
*New* NPC for AP/Ceramium medals

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Domikei    2

Hey everyone. I am just basically re-posting the idea from Discord so it doesn't get lost and maybe we can have a list of additional suggestions. Feel free to answer below why you agree/disagree with the idea and what would be your suggestions to make it possible.

The Idea:

Have an NPC where you can use AP/Ceramium medals or a combination of both to buy:

♦ Composite manastone bundle [random manastone drop 50lvl-60lvl]
♦ Felicitous socketing
♦ Armor/Weapon wraps 
♦ Tempering solution 
♦ Godstone Bundle
♦ Weapon/Armor skins 

• For general economy balance I would recommend making the most valuable items, such as Tempering Solutions, UNTRADEABLE.

Here are some of the benefits:

○ Aside from GP, there is practically no other reason for geared/high ranks to attend sieges, because they no longer need the AP or Ceramium medals as a reward.

○ Not to mention that one of the only reasons to capture the Upper Abyss Forts is to be able to do the dungeons there which give AP/Ceramium medals. 

○ This change will hopefully incentivise more people to do siege content and actually try to capture the forts instead of GP trading on the side.

○ It will also make Inggison/Gelkmaros sieges alive. If I'm not mistaken they do give ceramium medals as a reward, no?

○ Most if not all PvP and PvE dungeons at lvl65 give ceramium medals or ceramium fragments.

○ Aside from the regular loot, this would be another good reason to farm them. People might actually start doing Danuar Sanctuary 👀

○ By having more active people going through that content, new comers to the server will be able to catch-up quicker so that they can have fun at the end-game. 

○ This means more Kamar/JMR/IWW groups as well.

○ People might also actually consider doing dredgion again for the AP and fragments so that they can get the items from the proposed NPC.

○ Also, there will be more people farming in Tiamaranta Eye for AP which means more competitiveness for the Tiamaranta Fortressess and more PvP in Tia Eye.

Things to consider:

• Make the high-value items like temperings/felicitous untradeable so that they don't screw up the economy;
• Adjust the prices of the items accordingly;
• Weekly purchase limit to avoid people who've hoarded Ceras/AP to gain an immediate advantage;


As for this idea not being "retail-like", we need to consider the fact that this isn't retail and we are staying at the same 4.6 patch for years. People who play non stop already have accumulated crazy amounts of medals and AP that they have nowhere to spend and we need something new to buy with them. Alternative idea would be to make it possible to exchange the medals for something else, such as Ceramium medals for Blood Marks making it possible to turn it to Abyss Points, increasing the chance of AP being sold (BM gear is tradeable with wraps and exchangeable for AP with shugos). The longer similar ideas are delayed the more advantage older players will have and not changing anything will reduce the incentive to stay and play on this server as there is no other long term goals after getting end game gear.


We would love to hear what are your thoughts about this!  


Idea created and proposed by:
Aselon#1496 (twitch)
Lucy#3365 (twitch)

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Albin    164
3 часа назад, Domikei сказал:

For general economy balance I would recommend making the most valuable items, such as Tempering Solutions, UNTRADEABLE.

Well, to make it economically balanced, you need to make EVERYTHING untradeable. Otherwise, a huge number of afk-people in dredgion are just waiting for us. And yes. AP is very easy to farm. Incredibly easy. Especially if you already end-game-geared. 

 We can talk for a long time - why this will break the balance of the game to hell. One of the reasons this server live for so long is the lack of such "improvements" that break the original concept of the game.  



3 часа назад, Domikei сказал:

The longer similar ideas are delayed the more advantage older players will have and not changing anything will reduce the incentive to stay and play on this server as there is no other long term goals after getting end game gear.

How about just playing the game and have some fun?
Of course, it will be nice to gear up the character, and abuse pvp activities for him, displaying up and medals as kinahs, and then selling the kinahs for real money (otherwise, the point in this whole idea with the exchange simply disappears, for what, when the character already has a end-game gear?). Well, or, as an option, to further widen the gap between new players and those who have been playing on the server for a long time. It's probably cool to kill newbies with two skills. (sarcasm)

In any case, the idea itself is not a bad one. But not viable, given the specifics of Aion. Otherwise, the Koreans themselves would have introduced such a function in this version of the game. 

In the realities of a pvp server, this concept could still be possible. But not on classic pve. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151

The idea is not that bad, but will cause even more problems. Many players have more than 3k medals and they will spend them pretty fast getting a lot of items and increasing the difference from the new players even greately. Which is not healthy. In the end they will not need all those items either  and it will not change anything for them (only that they will get more strenths).

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Mama    10
1 час назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

The idea is not that bad, but will cause even more problems. Many players have more than 3k medals and they will spend them pretty fast getting a lot of items and increasing the difference from the new players even greately. Which is not healthy. In the end they will not need all those items either  and it will not change anything for them (only that they will get more strenths).

двоякая ситуация,с одной стороны много с кем одевался кто фул ап,вижу их акки на фане ,кто то просто забил ,а те кто купил,я мониторю рынок, не появляются,+- я знаю  что за люди,вообщем и это удручает но не главное ,поэтому идея здравая,только курс должен минимум среднежесткий,хотя бы на тест ввести надо и это нужно касаемо лишь серки,ап будут абузить на твинах полюбому

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TheAlmighty    1,151
27 minutes ago, Mama said:

двоякая ситуация,с одной стороны много с кем одевался кто фул ап,вижу их акки на фане ,кто то просто забил ,а те кто купил,я мониторю рынок, не появляются,+- я знаю  что за люди,вообщем и это удручает но не главное ,поэтому идея здравая,только курс должен минимум среднежесткий,хотя бы на тест ввести надо и это нужно касаемо лишь серки,ап будут абузить на твинах полюбому

За этот тест и купят и заточатся все кому не лень и у кого есть сера. Мы увидим, что это помогло только старичкам, они оделись, а новичкам не помогло. Убираем и получаем море недовольства по поводу помощи старичкам. Такое.

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Mama    10
9 часов назад, TheAlmighty сказал:

За этот тест и купят и заточатся все кому не лень и у кого есть сера. Мы увидим, что это помогло только старичкам, они оделись, а новичкам не помогло. Убираем и получаем море недовольства по поводу помощи старичкам. Такое.

так это сделает фуловых богаче ,повысится экономика,будет больше  предложений на ауке ,меньше цена на итемы,как то так,мол скко то серки на мешок с камнем обычнным или компотом,типо такого ,чисто симвалически,это рили надо обдумать

Edited by Mama

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NancyFox    223

Good day.

I don't see anything good in this idea. This will make the gap between new players and oldies even bigger. The fan can be found on the endgame, there would be a desire. The administration introduces various events, holds promotions and contests. We have no goal to overclock the server and send it flying to distant galaxies. We have been steadily developing for the third year. And I would like to say once again a huge thank you to everyone who stays with us all this time, grows with us, supports us, as well as to those who come to our server and join us! Players coming to us expect the classic version of Aion 4.6. With game mechanics 4.6, economy 4.6 and dungeons 4.6. We introduce some innovations, but they do not concern the mechanics of the version. We update the "makeup", but the face remains unchanged. I hope my answer was quite comprehensive and understandable.
Thank you.

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Domikei    2

While I agree that there is a chance that the people with 3k stacks of medals could advance even further but in reality how many of those who hoarded the medals don't already have max gear and +5 accessories with high level plumes and so on. I believe that this would result in more enchanted plumes circulating the market reducing their prices and making them more accessible for new players (speaking from personal experience I've been playing on the server for 1.5 years on and off and i still don't have even a +3 or +5 plume simply cuz I don't want to spend billions on it). I think if you don't want to take the risk of putting high value items, such as tempering solutions and felicitous aids in the NPC(even untradeable) the idea could be reconsidered for other items. Perhaps for other suggested items like a composite manastone bundle or some skins. Also I believe putting such NPC as an event for a trial run could give great results to analyse and decide the further actions with it.

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Domikei    2
On 12/7/2021 at 2:58 AM, Albin said:

In any case, the idea itself is not a bad one. But not viable, given the specifics of Aion. Otherwise, the Koreans themselves would have introduced such a function in this version of the game. 

I appreciate your take on this but I would dare to argue that there still is a point of earning kinah after your character is end game geared just simply because you can start an alt character and use the kinah for it to experience the game from a completely different angle (but then again that just me who enjoys playing multiple characters to make the game more interesting). And also I would like to disagree with your statement about Koreans not introducing such feature - I believe its solely based on them never having same patch for too long and there always being a new patch coming in a year or two and introducing new medals that the old ones could be exchanged for, which this server will never have.

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utterbitter    33
On 12/7/2021 at 2:58 AM, Albin said:

Well, to make it economically balanced, you need to make EVERYTHING untradeable. Otherwise, a huge number of afk-people in dredgion are just waiting for us. And yes. AP is very easy to farm. Incredibly easy. Especially if you already end-game-geared. 

 We can talk for a long time - why this will break the balance of the game to hell. One of the reasons this server live for so long is the lack of such "improvements" that break the original concept of the game.  

You do realize that the temperings were dropping from events on retail and that was part of the balance, right? You do know there is a small clique of people that have +10 plumes and +5 accessories already and that's the actual disbalance, right? 





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