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Hi this is my suggestion that might refresh the server

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Chococake    34

As we know the voting for ecoins had been removed. Ecoins are important for example skins,feli socketing

How about completing instances, quests giving ecoins now ? :)

For example every blue quest give 1 ecoin but you must be 9 levels within quest level to get ecoin

Dark blue 2 ecoins

Pink quests 3 ecoins

Campaign quests 5 ecoins

Group/Ally quest 10/20 ecoins

Chain quests such as daevanion lv 50 and 60 gives 200 ecoins upon completion.

Mastered essencetapping and aethertapping gives 300 ecoins each

Mastered any profession gives 300 ecoins

This will active people to do all quests to get ecoins as much as possible and promote more crafters.


Solo instance 5 ecoins upon completion.

Group instances 10 ecoins

Ally instances such as swb ,kata 15 ecoins

People will starting group instances everywhere promote activities in server and make it alive and lower stones price. I see this is a great suggestion I don't see a reason why no

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sophisticated    241


Creating quests that will give out ecoins is technically impossible.

As for your proposed quests/instances for issuing ecoins: 
1. By pink quests do you mean growth quests? If so, players will start pumping tween accounts in huge amounts to get free ecoins. 
2. Your proposed number of ecoins for passing solo dungeons is 5 for one player, such dungeons for one day you can close more than a dozen.
3. 300 ecoins for essencetapping and aethertapping is also too much, because these skills can be pumped in just a few hours and they do not require the maximum level of the character. 

You are comparing getting 5 ecoins every day for one account with the possibility of getting at least 100 ecoins for each character on the account, which is at least 20 times more than before.

Implementing such a proposal would destroy the server economy.

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Chococake    34

Hi thank you for the reply :)

-I forgot there're pink quest every 5 levels when you can complete instantly  but what I meant was pink quest that giving manastones which require you to do group instances

-Let's take example of lv 65 assuming no fort instance or anything all you do is steel rose which x2 = 10 coins ,not everybody has a time to do all instances but if somebody managed to do that much they should be rewarded no ? if you still believed it's too much then it could be just 3 coins per solo instance

-If you believed it's too much then add conditions max level 65 characters too I think nobody would complain :D

I believed if people playing and make server active why not ? :) This is something they hard work to do it not something given for free.

Still if it's technically impossible ? How about creating custom quests that giving ecoins after completing all pink quests blue quests campaign quests

I don't mind if you going to adjust amount of ecoins that giving but please don't shoot down the idea I think it's really refreshing and people can earn ecoins by playing the game.
I think it's even better than you giving ecoins to streamers where not everybody watching them. This method everyone can enjoying ecoins by just doing activities in game.

But if your word is final then please lock the thread and I'll accept it's a bad idea o_o

Edited by Chococake

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Chococake    34

Hi I'll use my old thread for another idea I'm not sure if it's good just let me know if it's bad so I'll drop it.

I'm thinking of kinah inflation and I saw a lot of people farming strange ide in ID could it be a source of kinah inflation ?
People only farm strange ide and use kinah that got from them buy and increased price of manastones ,enchantment stones ,ecoins.

So what do you think if we made strange ide untradeable so people farm manastones and enchantment stones instead and lower the price.

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Jaleque    2
On 12/9/2023 at 3:56 PM, Chococake said:

So what do you think if we made strange ide untradeable so people farm manastones and enchantment stones instead and lower the price.

In that way almost no one can do IS runs if they don't add another way to obtain strange ide or the keys directly.

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Chococake    34

Hi Jaleque thanks for your comment.

I mean untradable strange ide not removing it you still can farm it yourself for the char that wanted to go IS.

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Chococake    34

Hi it's me again o_o

The state of the server now is really depressing nobody wanna do anything I don't mean add more events but something really permanently active people to do instances.
As the time I'm writing I failed to recruit sauro despite I'm the healer.

I just thinking maybe it's something to do with the loot. How about changes drop into random loot boxes ? That way everyone got something for example sauro 2k giving 2 boxes while 1k giving a box like IS you know.

Inside box giving randomly are

-Ancient Coins and Kahrun Symbol randomly (Kahrun for basic mount and healer gears)
-Blue manastones randomly
-Gears with eternal being higher chance while mythic being lower chance

I'm not talking about only Sauro but it should apply to all level 65 instances

I'm revisiting some of my original idea
Finished an instance get 1 ecoin into account only work with group instances or selective instances you like just you know doing 8xsauro each day is insane job and likely not possible. I don't know if this is technically possible but it's just my idea anyway feedback will be greatly appreciated.

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Pozeidon    1

Hi ,

I admit that at the time when we had 5 ecoins per day it would allow us to buy skins, or other useful objects without ruining it, unfortunately today it has become much more complicated, forced to buy ecoins on the /3 le price rises day by day, one way or another if the admins don't do anything to remedy this, many players will leave...

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kaszana    0

Something of an academy server would be nice, more instance entries, more exp ,better drop rate, more ap etc. and then merge it all with main server after like 6 months or something

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Chococake    34

Hi again today I have another idea I don't know if this is technically possible but here the idea

Make a website that let you claim full kahrun set and ancient coin set if you finished all campaign quests + all pink quests
The concept behind this idea is people rushing to 65 in matter of days and skipped all low level contents so I would like to give rewards to those who finished the quests.

It's not godly OP powerful gears but it's a starter gears to farm instance such as Sauro, Kata or SWB.
But of course if you're not a newbie and rich you may rush to 65 as usual.

Discussing about this idea is welcome thank you :)

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Booblik    124
1 минуту назад, Chococake сказал:

Hi again today I have another idea I don't know if this is technically possible but here the idea

Make a website that let you claim full kahrun set and ancient coin set if you finished all campaign quests + all pink quests
The concept behind this idea is people rushing to 65 in matter of days and skipped all low level contents so I would like to give rewards to those who finished the quests.

It's not godly OP powerful gears but it's a starter gears to farm instance such as Sauro, Kata or SWB.
But of course if you're not a newbie and rich you may rush to 65 as usual.

Discussing about this idea is welcome thank you :)

Maybe then immediately issue armor for officers? Why waste time on trifles?

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BlackSm    0

 An alternative system such as 1 daily instance with each character.In this way even if you have 8 characters you make a maximum of 8 ecoins per day for a total per month of about 248 Ecoins (month 31 days). The instance in question is a group instance in this way amplifies the group game and therefore even those who no longer make instances, return to do them.

Edited by BlackSm

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