Gantaii 0 Posted April 28, 2020 Just can you fcking fix this fcking shit wasting 1 hour of my life AS A SIN IN RESHANTA!!!!!!!! For siege to got 0 gp on 2 tag idk if you are kidding me but JUST FCKING FIX THIS shit cuz it will start to make some player like me tilted so just do something or i will just leave this fcking serv!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio 13 Posted April 28, 2020 Not everybody on siege gets rewards. Only the players who made the highest amount of AP in the correct zone. You are probably one of the players who does not make enough AP. In other words, git gud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted April 29, 2020 Hello, There's no bug, and, as the player above said, the rewarding system depends on AP, or in other words, on the damage made. Also the factors are location and deaths. Some other players got higher in the siege ranking and therefore they got the rewards, while you didn't, as you didn't get enough points. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheAlmighty 1,151 Posted April 29, 2020 P.S. Please, watch your language while writing here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balaur | ChickenLord 7 Posted April 29, 2020 my entire legion did not receive fame points for capturing kysis, although we were with everyone and received a lot of AP. It’s just that a lot of players are playing on the server at the moment, so now the situation begins, as on siege tia, many people will be left without rewards for siege. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legkodostupnyi(Roma) 38 Posted April 29, 2020 Это не ошибка в игре,но именно из-за этого Альянс начинает разваливаться и осады переходят в набивание очков,тем самым слаженность расы разваливаются,возможно ли увеличить количество участников для награды,а то это сильно повлияет на дальнейшие осады что приведет к потери интересности в коллективной осаде. This is not a mistake in the game,but it is because of this that the Alliance begins to fall apart and the sieges go into scoring points, thus the coherence of the race falls apart,whether it is possible to increase the number of participants for the reward,or it will greatly affect further sieges that will lead to a loss of interest in the collective siege. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites