
Harassment on SWB

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Cuco    0

On a 23/2/2024 i was invited to do SWB run, and when the final boss was killed we start a roll for drop. When was the roll for augment or whatever that was i didn't read chat and i roll for that stone i didn't get that thanks god i didn't win, overall two people start to harass me and calling me a names like racist word by Godmode as the ward was Mongol , moron etc. Not just me but he insult all  soo many people in swb that run . Furthermore, a player by name a Iyubov start insult me in  lfg chat i don't have a screen shot. But i will like if you as Admins start control people behaviors because that was a hardcore harassment. 

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TheAlmighty    1,144


Admins do control the behavior of the players and issue punishments for insults in the open chats. However, admins need to see it, and as you said, you don't have any screenshot. 

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lyubov    11



i think it is VERY VERY bad to lie :)

u described the situation far from the truth and i guess that is why you don't post any screenshot here so i will do it. 

23.02 you joined to our SWB alliance and made run for all of 24 players much more harder, because of your multiple mistakes/not listening to leaders/not following them etc. we thought you are some kind of an internet troll. 

we always write few times "PREMADE ROLL for mythic item + AUGUMENT" on alert chat so it is perfectly visible for all members, and you still rolled the augument. i noticed it very fast and wrote about it on alliance chat so rest of our premade (even when they already got augument in this round) outroll you and avoid augument ninja. 

i informed you on whisper that in our alliance for such behaviour (to avoid ninjas like this, since we got a lot of auguments stolen) you just land on block list of our main leader. you still had a chance to describe the situation and say "i am sorry, it was just a missclick" and you just decided to insult me first out of nowhere and then cry on lfg later. 

so i guess thank you for trolling our swb run, trying to steal augument, then insults and fake report. :)

i can send all full window screenshot with time etc. on it to support, if needed. i send hour of server from the time when player "`Cuco" did all this circus on LFG, in fact insulting us first on whisper and then LFG, so you can check if i did anything bad. thank you! 


PS. i don't even use word "moron" and i am not responsible for behaviour of "godmode", it is not dio.


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Windy    41
On 23.2.2024 at 10:39 PM, Cuco said:

On a 23/2/2024 i was invited to do SWB run, and when the final boss was killed we start a roll for drop. When was the roll for augment or whatever that was i didn't read chat and i roll for that stone i didn't get that thanks god i didn't win, overall two people start to harass me and calling me a names like racist word by Godmode as the ward was Mongol , moron etc. Not just me but he insult all  soo many people in swb that run . Furthermore, a player by name a Iyubov start insult me in  lfg chat i don't have a screen shot. But i will like if you as Admins start control people behaviors because that was a hardcore harassment. 

you come to a premade swb alliance, try to steal the augment and cry about harassment? you deserve it! womp womp

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Ich    5

If this name u use, Cuco is also yout ingame name (ranger?) then u should not complain so loud....i often had u in a random dred grp and u were the one who insulted ppl fast in an unfair manner. LIke a german phrase says (attentium, maybe a bad translaton:) : who is sitting in a house of glas should not throw with stones....

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ldfilip    47

Grow up. This game is full of "morons". Every online game is. Moreover, it is not illegal to inform someone that he/she is a moron. It´s just rude, that´s all.

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