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Plastic Surgery Ticket

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punkbuzter    0

Could one be added as a gift pls, perhaps for being online for 5 hours or something?

I as a newbie on this server don't feel comfortable paying for something other games give freely, especially as it's because of minor details... It would be nice if one could have the chance to make some early-game edits to the character without either spending a fortune in the Broker or economically dedicate myself to the server with real money.
This would not encourage me to NOT spend real money on this server, quiet the opposite as I would rather stay on a server gives the player a chance to avoid re-roll.

I had to re-roll one of my characters because of the wrong voice option, I just couldn't live with it, it was too annoying.

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TheAlmighty    1,135
38 minutes ago, punkbuzter said:

Could one be added as a gift pls, perhaps for being online for 5 hours or something?

I as a newbie on this server don't feel comfortable paying for something other games give freely, especially as it's because of minor details... It would be nice if one could have the chance to make some early-game edits to the character without either spending a fortune in the Broker or economically dedicate myself to the server with real money.
This would not encourage me to NOT spend real money on this server, quiet the opposite as I would rather stay on a server gives the player a chance to avoid re-roll.

I had to re-roll one of my characters because of the wrong voice option, I just couldn't live with it, it was too annoying.


Our game shop doesn't contain any items which would ruin the game balance, no gear and no weapons. It only contains items, such as skins, additional functions, pets and so on. We have made the server free to play. This ticket gives players only additional features.

If you have only started to play and don't like your character, you can create a new one. 

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punkbuzter    0
1 hour ago, TheAlmighty said:


Our game shop doesn't contain any items which would ruin the game balance, no gear and no weapons. It only contains items, such as skins, additional functions, pets and so on. We have made the server free to play. This ticket gives players only additional features.

If you have only started to play and don't like your character, you can create a new one. 

Yes, that is called re-rolling, and as suggested this could be given as a gift like other gifts are given by the server - perhaps as a timed gift so that new characters/players has a chance to avoid re-rolling 10 times because of slight imperfections or mistakes during creation. Characters does not always appear exactly as shown during character creation, and there's no feature to "save" edits as presets for later creations.
I understand that this items wants to be sold as a cosmetic consumable which is your source of income, but allowing new players to avoid early re-rolling would be a nice touch since this game doesn't allow one to save your edits for later use. Not only would it be a nice welcoming present but also prevent flooding of character names on the server.

If this "gift" was given a timer like the "1 day Ninja Motion" skill and be untradeable it could prevent it from being exploited.
I don't see any reason why this could/should not be added.

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punkbuzter    0

There are two things I'm trying to do here... I'm testing to see how elitist this server is and how much the owners of EuroAion care for each and every player. As in my world, all players matters even the ones that can't pay. I have a well paid job and I can pay for myself but I only support servers who cares about every one, not just the elite spending a hundred bucks a month.

So far, my experience with this server is not so good... I haven't received any points for voting and I have posted a thread about it with no replies HERE:

 As far as I can tell I have done everything correctly - which leads me to believe that people don't receive points for voting at all, and you do not care about those who can't pay. Ofc, I could be wrong but then some replies and support on the matter wouldn't hurt?
Also, cut the players some slack, you don't want to give away all your stuff for free because these items are your income, but does it hurt to give people a chance, especially those who can't pay - and give them a timed opportunity to make some last-minute changes (as suggested above)? Not even willing to discuss about it speaks for itself but I rest my case... Time will tell.



Just checked my account at it appears that my Ecoins have arrived from voting, but the date and timestamps doesn't match.

3/1/2020 1:35:26 AM  
2/29/2020 1:43:29 AM
I never even knew about this server until a few days ago, so me voting for this server in January is impossible.
Edited by punkbuzter

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Dio    13
1 hour ago, punkbuzter said:

There are two things I'm trying to do here... I'm testing to see how elitist this server is and how much the owners of EuroAion care for each and every player. As in my world, all players matters even the ones that can't pay. I have a well paid job and I can pay for myself but I only support servers who cares about every one, not just the elite spending a hundred bucks a month.

So far, my experience with this server is not so good... I haven't received any points for voting and I have posted a thread about it with no replies HERE:

 As far as I can tell I have done everything correctly - which leads me to believe that people don't receive points for voting at all, and you do not care about those who can't pay. Ofc, I could be wrong but then some replies and support on the matter wouldn't hurt?
Also, cut the players some slack, you don't want to give away all your stuff for free because these items are your income, but does it hurt to give people a chance, especially those who can't pay - and give them a timed opportunity to make some last-minute changes (as suggested above)? Not even willing to discuss about it speaks for itself but I rest my case... Time will tell.



Just checked my account at it appears that my Ecoins have arrived from voting, but the date and timestamps doesn't match.

3/1/2020 1:35:26 AM  
2/29/2020 1:43:29 AM
I never even knew about this server until a few days ago, so me voting for this server in January is impossible.

3/1/2020 is the American writing of 01.03.2020. First of March.

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punkbuzter    0
1 hour ago, Dio said:

3/1/2020 is the American writing of 01.03.2020. First of March.

 Ok that's interesting, ty.
Guess it just takes a day to kick in then. Is there like someone doing the transfers manually?

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TheAlmighty    1,135


The question about the ticket has been answered. The tickets are only available in the game shop. 

Regarding the voting system, it really may take some time. Also the coins may appear a bit later due to the server cache. 

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punkbuzter    0
6 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


The question about the ticket has been answered. The tickets are only available in the game shop. 

Regarding the voting system, it really may take some time. Also the coins may appear a bit later due to the server cache. 

I'd like to have a clear yes or no, if I may? It is sort of elitist to force a newbie to either live through the horrors of re-rolling same character multiple times or just pay up... There are other servers which allows one to get a Surgery Ticket within 9 days of voting... Just saying, asking one to vote for 100 days rly leaves no other option than to pay with real money, not even considering that a Surgery Ticket is not the only thing one would like to get.

The players on your server are worth more than 3 coins a day, it is the lowest, least rewarding and greedy reward for a vote I've seen since the dawn of Aion private servers way back in 2010 when I joined my first my first private server. And players are asking for a lower price on this ticked in the Broker... The way I see it, lower the ECoin value for a Surgery Ticket by a 4th of its price ((70 ECoins or less, that's still 23 days of voting)) , or, quadtripple the reward for your single vote which is currently 1 per day, or, give us a timed (1-day) ticket gift as a regular gift by the server.
It should not take 100 days of voting to get a stupid Surgery Ticket (never, not on any server should this ever happen) that is way too overpriced in the Broker.

My suggestion to gift the player a chance of avoiding re-rolling is the most economical and painless alternative to both the new player and the server, but if you prefer to lower the price or increase the vote rewards that is up to you and the devs, but the latter alternatives does more damage to your economy than a timed/limited untradable gift as suggested above.

A surgery ticket should never take 100 days of voting regardless, I suggest you observe other servers and how much they reward their players. Some are even hosting lottery events on a daily basis where one would just type a chat /command to receive a random number which could appear in the lottery and someone wins a bunch of Coins.
Current value of a single Surgery Ticket is unacceptable and I refuse to budge on this matter, EuroAion needs to balance their prices and vote-rewards as I suspect that Surgery Tickets are not the only overpriced item in your shop.

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punkbuzter    0

And before anyone else points out that I'm mentioning "other servers" and tells me to go play on other servers.... I'm here now, aren't I?
I'm here, and I'm giving constructive feedback in a "suggestions" thread. Just clearing that up to avoid derailing arguments :P

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TheAlmighty    1,135

Server also needs to exist on something. For 3 coins a day you can save for other kinds of items. 

Other servers are other servers, we have other system. 

12 hours ago, punkbuzter said:

I'd like to have a clear yes or no, if I may?

No, the answers do not suggest different. 

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punkbuzter    0

Other servers have also done very well without being elitist servers, if others can manage to lower the price of Surgery Tickets so can EuroAion, it's not like a Surgery Ticket is in the top-10 most bought item anyway. Giving the players a way to easily and/or perhaps freely have a chance to avoid re-rolling is called a good service, as the game naturally lacks a way of saving presets.

I'm not asking to give all Surgery Tickets away, I'm asking for a one-time limited gift that players can use only once (let's say at Lv10) to adjust their character, an untradable ticket that expires within a day... If you mean that the server would not survive with such a gift in action, it would sound like EuroAion is in a rly bad shape and I'd urge you guys to start over, just saying.
Adding such a ticket should not to be too complicated, and it would be a great service to the community - sparing them from re-rolls in early game. Personally I think a refusal of such a ticket would actually do more damage than adding it, and it would be a stupid choice.

There's something called "the neighborhood effect", at least that's what we call it where In my country... The concept builds upon the idea that people talk, they talk about their days and places they visited with friends, their family, and ofc neighbors (hence the name) and/or perhaps even share their day on social media. The question is, what are they going to talk about? Let's say they visited a store today, are they going to advice people to go there, or they're going to advice people to avoid that place?
What I'm trying to say here, is that doing your community this service of adding a ticket one can use or chose to disappear does not mean you'll lose money, but the good service provided can help attracting more people eventually leading to more customers/players... Happy players.
Completely disregarding this suggestion the way you guys do will eventually lead to players lost, perhaps more than me, and some bad reputation as sugar on top where I'm the person who advice people to avoid EuroAion as I leave for another server because my experience with EuroAion was bad.
There's actually a WIKI page about it, and a book even.

I'm trying to give you guys a good advice here so that more people wants to join... Getting me upset about my services here making me leave for other servers surely won't help the growth of your server as the natural effect would be that I'll advice people not to join this server - naturally as any person would in my position. I'm a noob here, so I have nothing to lose.
So how's the neighborhood effect in this case gonna turn out?

Edited by punkbuzter

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Raidon    108

Do I understand you correctly? You're making a drama over a few euros?


Besides, nothing is stopping you from making a character and testing it right away and seeing if you like it or not. I don't see how you made a character and then 50 levels later you went "oh sh*t, the voice is wrong". This is something you should figure out during first 10 minutes of playing.


And I don't see how 75kk is a "Fortune", you can make that in a few days at lvl 65 by doing weekly garrisons and selling ancient coins.

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punkbuzter    0
1 minute ago, Raidon said:

Do I understand you correctly? You're making a drama over a few euros?


Besides, nothing is stopping you from making a character and testing it right away and seeing if you like it or not. I don't see how you made a character and then 50 levels later you went "oh sh*t, the voice is wrong". This is something you should figure out during first 10 minutes of playing.


And I don't see how 75kk is a "Fortune", you can make that in a few days at lvl 65 by doing weekly garrisons and selling ancient coins.

Sorry, you got it wrong. First of all, I'm not making drama over a few euros, I'm trying to reach an understanding about principles.
Secondly, I'm not Lv50, and this suggestion has nothing to do with Lv50, it's all about early-game and the avoidance of re-rolling multiple characters because the game lacks a preset system where one can save settings and use/edit for later characters in case something goes wrong with the initial creation.

Other servers actually provides just this, I know of one that's still alive and thus I'm not allowed to mention it, other ways to pleasing the community with principles is to lower the price for mentioned ticket, or make a massive increase in vote rewards. EuroAion is the least rewarding pvt server I've ever seen.
Perfect World International is another old game with heavy investments into deep character creation which actually allows one to freely edit their character for a period of 7 days after initial creation... Principles.
I have already made multiple characters, deleted/re-rolled most of them and this is causing headache. As Aion is a game with deep character customization it would only be fair to request that one who's just starting to play on a server should be able to edit their character, without having to go through the entire game to save up 300 million Kinah or dedicate themselves economically to the server this early. I've been here for just a few days and I've already re-rolled 10+ characters because of bad creations.

Maybe some of you don't bother, but I do in a game with advanced customization... But it appears that nobody understands what principles are just yet.
I have already had it clear to me that this server is elitist and its community thinks everyone should just enjoy the way it is, pay up, or go away - leaving no room for possible changes to improve "everyone's" experience, not just for those who pay up.


And again, I can not repeat myself enough apparently... I'm talking about:
Early-game changes to character as the game does not provide a way to save character presets.
A time-limited untradeable ticket as a "gift" one can either use or discard, preferably as early as possible (level 10).
This so that people can avoid re-rolling same character 10 times for a good appearance (some people actually care).

Why level 10? Because it is when you have invested time in your character that you're ready to pay up for a ticket, Lv10 is not an investment.
A gifted ticket this early into the game does not damage their sales of ordinary Surgery Tickets, it just fills a hole where saving presets does not exist, or do as Perfect World, allow one to change appearance freely within a week.

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