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Mei    0

Hello, I would like to talk today about something that quite worries me, but before, I would like to put everybody who is going to take the time to read everything up in some context.

This patch is highly beloved, no doubt, almost anyone I know loves this patch and remembers it with nostalgia, but it has a HUGE problem. balance. You see, in the past people played for fun and used the class they enjoy. I don't think im wrong saying that, mostly anyone in this server has played aion before and the reason they are here is because of nostalgia, meaning they are quite experienced in the game. But there's just one problem. The most experience we got, the less balance we have, and thats because this patch is light years to be balanced. And with all this knowledge people own, the abuse for those juicy wins for glory points, AP, or even reputation starts. and with that, something in this game cracks. People no longer play what they enjoy, they just play the most ideally broken class that exist (which is the gunner by the way). And this is a problem, because everytime someone gets oneshooted in less than 1 second with juggernaut cannon + spirit cannon + something else, their passion for the game is one step closer to the extintion, because lets face it. there's gunners everywhere and the fact that the 80% of them use synapse for turbomacros doesn't help either.  On the other side, I totally understand that this patch is the most worthy of all to run in a private server. Is perfectly balanced in terms of P2W. You can farm your stuff, and you can also accelerate your progress donating or abusing twitch streams but this post is not about how massively broken the streamer coops is but just a little bit, there's a cap on your stats and that kinda conforts the f2p and grindy players, some day, you will reach that endgame, soon or later. So no, this is not a post about asking to change the patch before you totally ignore this, I love katalam, the 4.6 and I think this is the ultimate patch, it just need something else. I have a question for you all, do you know the game League Of Legends? (this is not a sponsor in any way, is just an example btw) The most consistently played game in all the history of videogames, is basically, after all this time the same shit. You gotta make your way into the lanes, destroying towers objectives etc till you destroy the enemy base. thats pretty much it. So I wonder, how its possible that a game so "simple" can be so consistenly played? Guys: Patch notes. thats it, patch notes!!!

You can expect to leave a game the way it is and think it will run for ever with enough players to sustain yourself or you may work, or you can look for the perfection that will create a refreshing feeling among the players, and also give a sensation that the administration does actually care for their player base. And before you wrap your hands arround your heads and start screaming, no, im not saying "nerf gunners". I understand it. Delete people is the gunner job. But deffensive sets are also a thing and honestly gunners give two shits about magic suppresion. So what can we do about this: 

Do sighly changes on skills in order to buff or nerf indirectly other classes, for example:

Gladiator defense preparation: +3%pvp defense.

Bard shield: +5% pvp defense.

Play a little bit with sighly changes, see if people feel good about them. If a change is too impactfull, people will complain, and you will know when to turn back in a change.

I understand that this might be too difficult, or some people won't like the changes at all. But please, keep in mind two things:

1: Im asking about very little changes, to make things statistically better, not just "now gladiators can facetank anything they want with defence preparation" or now bards sudently can beat anyone they please. the changes im looking for is: "gladiators die a 6% less times against gunners" or bards win a 7 % more against assassins (I dont know, is an example). 

2: Leaving the game the way it is, for ever, it's basically sentence it to death. the fact that is exactly the same as the original doesn't mean is perfect, keep in mind that covid 19 had a great impact on this server and this situation will soon end. When the people start leaving, and your numbers of online players dropping, I highly doubt another quarintine will appear to safe this situation one more time.

Summary: Change is good.




and synapse fucking sucks!


edited some mistakes*



Edited by Mei

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Matyukha    0
В 09.02.2021 в 15:06, Mei сказал:

Leaving the game the way it is, for ever, it's basically sentence it to death

People come . people go .  

В 09.02.2021 в 15:06, Mei сказал:

there's gunners everywhere and the fact that the 80% of them use synapse for turbomacros doesn't help either

Can you give some explane about why 80% people who play as a gunner can't push buttoms and need only full macro? or names . i want see that game .

В 09.02.2021 в 15:06, Mei сказал:

Summary: Change is good.

So.Like you said for a "changes" . May be it time for reroll on gunn ? 

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The post started interesting and went to complete shit. You should learn how to play because every class has its weaknesses and can be countered. Maybe you should make a gunner to learn how to fight them. All I read here is: "I SUCK I CANT KILL GUNNER PLEASE BOOST MY PREFERRED CLASSES QQ".

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Casna    5

If you can't beat them, join them. This also counts for Synapse btw. I hope you have enough money to buy yourself some Razer equipment and didn't spend it all on LoL-skins already.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


We've made the server retail-like and therefore all the skills and classes work as intended by the game creators. For some players it is easy to play, for others not, or just depending on the class. 

All the classes are balanced to some extent, meaning having the plusses and minuses, opposite classes. 

I'm sorry if some things can be inconvenient for you, but we are not going to change any class balance. The players come here to enjoy unchanged aion, plus the point of the server to provide the untouched game. 

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Mei    0
On 13/2/2021 at 3:11 AM, Areyouseriousbanthisguy said:

The post started interesting and went to complete shit. You should learn how to play because every class has its weaknesses and can be countered. Maybe you should make a gunner to learn how to fight them. All I read here is: "I SUCK I CANT KILL GUNNER PLEASE BOOST MY PREFERRED CLASSES QQ".

I made a gunner long ago and It's completely easy and overtunned, never lost to a 1v1 vs a gladiator unless they get extremely lucky with KDs or determination. and I think it's very clear that I didn't want just to make my class stronger and gunner weaker. I wanted some tunes in general to make the game better. But this is wasting my time with you because you talk like you belive there's ways to beat gunners who have some brain xD

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Mei    0
On 13/2/2021 at 4:19 AM, Casna said:

If you can't beat them, join them. This also counts for Synapse btw. I hope you have enough money to buy yourself some Razer equipment and didn't spend it all on LoL-skins already.

I have a keyboard with synapse, I choose to not use it though :) 

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Mei    0
On 13/2/2021 at 12:58 AM, Matyukha said:

So.Like you said for a "changes" . May be it time for reroll on gunn ? 

I played gunner for some time, but I rerolled back to my class because its super boring not having counterplay once you get gear

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Flamenco    0
Posted (edited)
On 2/21/2021 at 4:21 AM, TheAlmighty said:

All the classes are balanced to some extent, meaning having the plusses and minuses, opposite classes. 

The only counter to gunner is AT, which is also overpowered in this ver but not as much imo

Gunner is too op because it was a new class, it wasn't "intended" by the developers as they nerfed/balanced gunner in following patches... Unless they wanted to make people try a new class before they nerf it, which also doesn't make any sense on EuroAion when the server had already started from 4.6

People don't care for "unchanged" Aion, it's already filled with cosmetics from future versions, some new events etc. It really wouldn't hurt tweaking gunner stats a tiny bit and observe.

Edited by Flamenco

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Knox    3

Time proved this post right , the list of best players full of gunners , and it is the most used class. In the end you were absolutely right. Today year 2025 the imbalance between classes is very noticeable.

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Gallas    18
On 26.02.2021 at 12:03 AM, Mei said:

I made a gunner long ago and It's completely easy and overtunned, never lost to a 1v1 vs a gladiator unless they get extremely lucky with KDs or determination. and I think it's very clear that I didn't want just to make my class stronger and gunner weaker. I wanted some tunes in general to make the game better. But this is wasting my time with you because you talk like you belive there's ways to beat gunners who have some brain xD

If you are looking for balanced and fair matchups especially for 1v1, 4.6 is one of the most wrong adress. Its the classical aion experience but its way away from being balanced/fair matchups for PvP. But I have a question, instead of buffing gladiator why you didn't recommend to nerf gunner ? XDDDD

You, like everyone else, want a balance that will bring you profit rather than fairness.

I think here is just became a game that the ppl abusing every single benefit and advantage, no need to tryhard here xdd

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Rammstein    0
В 09.02.2021 в 14:06, Mei сказал:

Hello, I would like to talk today about something that quite worries me, but before, I would like to put everybody who is going to take the time to read everything up in some context.

This patch is highly beloved, no doubt, almost anyone I know loves this patch and remembers it with nostalgia, but it has a HUGE problem. balance. You see, in the past people played for fun and used the class they enjoy. I don't think im wrong saying that, mostly anyone in this server has played aion before and the reason they are here is because of nostalgia, meaning they are quite experienced in the game. But there's just one problem. The most experience we got, the less balance we have, and thats because this patch is light years to be balanced. And with all this knowledge people own, the abuse for those juicy wins for glory points, AP, or even reputation starts. and with that, something in this game cracks. People no longer play what they enjoy, they just play the most ideally broken class that exist (which is the gunner by the way). And this is a problem, because everytime someone gets oneshooted in less than 1 second with juggernaut cannon + spirit cannon + something else, their passion for the game is one step closer to the extintion, because lets face it. there's gunners everywhere and the fact that the 80% of them use synapse for turbomacros doesn't help either.  On the other side, I totally understand that this patch is the most worthy of all to run in a private server. Is perfectly balanced in terms of P2W. You can farm your stuff, and you can also accelerate your progress donating or abusing twitch streams but this post is not about how massively broken the streamer coops is but just a little bit, there's a cap on your stats and that kinda conforts the f2p and grindy players, some day, you will reach that endgame, soon or later. So no, this is not a post about asking to change the patch before you totally ignore this, I love katalam, the 4.6 and I think this is the ultimate patch, it just need something else. I have a question for you all, do you know the game League Of Legends? (this is not a sponsor in any way, is just an example btw) The most consistently played game in all the history of videogames, is basically, after all this time the same shit. You gotta make your way into the lanes, destroying towers objectives etc till you destroy the enemy base. thats pretty much it. So I wonder, how its possible that a game so "simple" can be so consistenly played? Guys: Patch notes. thats it, patch notes!!!

You can expect to leave a game the way it is and think it will run for ever with enough players to sustain yourself or you may work, or you can look for the perfection that will create a refreshing feeling among the players, and also give a sensation that the administration does actually care for their player base. And before you wrap your hands arround your heads and start screaming, no, im not saying "nerf gunners". I understand it. Delete people is the gunner job. But deffensive sets are also a thing and honestly gunners give two shits about magic suppresion. So what can we do about this: 

Do sighly changes on skills in order to buff or nerf indirectly other classes, for example:

Gladiator defense preparation: +3%pvp defense.

Bard shield: +5% pvp defense.

Play a little bit with sighly changes, see if people feel good about them. If a change is too impactfull, people will complain, and you will know when to turn back in a change.

I understand that this might be too difficult, or some people won't like the changes at all. But please, keep in mind two things:

1: Im asking about very little changes, to make things statistically better, not just "now gladiators can facetank anything they want with defence preparation" or now bards sudently can beat anyone they please. the changes im looking for is: "gladiators die a 6% less times against gunners" or bards win a 7 % more against assassins (I dont know, is an example). 

2: Leaving the game the way it is, for ever, it's basically sentence it to death. the fact that is exactly the same as the original doesn't mean is perfect, keep in mind that covid 19 had a great impact on this server and this situation will soon end. When the people start leaving, and your numbers of online players dropping, I highly doubt another quarintine will appear to safe this situation one more time.

Summary: Change is good.




and synapse fucking sucks!


edited some mistakes*



What doesn’t work well is still better not to touch 😅 otherwise it will be even worse

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Twinsb    5

I Play this game since Beta back at 2009 ( omg 15 years :P ) , every patch we have the same thing BALANCE.

Back at first days all ppl was crying for balance  sin / Glad  for stuns/knock  later for cleric for M.res set , Sm for Fears  now Guners....... etc.

I learned 1 thing all this years ( to be honest i am not pvp Player , i am to old for that )  balance is relevant.

Learn your character and you will be ok.

P.S   I remember when blue/Gold gears are important  1 chanter wiped full grp  ( same lvl ) so  master your char and forget tears :)  

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Knox    3
On 30/1/2025 at 8:51 AM, Twinsb said:

I Play this game since Beta back at 2009 ( omg 15 years :P ) , every patch we have the same thing BALANCE.

Back at first days all ppl was crying for balance  sin / Glad  for stuns/knock  later for cleric for M.res set , Sm for Fears  now Guners....... etc.

I learned 1 thing all this years ( to be honest i am not pvp Player , i am to old for that )  balance is relevant.

Learn your character and you will be ok.

P.S   I remember when blue/Gold gears are important  1 chanter wiped full grp  ( same lvl ) so  master your char and forget tears :)  

That's the problem, even dominating the character loses sense, imagine you are a gladiator, and you meet a sm that kills you just using his 4 fear skills. Or a gunner blows you up with two cannon shots because his damage is ridiculous, where is the balance? What's the point of mastering your character if you're going to find yourself in situations where you can't do anything. Do you want another example? Imagine a songweaver, what's the point of being well equipped and mastering your character if the class is the most useless in jcj? What's the point of being a good songweaver if people are going to pass on you because they prefer another magic class regardless of the set? You're up against a Tech and you're going to look like an idiot when you see that your skills don't come in because the AT class resists your skills because it wants to. Dude for some reason the classes I mentioned were tweaked in later patches. You probably don't feel this problem because you don't play jcj so you don't experience the stress and frustration of imbalance. And another thing, the synapse, THEY SHOULD IMPLEMENT A FUNCTION WHERE EVERYONE CAN USE THE SYNAPSIS SYSTEM, AS IT GIVES A MUCH ADVANTAGE TO WHOEVER HAS IT AGAINST ANOTHER PERSON WHO DOESN'T HAVE IT .


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Пистолетный класс должен стать слабее. Сейчас все играют на нем, потому что он может выстрелить в каждого. Когда я иду на арену, они убивают меня за 1 удар, в пвп - за 1 удар, а в открытом мире - за 1 удар. Класс пистолетов уничтожает игру. У класса есть 1 синий и 1 красный бафф, в которых говорится, что они добавляют игроку урон. Может быть, попробовать сделать их ниже или удалить бонусный урон игрока? ПВЕ дпс не изменится, если вы это сделаете.

Может быть, также стоит уменьшить божественный камень, потому что пистолетный класс получает от него много преимуществ благодаря баффам, добавляющим хиты.


Gun class needs to get weaker. Everyone playing gun now because it can one shot everyone. I go arena and they kill me in 1 hit, i go group pvp and they kill me in 1 hit, i go open world and they kill me in 1 hit. The gun class is destroying the game. The class have 1 blue buff and 1 red buff that says they add player damage. Maybe try making them lower or delete the player bonus damage? will not change PVE dps if you do this.

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Rammstein    0
12 часов назад, Espressodepresso сказал:

Пистолетный класс должен стать слабее. Сейчас все играют на нем, потому что он может выстрелить в каждого. Когда я иду на арену, они убивают меня за 1 удар, в пвп - за 1 удар, а в открытом мире - за 1 удар. Класс пистолетов уничтожает игру. У класса есть 1 синий и 1 красный бафф, в которых говорится, что они добавляют игроку урон. Может быть, попробовать сделать их ниже или удалить бонусный урон игрока? ПВЕ дпс не изменится, если вы это сделаете.

Может быть, также стоит уменьшить божественный камень, потому что пистолетный класс получает от него много преимуществ благодаря баффам, добавляющим хиты.


Gun class needs to get weaker. Everyone playing gun now because it can one shot everyone. I go arena and they kill me in 1 hit, i go group pvp and they kill me in 1 hit, i go open world and they kill me in 1 hit. The gun class is destroying the game. The class have 1 blue buff and 1 red buff that says they add player damage. Maybe try making them lower or delete the player bonus damage? will not change PVE dps if you do this.

да гс это что то , у меня уже видюшек больше чем айон весит  где син х2-3 парала дает подряд , вообще не честно такого не видел никогда и нигде )

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