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Berserker only gives 70% attack

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Ghosy    0

Gladiator skill Berserking only gives about 70% attack, instead of 80% as it should be. Probably a bug, or is it intended?

Edited by Ghosy

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Christof    72

Hey @Ghosy, this might be a problem with the language or only visual changed, the game is like the old 4.6 so we didn't change skills status, which launcher language did you choose?

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Ghosy    0
20 hours ago, Christof said:

Hey @Ghosy, this might be a problem with the language or only visual changed, the game is like the old 4.6 so we didn't change skills status, which launcher language did you choose?

i use the english client. I checked with the aion wiki and there it says it should be 80%. I also tested with multiple Gladiators and looked at their attack stats (base and bonus) before and after buff. In all instances the attack value increased by just under 70%. And i believe that numbers should not be language based.

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phy    21

In this patch, a Gladiator's "white attack" value consists of its weapon attack, as shown by @CCCP, and the base stat "Power", which is 115.
This means the white attack value you see in your profile is in reality 15% higher than it actually is.

To calculate your actual "base attack" you have to add your weapon's min- and max-attack and divide it by two. If you add 15% from "Power" on top of that, you'll get the white attack value you see in your profile.

699 white attack in profile
457-759 weapon attack

(457 + 759) / 2 = 608 base attack

608 * 0.8 = 486 additional attack by using Berserking

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Christof    72
On 30/08/2021 at 1:54 PM, Ghosy said:

Gladiator skill Berserking only gives about 70% attack, instead of 80% as it should be. Probably a bug, or is it intended?

I asked the admins if the skill has 70 or 80% physical attack on our server, but this might be a problem with the skill text.

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Ghosy    0
15 hours ago, phy said:

In this patch, a Gladiator's "white attack" value consists of its weapon attack, as shown by @CCCP, and the base stat "Power", which is 115.
This means the white attack value you see in your profile is in reality 15% higher than it actually is.

To calculate your actual "base attack" you have to add your weapon's min- and max-attack and divide it by two. If you add 15% from "Power" on top of that, you'll get the white attack value you see in your profile.

699 white attack in profile
457-759 weapon attack

(457 + 759) / 2 = 608 base attack

608 * 0.8 = 486 additional attack by using Berserking

oh, thank you. i forgot the power stat

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