Playerl 2 Posted February 4, 2021 Hi, I felt that I should create a topic after I got some experience in the server. I suppose there are so many different people playing this version of the game just because they love all the things or some particular things that the version includes. So changing specific features of the game might end up with the occurrence of unexpected results that both the administration and the players do not want. However, as a member of this community, I am paying attention to a specific situation that is whether a problem or necessity which I do not know for sure just because it is a controversial case. That situation is the GP/Glory Points/Honour Points system that the game has for now. I read all the related previous topics in the forum so I got some insights. I understand that the administration wants to make the game remain as much as retail-like as part of their policy and preference. I understand that some players do not want to change the system and some want it to be changed. I understand that changing things in the game might cause serious problems with some chance. However, as a new player playing for 2-month approximately I started to be discouraged to play this server as the time passes by, I hate the system as much as I love the patch just because even though I have the all required Cera Medals and AP I cannot buy the end game gear, due to the huge amount of GP required to purchase the gear, to get competitive with the other players and have some fun. Which is the main point of a video game isn't it? To have fun, at all. I want to present my personal ideas; I-I assume that most of us know that no game can be extremely perfect, there will be always some issues after all as a video game is created by humans who can make mistakes at any time. I personally disagree with the idea of keeping everything as retail but I strongly support the idea of altering things for the greater good. I want to share a passage with you from a very beloved movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Quote "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance...There again, progress for progress's sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering... Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness, and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited." which, I hope, shed light on the concept of the excessive conservatism might cause as if some of you are familiar with the movie and the administrative preferences of Dolores Umbridge, this a simple criticism for the EuroAion Administration, please take it modest and serious. Flexibility is the key I think, but not wanting to contribute the hard work you should go through even for a tiny change in the game sometimes is a valid excuse but it is also really appreciated by the community if done properly. II- As either I and some people want the system to be changed, I can also understand the worries of the high ranking players as if the system to be changed. However, I strongly find their arguments, for a system change, a bit selfish, deficient and incorrect just because as I read all previous topics these people reject a reduction type system change as the gap between players will get narrowed as the reduction method will be applied as a percentage. I can say that it is really something hurtful that the points you really spent time for are to be taken away so easily but please show some empathy towards the difficulty of being a new player and not getting a simple end game gear after you made a serious effort on getting Cera Medals and AP. Furthermore, applying the method for all players creates an equal environment as one positive, it creates an opportunity for new players to catch up on the fight along the way to the high rankings which ends up with more active top players meaning sieges will be fun as another positive, thus attracting more new players to the game as the third positive, it helps people to get AP PvP set much easier in view of the fact that hardworking for gathering AP and Cera Medals should be some meaning right? as the fourth positive, people who are not active enough to be cleared from the way which removes the obstacles from in front of new players to reach high ranks as the fifth positive, and maybe more I do not think of, more positives and negatives... These are my initial thoughts about the situation, it is really a fair option to lose if all others lose as well, the only thing the high rankings to accept is the small gap closure disadvantage that the % reduction system offers, which can be easily overcome if you are a determined player all the time you will keep the rank, being at the top requires all-time hardworking and you should deserve it, but being a casual player trying to get a simple end game set to be competitive and have fun should not require all-time hard work we are already deserving it by gathering all those Cera Medals and AP. As long as an action should be taken it will be either the change of the system or the conservation of the system, those are both actions as long as you choose to act to change or to keep. I do not say that the system change should be %reduction type, there can be various solutions to support people as a whole, that is why I am opening this topic now and I am kindly asking you to share your ideas, arguments and counter-arguments for the good of the community comprehensively. As one last thing, I am asking to whom opposing or supporting my arguments and the very administration itself; Quote Please take a deep breath and be honest even if it is the first time and ask yourself this question and then answer it. Which one is better for the greater good? Keeping the system as it has been until now to discourage new players and even some high rankings to keep playing - or - Changing the system so that each and every player can play as they want to play. If no action will be taken I will really sadly quit playing just because that as a casual player who enters every day for some time and wants to have some fun at all but cannot have it because of the restrictions and no-life requirements existing in the very game itself. I have a life going on in real life like all other players, some want to spend all and some want to spend some of it in the game if you choose not to take action the second section might quit the game eventually if you choose to change many new players might decide to keep playing, so int the end, inevitably, you will lose players as you cannot keep them all of course but the point is; in which scenario you will be able to keep a higher population as it is both players' and the administration's primary concern I assume. We as casual players really appreciate if we can have some fun playing the game for some time in a week. I will not make any further comments but follow all the debate for some time with the hope of any incoming change if any debate and change start at all. Best regards to all, 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chusheen 45 Posted February 5, 2021 (edited) 2* is endgame pvp gear and you have the required GP after 2-3 weeks on Asmoside. You need about 9k. Lets say you start from zero and do only 550gp daily (450 from sieges which is like 3x150gp per fortress that is easy as f to manage) and 100 from EB you would get the 2* on asmo in 18 days (18x 550 = 9k+). So if you realy have enough Ceras and Ap for the whole 2* set (and even the best methods requires 2-3 months to have all the Ceras and AP needed for it) then what did you do the whole time and not having enough gp for 2* Officer Rank? Kekekekw Btw im a casual too and still managed to gear up 3 characters on this server. Almost the 4th char soon and i have life, cancer, job, friends, no gf (Reco rejected me) and still can gear up easily as casual. 4.6 is actualy one of the most casual friendly patches Aion ever had since you dont have much to do daily for a fine amount of ceras and ap ( mkk, dreds, siege, eb, sometimes ob or sauro takes me max 3 hours per day) Thats a joke compared how grindy previous patches were or how other games are Edited February 5, 2021 by Chusheen Typo 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Souli 22 Posted February 13, 2021 On 2/5/2021 at 4:17 PM, Chusheen said: 2* is endgame pvp gear and you have the required GP after 2-3 weeks on Asmoside. You need about 9k. Lets say you start from zero and do only 550gp daily (450 from sieges which is like 3x150gp per fortress that is easy as f to manage) and 100 from EB you would get the 2* on asmo in 18 days (18x 550 = 9k+). So if you realy have enough Ceras and Ap for the whole 2* set (and even the best methods requires 2-3 months to have all the Ceras and AP needed for it) then what did you do the whole time and not having enough gp for 2* Officer Rank? Kekekekw Btw im a casual too and still managed to gear up 3 characters on this server. Almost the 4th char soon and i have life, cancer, job, friends, no gf (Reco rejected me) and still can gear up easily as casual. 4.6 is actualy one of the most casual friendly patches Aion ever had since you dont have much to do daily for a fine amount of ceras and ap ( mkk, dreds, siege, eb, sometimes ob or sauro takes me max 3 hours per day) Thats a joke compared how grindy previous patches were or how other games are Oh dear I do love this kind of post as say "I can do it and I am casual, do yourself", pretty much on the direction of "do not change nothing". Aion do have a huge problem within with new players, as the game "rewards" you with "beeing loyal" basically with beeing easy as you spread your network of friends on the game, and that's something I do always think on: A network of friends do help to improve on a game, every one, and Aion is no exception. Some people do find easy to make friends and they can aid them with a SWB or a Kata run, or some dreds and some do not have that easy way, and I myself I was Officer 4 Asmodian on Retail and it took YEARS to fully make a obsolete 2 officer gear decent. Also, joining the winning faction does not mean be easy, you gotta need score frist if you want to get the medals, and those veterans on sieges will know where and what to do to get a Rank 1 (Wich is a thing I do , but I don't get any Rank 1 on this server, on retail it was very unlikly) To be honest, I started to dislike this version of the game, as I read previously: It' not fun beeing killed while doing garrisons. And they are right, there is no fun of beeing oneshot by a mass of enemies that makes you have to visit the garrison when it turns your faction again, and that can take hours, I think that other versions are new-friendly, as the Kaisiniel/Marchutan long quest line for gear, wich yes, it was long and hard, but they gear was quite good, and the ArchDaeva update, you could go to some dungeruns like Library of Knownledge and get that gear, then, at the Abyss, you do garrisons and you could run by some epic or mythic bloodmedall gear. I recently revisited another private server, (Not "Aion", it is another P2W game sandbox that everyone was hyped on) it was itching me, when I did left that game, they were at 3.0, now they run 5.2 , and honestly, they are not doing that bad, they are adding new stuff , self made stuff, constant stuff, I didn't feel like much was changed, just some stuff gone but mostly, they still with somethings that should had gone because they work, what I do try to say is, that EuroAion should be not afraid of touching the game to improve it, of course, they can do custom events, but they should be sure that they are not like the boxes on Silentera or South Katlam , wich it was mostly for gankers. The team could sit, think and wonder: "Is this version letting us to do a lot of stuff we do want to do?" "Is this version really worth it as it is or do need some tweak?" "What does needed the vanilla version and how can I make it better?" They want to make the game more accesible without touching too much the game? They could lower the requisits of the Soldier's gear, less AP and Ceranium need, they could add MKK entrances at both landings on Abyss so players can go without problem, they could give the same medalls to everyone despite rank that would be only for GP, they could make harder the boss of the loosing faction to avoid beeing disencouraged as it happens frequently. Katalam is not the best map of Aion, period, if people do want still get intro the map, then we could settle portals somewhere (Sanctum and Pandaemonium seem a choise) to make them accesible again, we do know that when a patch is applied, the maps simply hide, and retail was able to bring Tiamaranta's Eye for a event once, so it's possible to kept Katalam while advancing on patches. And no, Aion does is not only unfriendly with new players, they are unfriendly with those who make potions, scrolls, items for a living too... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted February 21, 2021 Hello, I'm sorry for giving a reply with a delay. It can be harder to reach the high ranks if you start the game after some time, but it is still always possible. All the time players were able to reach ranks even if they started playing years after the server start. We already have the system which doubles the GP loss for the people in ranking. Regarding getting the gear, it is not impossible, just let's not forget that it is a game genre, which requires time in exchange for items and levels. There are different types of gear as well to choose from. Changing anything in the gearing system will also be unfair for the players who had spent time for getting it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted February 26, 2021 I have 5.649 GP at the moment and I am not even *1 and the gap is going up and up every day now *2 is around 11-12k, after 1 month, and it is 13-14, and it goes like this I believe. I have 173 Ceras and around 1.5k AP. I play this game for fun, yet I spend time on it. I could buy 3 pieces of *2 star gear if I could and that would improve my gameplay, instead, I cannot get it just because I am not *2 and that sometimes make me feel bad, and let s be honest, this game is mainly gear based, ofc skill is important, but you cannot deny the importance of gear. I quote what you just said. Quote Regarding getting the gear, it is not impossible, just let's not forget that it is a game genre, which requires time in exchange for items and levels. There are different types of gear as well to choose from. Changing anything in the gearing system will also be unfair for the players who had spent time for getting it. Nobody said it is impossible, it is a matter of efficiency and the current system is not efficient at all clearly. So you are implying that my effort to get all those AP and Ceras means nothing to you if I did not gather enough GP. You are implying that I being unable to get *2 gear is not unfair at all. But it would be unfair if you remove the restrictions. So you are implying that Gathering all those Ceras and AP is a simple thing that requires no time. Dude, I have spent many hours in this game to make all those items, you are saying all those are not worth being able to get a 2* set. Removing the restrictions is a positive improvement. You cannot just say it would be unfair. WHAT?!?! I am asking how I managed to gather that CERAS and AP? I SPENT TIME ON THEM, I COMPLETELY DESERVE TO GET A 2* SET EVEN THOUGH I DO NOT MAKE ENOUGH GP, this is not retail guys, let people choose if they want to be a high rank or not. I do not want to wait for days and days until I gather the required GP. I try to do sieges but I completely hate it. Not getting enough GP does not mean I do not deserve to get 2* gear, as I said before soooo many times, and you also know that, gathering all those AP and CERAS require effort. So removing restrictions will not be unfair at all. Rank brings nothing other than Transform, right? If we leave out the generals and governer, it is simply pointless for gear, It does not simply make it efficient if this system was on retail, everybody makes mistakes. Really, your way of thinking is interesting, I put effort to gather items but you say it would be unfair So my effort means nothing at all? I really don t get it. Double loss means nothing btw, ppl can hold their places although they make 100-200 GP I claim it and my proof is just simple math , PLEASE DISPROVE IT WITH PROOF. It is still pointless. Just remove the restrictions guys, it is not retail. Your attitude, geez, I just don t get it. You just said that my efforts are nothing Hilarious, thank you guys, for ignoring all my effort for gathering all those AP and CERAS. This system is really ok for retail as there were too many people at that time I suppose. But guys come on, we are playing here among us so what is the point for gear restrictions? It does not make me unworthy if I do not want to go siege. It means simply I am not interested in butchering ppl with transformation. I am interested in the general PvP, but i cannot get the appropriate gear although I have the items. It really makes me and other ppl like me feel terrible probably I can say that. GP should be for transforms and ranking advantages like governer items as they provide no aug/no enchantment. Eveybody needs 2* for PvP why restrict it to 2* only. Please do not ignore ppl who are trying to have fun at all. Removing restrictions will not be unfair, because you must still gather required items and that time equals to THE TIME you mentioned in here Quote Changing anything in the gearing system will also be unfair for the players who had spent time for getting it. We also spent time to get 2* DO NOT IGNORE US, Best Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted February 26, 2021 (edited) Btw, why removing restrictions would be unfair for other players? Everybody spend time to get the gears? Sorry but simply, your point is complete nonsense. Everybody profit from the restrictions as they suffer from the restrictions, which make it completely fair, right? People who want to go up in rankings can go up and people who do not want to do so also can have fun and PvP freely. In so win-win situation you will get more and more player. I claim that many players run away when they see the amount required to be 2*. Why are you too stubborn to change some things for the greater good? I really spent time on my character with patience but I am really running out of patience and I feel terrible just because you assumed me and ppl like me unworthy to get 2* even though we gathered required items, AGAIN, requires a remarkable amount of time. With that attitude, even I thought to quit the server simply, I feel like my efforts mean nothing at all Best Edited February 26, 2021 by Bladegunner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dlacik 1 Posted March 1, 2021 (edited) You don't even have to go near sieges or any PvP to earn AP and cera medals. On the other side if you want to earn enough GP for 2-star officer rank you have to go to sieges and play arenas. The 2-star officer gear is reward for those who put in the extra time and effort to do those. If you don't want to or can't do the same there is rank 1 gear that is only slightly worse than 2-star officer gear. It's still good enough to allow competitive play against 2-star officer geared players. Edited March 1, 2021 by Dlacik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 1, 2021 I really would like to buy soldier rank 1 gear, but it is not slightly worse but it does not have remarkable stats, paralysis and silence resistance, bm gear is already passing nearly all paralysis through and sometimes silence too, and I do not have to state how important is silence and paralysis for any player independent from the class, so please stop suggesting all we know already, I am not looking for suggestions or things that I ALREADY KNOW, I seek for a solution if it is possible. All I am saying is that this GP system is created to force players to do particular things such as siege, EB, IS etc. back then, the main purpose for these game companies is always to keep players online to make money because if something is free that means you are the product, that is obvious but I tell you if you don't see it, unfortunately, this is it. On the other hand, here we are a small community and the administration does not primarily aim to make money, right? That means they would like to work in our favour, right? So we can draw a conclusion from that as we should be able to manipulate things for the greater good. Yes, it seems to be a reward system at the first glance because it says "if you be a 2* star you are going to be rewarded " doesn't it sound like "if you be a well-behaved child I am going to buy you a candy ". And, please just accept that this system is not efficient and you are not right to defend the system by saying; Quote The 2-star officer gear is reward for those who put in the extra time and effort to do those. Ok dude, come on, let's assume you are right, and we assume that this server will be forever if it is possible, because we love to play this patch right? Problem N.1: Let s move to the 1 year later, let s assume everything went perfect and the server has worked as it has been always. Now 2* requires 12k GP I guess, I cannot see the rank system because it is limited to 300 and we cannot see how many GP is needed to become 1*,2*,3* which again demonstrates, everything can be improved, just be open-minded, so we said 12k GP to become a 2* to get endgame gear, ok let s say cool, what about 1 year later? It would be in the range of 20*25k maybe more, what about after 2 years? 40k? 3 years? 50? 60? 70? If the players keep playing like this it will grow gradually because the system is cumulative, I assume you all know math right? So let s assume I came to this server to play not now but 2 years later and let s assume that the require GP for 2* is 40k. I am honestly asking you. will you say the same thing to me? which is ; Quote You don't even have to go near sieges or any PvP to earn AP and cera medals. On the other side if you want to earn enough GP for 2-star officer rank you have to go to sieges and play arenas. The 2-star officer gear is reward for those who put in the extra time and effort to do those.If you don't want to or can't do the same there is rank 1 gear that is only slightly worse than 2-star officer gear. It's still good enough to allow competitive play against 2-star officer geared players. Will you say go grind 3 months and you will become 2*? or will I be forced get a soldier rank 1 set even though I do not want to buy? where is fairness? or let's say I want to be the governer I am ready to work for it. will it be possible? where is fairness? Please someone show me because I cannot see it, GP system puts a massive obstacle in front of me. This is not the retail, we are a small community here, and obviously, the system needs a reset/reduction on a regular basis. Even the retail changed the system and started reset, why do not we do it? I am starting to think it is because of high ranked players, they simply do not want to lose their place Just do something about the system guys this cannot go on like this, and please try to defend the system, I claim you will not any logical argument for that, I am here to disprove it, but please do not suggest me the things I already know. The system needs reset or reduction, this could be at random times to keep equality and for preventing any kind of abuse. This way you will see there will be more and more activity as all players will go for the ranks, I am not interested in sieges because it is not fun, but I would have plenty of fun if I could use xForm, so I would go sieges and make GP to able to use xForm----> more activity. On the other hand, after I reach 2* and get my gear I will make enough GP to keep the rank and nothing more, I would not go sieges, maybe for some time-----> less activity. So guys think about creative ideas, try to make people want to play the game, do not let the current system force players play the game. I really wonder, is it only me seeing this situation? Everybody is ok with the current system? or a far better question. Would you accept the current system if 2* required 40k GP instead of 12k? I really wonder if I am the only one thinking in this way? Please, the administration I have a request, create a poll and ask all community if they want a Gp system change/manipulation. Everything can be improved, nothing is perfect, we do not even fancy events other than basic PvE content, we could have FFA PvP in different maps or different kind of PvP events, the server becomes much cheaper after playing for a long time. I hope you will not sit there and leave everything as it has been, little touches would make the server better. I am really wondering, what do you do? Do you simply run the server? Don t you do anything other than that? I mean I understand you want to make it retail-like, but some little touches all we need, you know it right? There are so many things to say, state, explain, and argue, but I am starting to think it will not help at all. I want to play this game and this patch, I love to play but I would like to see somethings changed as this is not retail and we have a chance to change things a bit, otherwise, why did we almost all quit playing retail, we did not have chance to change, right? Best, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted March 2, 2021 Want to add that we are talking about a MMO game, and they always require you to spend some time on it in order to get the best items, so i really don't understand why someone should even ask to make it easier. That has always been this way and will stay. Whereever you go, you have to spend time to reach things. And yes, there are different kinds of sets on purpose, the developers didn't add them just because they could, so if you want to spend less time, you can always get a cheaper version, and if you want something better, you need to work more for it. Regarding the changes that you're talking about, we have already discussed things about ffa and other locations many times before. The server is based on the official build, so many changes are just impossible. The files are encrypted, the code is different and so on. Other locations just can't be implemented here physically. Moreover we intended the server to be retail like classic one. And int he end if you think that we just do nothing and look you writing the topics, then I'm sorry for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 You did not answer for the GP situation yet? After 1 year, when GP required to be 2* be like 30k, what are you going to say a new player, requesting the very thing I made in here; a system change. I need an answer to this particular question. Please simply write the answer you would give. Best, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 I just do not get the concept of impossible, another server running made move the obelisk from bottom to upper side of pande to make players comfortable, what an unnecessary but cool move So what is that they can do but you cannot, at least please do not word "impossible" because apparently, it is not impossible? You can simply say we do not have any qualified person to make programming done, it would be more reliable Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 But anyway I am really done, there are so many irrational and contradictory things in this server, yet I will no more speak of them because you simply reflect all without presenting any rational arguments. Best, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted March 2, 2021 I have said in my both messages here that if you want to reach something, you should put some time into it. The players who have already reached the places in ranking also spend time to keep the positions. Plus (as also mentioned before) we already have doubled GP loss. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted March 2, 2021 7 minutes ago, Bladegunner said: I just do not get the concept of impossible, another server running made move the obelisk from bottom to upper side of pande to make players comfortable, what an unnecessary but cool move So what is that they can do but you cannot, at least please do not word "impossible" because apparently, it is not impossible? You can simply say we do not have any qualified person to make programming done, it would be more reliable Can you please re-read my message, where i say about build differences and languages. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 So new players would listen to you and said oh ok then I will go and make 40k GP to get 2* gear Plus (as also mentioned before) I already said double GP loss is completely useless, I assume you can do the math Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 5 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said: I have said in my both messages here that if you want to reach something, you should put some time into it. The players who have already reached the places in ranking also spend time to keep the positions. Plus (as also mentioned before) we already have doubled GP loss. This works for a GP reset or reduction you can perceive that right? If everybody keeps what they were doing all this time they will be able to keep their ranks, because as you said they keep doing the same things they were doing all this time right? What is the difference then? A reduction/resetting system would be much much better overall, can t you really see that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted March 2, 2021 So the GP will be also reducted for you and you will keep the same rank, and the players above will keep the same. And then they continue maintaining it as they did before. And they will spend time on it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 If you reduce the GP in a well-calculated way you can keep the required amount of GP for each rank stable. I am asking which one is easier to reach 40K GP or 5K GP? Dude it is really simple math, please... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 Let s say you do not want to keep it stable, at least it will be still easier to reach than the current system because current system is cumulative and it will go up continuously, again simple math Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 (edited) I cannot really explain this more clearly, because this is the simplest way to explain. Edited March 2, 2021 by Bladegunner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 But again I am writing one last thing, let s say 21k GP is required for 2* (just making numbers, but this will be eventually if nothing is changed) and I have 5k GP and let s say I make 400GP a day. The time required for me to reach 21k is 40 day. However, it will not be 21k after 40 days apparently as players keep going up. Let s say it will be 22k I arrive there after 42-43 days, so I become a 2* within 42-43 days. Let s say we perform a reduction of %50 every week, 21k to 10.5k & 5k to 2.5k. We said I make 400 per day. I need 20 days to reach 10.5k. However, it will not be 10.5k after 20 days apparently as players keep going up. Let s say it will be 11k I arrive there after 21-22 days, so I become 2- within 21-22 days. The conclusion: we still need to keep the heat up if we want ranks, I am not saying gimme that 2* rank free dude, I want a fair race & competition. You are saying this "if you were not here when the server started you simply do not deserve a fair competition for ranks and yes you must work for 1 year to become a general." Again let s put high rankings aside, I am talking for people who are and will struggle to get 2* gear. If this goes like this after a while a new player will have to make 40, 50, 60, or 70k GP to become a 2*, do you really think this is fair? If you think this is fair, please write "yes I think this is fair". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emenems 14 Posted March 2, 2021 now we have double kamar and eob ,if you make all the gp content of the game you can make easy 600/1000 gp everyday, wait 2-3 week for take army 2 it's not such a big deal, the time you make first battle medal set, after reach lvl 65 you can start make siege arena and blabla when you have ceranium and ap you probably have army 2 rank, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 (edited) @Emenems Ahahahaha, this must be a joke. Dude, did you really read all I wrote? I write -----> "please do not make suggestions that I already know" and you still come here and say go make these and get 1k GP in a day, you will be 3-4 in a week. ? Why is nobody answering my question with a rational argument, but putting only know-it-all suggestions? I already know how to make GP, that is not the point of my discussion, please leave it there, do you understand right? I can trust you about that? Please simply answer the question I am asking After 1-2 year when 2- GP hits 40K GP Will you say new players, who think that system needs a revision, go make 1k GP in a day and you will be 2* in 40 days? After 3-4 year when 2- GP hits 80K GP Will you say new players, who think that system needs a revision, go make 1k GP in a day and you will be 2* in 80 days? so on... These questions should be concerning as this server stay here for a long time right? I will be 2* somewhere, it is not the problem I am not talking about that, I am referring to an issue that needs fixing, if you cannot really understand that and contribute rational arguments to the discussion please do not place any "go make gp, it is not a big deal" , No sir, it is quite a big deal, you either do not see it or ignore it, which might be because you do not want any disturbance about your rank, you do not want to get competitive with all people, you prefer to make gp safely every day and be governer forever, it is like feudal structure in the history it is not a new thing "being selfish" but at least you might try to think of others a bit, that would be a good improvement, suggestions here, please guys keep themselves, you are being ridiculous. Please answer this question also if you have any rational answer; Let s say you start to play server now and you see the governer has 200k GP, yet you want to be a governor or commander etc. Will you motivate yourself by saying "go make 1kp a day you will be governer in 3 years"? That would be a scene so funny that everyone would laugh at it. This GP ranking system is opened by a person who was a high rank if I remember correctly, I believe there are many people thinking like me, please speak of it and support the idea guys, no one can change a thing. 100% socketing is added to the shop but a simple stigma shard alteration is not accepted, they say "stigma shards are supposed to be difficult to obtain" yet they put 100% socketing but placing the highest composite manastones are supposed to be difficult to reach, am I not right? Sorry guys, but it really seems to me like carrying fire in one hand and water in the other If you are too much concerned about the server being retail-like why do you change some things but reject others? Probably, you do changes if it serves your purpose, Please answer the questions with honesty, If you write anything rational we can discuss, otherwise as I said I need no suggestion, If I needed I would ask for it, please keep your suggestions of " go make gp" for yourself. P.S. This whole "go make gp" suggestion reminds me "go farm stigma shards" it was hilarious, you know what I mean if you read the topic, nobody plays the game to farm stupid stigma shards, we are here to have fun after all right? But we request a fair game as well, current GP system is unfair, please change my mind. Edited March 2, 2021 by Bladegunner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emenems 14 Posted March 2, 2021 But the point is army 2 it's not 20k rn asmo side,(Is around 10-12k) after 1,5 year , i think it's pretty good 11k gp it's nothing,I strongly doubt that in 1 year the situation will change at most it will become 14-15k ,so honestly i don't see your problem, if the situation becomes problematic i am sure a solution will be found, but currently there are no problems from my point of view Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bladegunner 12 Posted March 2, 2021 (edited) You still did not answer my questions... would you please answer them? @Emenems With quotations if possible, I want to see your honest thoughts about the questions ^^ Edited March 2, 2021 by Bladegunner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites