tons of teas (around 150 are enough from lv 10 to 65).

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Ryonx1    5

Sauro  more then 100 times nothing get , IS nothing change drop is same , sr 61 solo bosses only box nothing change then normal with another caracters but aout xp is same becouse enery response using tea is make sense  like even with out 100%xp with tea same you go up to 65 fast  . So there we go with those bonuses or not are the same amount reward in game from mobs and bosses as well xp is just normal and weekend is good one , but if was working xp 100% + weekend will be double and + amulete 200% well make big sense but that 100% buff xp don't work and drop like i say up , i like this server i try put some money in and use some bonusses that are not working , am not arguing like you say NancyFox but need something fixed with those thing in website that my be for some work and some people wont working (i got Ecoins from really money not vote) Thanks.

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Ellowain    77

If you have been playing for a year and use a drop boost for the first time- you will instantly see the results. Maybe not with RNG items because the chances are not fixed- but if you farm strange ide you can count and easily see this change very during 1 hour of farming. You won't see big change in Sauro/IO - like playing the lotto and chances are too small. 

For EXP boost, players will often count the EXP per monster before the exp buff and then after the exp buff (like in BT). Give that a try, or ask a fellow player in your party "I got 825,000 from that enemy, what did you get"? Try that and come back. 

If not, this complaint is too vague, wasting your time and Admin's time.

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Ryonx1    5

bt with out energy or amulet at lvl 56 i got 500.000-600.000 per mob , farming items from mobs that i talk about is same , i have play more then 1 year and have know about game from ncsoft were i was pay monthly for play  about 2 years then gameforce take us and free play for 8 years that i stop when hackers become stressfull  , so i know much thinks about aion :)

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