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SendLogClient - getting it 2-3 times per day

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Fox    1

Hi, unfortunately since the fire emregency, I get this error every day like 2-3 times. I also notice that other players from party suddenly 'disappear'. So I assume I am not only affected and other get that anoying error as well. Can you please have a look on this?


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TheAlmighty    1,145


Sendlogs are caused by the corrupted game client and/or wrong software.
Please, install all the programs from the following topic:, even if you already have higher versions of those. Pay attention to the installation of DirectX!

In order to fix the game client, add the game to the white list of all your antimalware programs, including windows defender and firewall. Then check the game with the launcher. Make sure you didn't install any modifications to the game and downloaded the game client from us (without updating the other client). 

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Fox    1

Hi, thanks for the reply. I checked everything and did according to your advise. But I still get the sendlog error everyday...

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TheAlmighty    1,145
On 5/19/2021 at 3:18 PM, Fox said:

Hi, thanks for the reply. I checked everything and did according to your advise. But I still get the sendlog error everyday...

Probably there's something in your system or hardware that causes this issue. Sendlogs can be easily caused by the slow PCs or some programs interferring with the game client. 

The most usual case is the incorrectly installed directx or broken game client. 

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Fox    1

I still get the send log, unfortunately. I tried to do the file check today, but I got some very weird error message. I have no idea what does it mean, Does any one have a clue..?


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Christof    73

Hello, @Fox we have a solution for this problem, just follow the step below:

 Check the game with the "torrent client" with our "torrent file" after it starts the launcher and press "play" re jecting all the requests for updates.photo_2021-06-13_23-58-17.jpg.19f5e6e55349730a002ac3a9a9379177.jpg

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Fox    1

Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried to fix it as u said above with the torrent client, but i didnt change anything. I still get this long error message. Now I cant even update the game... Should I just reinstall the game?

Edited by Fox

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TheAlmighty    1,145
36 minutes ago, Fox said:

Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried to fix it as u said above with the torrent client, but i didnt change anything. I still get this long error message. Now I cant even update the game... Should I just reinstall the game?

Unfortunately, sendlogs can be also caused by any software installed on the PC or by the settings and hardware of your PC.

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Christof    73
15 hours ago, Fox said:

Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried to fix it as u said above with the torrent client, but i didnt change anything. I still get this long error message. Now I cant even update the game... Should I just reinstall the game?

If you're getting the monotorrent problem, check the game with the "torrent client" with our torrent file not the launcher torrent, but a separate torrent client!
Then start the launcher and press play "rejecting all" the requests for updates.


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Fox    1

I'm sorry but I don't understand... Launcher torrent..? Separate torrent client...? I'm downloading now the game client using the uTorrent program. What should I do next?

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NancyFox    223

1. Disable all antivirus programs.
2. Run the TORRENT program you have installed and specify the address of the Aion game installed on 
your PC in it.
3. Perform a full check of the game client using a TORRENT program and a torrent file downloaded from our 
4.. Launch the launcher and click PLAY.
5. SKIP the update request.

Carefully check the directory specified in the torrent program as the address to the folder with the game!


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Fox    1

I'm sorry but I have no idea what are you talking about. How am I suppose to use µTorrent to update or check my game client? This should be done via game launcher, not the µTorrent.. Can you maybe please provide some screenshots fof this?

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Christof    73
4 hours ago, Fox said:

I'm sorry but I have no idea what are you talking about. How am I suppose to use µTorrent to update or check my game client? This should be done via game launcher, not the µTorrent.. Can you maybe please provide some screenshots fof this?

Could you try to do the following steps:

Open your game Launcher and press play, you might get a square with two buttons, update and play, just press play and let me know if you can join the game with no errors.


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Fox    1

Yea, I can play now without any problems. Thanks for help, and I appreciate your patience :)

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