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Too much elyos

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Belgarath    25

Hi, I decided to write this post because lately the amount of elyos players active on this server has increased excessively. So much so that it is no longer possible to make a siege. We just do a few kills for hp. I would like to suggest to server administrators to block the possibility of creating elyos characters to avoid the redundancy and consequently the abandonment of the Asmodian characters. And maybe, given the not possible taking of the fortresses in abyss, to give the possibility to the Asmodian players to access the instances of the fortresses anyway so maybe the set difference between one faction and the other could be slowed. I hope my suggestions are caught and quickly or this server could have serious discomforts of racial proportions.

At moment 54% elyos 46% asmodian...



Edited by Belgarath
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TheAlmighty    1,151


The balance doesn't only depend on those numbers, as there's no big difference (if any) between the numbers of lvl 65 players. 

Anyway, we already have the promotion for asmodians in progress and there's no need to be worried now:


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Belgarath    25

This is good news. But as regards the possibility of making ceranium, would you have any events that foresee them? Lately the elyos have a lot more chances of getting them and the disparity of equip is making itself felt. We are all confident that you will also be able to deal with this aspect. Thanks in advance and good work.

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Hayter    84

Well, elyos is pretty tired of making those 3 instances every day. Asmo should take 1-2 forts without any problem if they organize themselves and get a lead at siege. Elyos don't make league for defence of Reshanta and just a few elyos are there at siege time to get GP. So, get organized, come and take forts.

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Belgarath    25


What you say was not at all with the real problem. The fact that the elyos have decided not to defend the fortresses does not detract from the fact that they are much more than the Asmodians ... and this is not a good thing if you want to play decently.

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Raidon    108

Asmos are already overgeared with all the ceras they've been getting from sieges and forts etc. I don't see a problem here.

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