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I suggest they check the player Ikivada

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Adronic    0

Hello, I suggest a review to the "Ikivada" player.
What happened was that I killed myself with two super fast attacks.
I honestly see it too much.
I would like them to review those who use external tools because the speed with which my character died was extreme, I have a fairly good set to kill me like that, not even a general has ever killed me that quickly.
His attacks were super fast being mecca I saw that it is as if he did not have animations or the animations were faster than normal.
I suggest that he be reviewed and banned if they deem it appropriate or impose the corresponding sanction.

Thanks in advance, I hope we all have a fairer gaming experience without external tools.-_-

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Christof    73


We can check it, but you must provide us a video of him killing you and we'd like to see the chat log.

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