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Bard ninjas Taha GS

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Fiftysven    1


even we was DP and a bard "Killzu" ninjas tahas GS from the glad "geraldvonriva", with the words "glads dont wear two handed"

plz give the glad the gs and fk the bard. :)



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Sailorhuhn    6

Greatsword is more of a Templar weapon rather than Gladiator. Also Tahabta GS stats aren't that much better than the gifted weapons for creating a character.

So it has most of all a cosmetic purpose and therefor should not be punished.

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TheAlmighty    1,145


Such questions about who gets what weapon should be discussed at the beginning of the dungeon. We do not interfere in such things. Plus it is a level 50 dungeon, and all the weapons are mainly for the skins, not for the use. 

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Sailorhuhn    6

It is most likely as TheAlmighty said - talk over needs before doing the run. If then something happens you can complain, but again the weapon is cosmetic in this patch.

Also consider the possibility of that person having a main which he/she wished the GS as skin for. Don't let something this minor ruin your time in the game. :D

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Raidon    108

Why bother anyway? This is a skin weapon that's available in shop if you want it later on.  Not like he stole Sauro weapon from you.

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TheAlmighty    1,145
On 8/11/2021 at 3:30 PM, Fiftysven said:

This is pretty sad, cause u allow the ninjas to steal.


We take actions only if there's stealing of the full drop. When you can clearly see that the player changes the loot to the captain only and takes everything from the group. As we did recently for the Sunayaka thief. Here you just didn't discuss the drop. 

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