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Teaming in Glory Arena

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Я за то что бы администрация не влезала в дела арены и не была судьей где для нее не было предусмотрено игрой,в противном случае она так же должна участвовать в таких местах как в дериках и если там есть афыкашный или пассивный игрок относить его к разряду засланных игроков из противоположной команды и наказывать их всех за сговор.

I for something that would administration not got involved in Affairs arena and not was judge where for it not was provided game,otherwise she so same must to participate in such places as in derikakh and if there is afykashnyy or passive player attribute his to category zaslannykh players from opposite team and punish their all for collusion.

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Johan    0

Tbh in my opinion that's isn't teaming cause they are focusing u and u are playing gunner if i was in the same glory i do the same cause gunner is op dude + he can't heal her or do anything why you should call that teaming mate and also the chanter if she/he have mr set why would he focus him/her i its useless cause he will just waste his time so that's it its my opinion Have fun 

Edited by Johan

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Dio    13
8 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:

So, we have already looked at this and it is not considered as teaming up.

Wow. Just wow.

So if they did this shit too somebody less geared it would be considered teaming or not? Honestly It makes no sense that you punish others but not them. It's only teaming when its 3v1, but 2v1 don't count? Nice rules. Can't wait for the next glory where they do this shit again, will be fun.

Edited by Dio
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Shandris    49
6 hours ago, Dio said:

Wow. Just wow.

So if they did this shit too somebody less geared it would be considered teaming or not? Honestly It makes no sense that you punish others but not them. It's only teaming when its 3v1, but 2v1 don't count? Nice rules. Can't wait for the next glory where they do this shit again, will be fun.

Why don't I see u reporting others who join together? 

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Dio    13
19 hours ago, Shandris said:

Why don't I see u reporting others who join together? 

Because that was the first time on this server where I met teamers in Glory. Don't worry I won't farm Kata etc. for your Commander rank, that you need to feel good. This server is boring me already.

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Shandris    49
16 hours ago, Dio said:

Because that was the first time on this server where I met teamers in Glory. Don't worry I won't farm Kata etc. for your Commander rank, that you need to feel good. This server is boring me already.

I don't even do hyperion twice per week, dafuq u talking about ? Just EOB/SIeges/Arenas and lately kamar since there are elyos :D

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Aegir    3
On 7/4/2020 at 7:09 PM, Johan said:

Tbh in my opinion that's isn't teaming cause they are focusing u and u are playing gunner if i was in the same glory i do the same cause gunner is op dude + he can't heal her or do anything why you should call that teaming mate and also the chanter if she/he have mr set why would he focus him/her i its useless cause he will just waste his time so that's it its my opinion Have fun 

Chanter could still go on Bard and make him get less atk speed or stun him, yet no one attack eachother. I can agree that the bard might not attack the chanter because its pointless as fuck, specially if its with MR set... but the chanter to the bard? Literally both waiting to the gunner.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
On 4/9/2020 at 1:28 PM, genoo said:

They won't punish him he feeds them with his donates don't bother with this server. 


We do not make any difference between donators and not donating players. We cannot even follow them. 
The only thing that influences punishment is the proof. It must be 100% proving the violation of the rules. THe player received the sanctions for another video of that kind. 

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