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More evidence report about Asmo bot gunner

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Alexwooster    1

Hi ~Many days have passed, why haven’t the processing results been announced?

Edited by Alexwooster

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Alexwooster    1
On 2021/7/5 at 1:42 AM, Christof said:

Hey, i send the videos to our admins they'll check it, thanks for the report

Let‘s take Purrfect to the hospital and check if she blind~XDDDD

And let's use BOT together in this server Bcoz the admins cant identify BOTS XDDDDDDDDDD~~


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It is very hard to judje on these videos. The player doesn't do anything circled, plus he is running、 jumping. and he can also attack u and when with low hp he would rest to restore health. Also when you appeared in from of him from hide, the player started running from you. Therefore GM cannot take any actions as not being sure of the actions of the player. 

No bots are allowed on the serever, however the video provided doesn't prove to GM anything. GM see the player running, jumping and killing the monsters. As soon as he sees the other player of the other faction he runs away. 

GM is sorry if you're not happy with the decision, but GM never ban anyone unless we are sure about the violation by 100%. 

Remenber No Bots are Allowed on the Serever !   But GM never ban anyone unless GM are sure about the violation by 100%! His 99% action show him in an abnormal state, but GM will find out any point which is reasonable, even its 0.00001%, GM wont ban him.

The other game's GM : try to find out any point which is not reasonable.

Euroaion's GM : try to find out any point which is reasonable. If found, the admins checked the video and there's nothing against their rules in it.

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Да, это бот. Неоднократно его встречал в подземке. неделю уже фармит там по ночам.Как припрется часов в 11 вечера так и до утра там. Никак не реагирует, приходит по кд после смерти. 

Edited by Слоупок

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Если это не бот, то все мы тут в сговоре клевещим на бедного неодетого нонейма, который нас даже не бьет..

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ldfilip    47

Why do you care about him so much? Did he kill you while u were afk or what? :D We could use some bots on the server anyway... On offi servers they were farming mobs no one cared about and supplied all kinds of material at broker no one would ever bother to farm, even when need it.

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TheAlmighty    1,145

Dear players, 

Bots are not allowed on our server. We have a rule against it and we act whenever there's clear picture of bots. Unfortunately, sometimes it can be that the proofs or even following the player do not show much to us. Or the case is just not easy to decide. 

Whenever we are sure in the use of bots, the player gets the sanctions immediately. 


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