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Raynow    12

To improve PVP quality, I think should be good for everyone create a new queue for KBF and EOB for people who play in American Countries, because Euro Aion has players from the whole world but in the EU time is not accessible to everyone... Of course I know the server is EU, but most of these people who play from other regions just go AFK in this PVP instances cuz they're working or just can't play at the moment, so I think a new timer would improve the queue for who play from EU Region because AFK players should decrease drastically, the server would become more active and competitive in European dawns, there are around 250~400 players Online every occidental night and this would rise if ppl had something to do. My suggestion is around 3 AM~5 AM server time to Queue up these PVP instances. I hope you guys understand and consider, ty!

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jvbhidalgo    2
Posted (edited)

pleeeease, need that for yesteday! im like 4 month farming only EB daily and on wknd doing siege for GP. Kamar and EOB at this time would help a bunch of ppl that can't do on actual server time

Edited by jvbhidalgo
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outhz    3

just complementing, not only would benefit abroad regions but also wouldnt impact negatively servers quality based on the fact that players have limit per day on those instances, im not any specialist but by far it looks only favorable for the server and community diversity

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Hyka    3

it would help a lot, there are a lot of players who have a lot of medals, but they can't get a rank because they don't do siege or eob, ob, due to the server schedule here in Brazil, kamar and eob in the early hours of the morning for you wouldn't disturb the server, just would attract more players from this South American region

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authiekt    4

Please, this would really help the server. Euro is the only good server for Aion right now, so there is player from all over the world. Give attention to us too

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