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Aion Shugo Emperor Vault

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Hello Everyone,

Since now i sfew years that everyone is enjoying this server and year over year there are always the same "boring" not so challenging event, it should be time the EA team could implemente something to bring people enjoy and challenge an event and not just farm it over and over with 1 milion character.

IS TIME TO BRING BACK Aion Shugo Emperor Vault !!!!

I hope the managment will considere it, if enought people will see the forum and share it i am sure we will get a positive answer!


Thank you Everyone. 

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TheAlmighty    1,151


This event is asked to be set by our players, and many of them do enjoy it. However, we are open for implementing new ones too. If you have some specific suggestions, you can post the links to the description of the events here and we will look if they are possible. 

For now it is hard to work on the new things while the server is under the attacks: all the efforts go on adjusting the defense system and tests. Nevertheless, we will check your ideas on this point as soon as possible!

Thank you!

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passthesauce    41
25 minutes ago, TheAlmighty said:


This event is asked to be set by our players, and many of them do enjoy it. However, we are open for implementing new ones too. If you have some specific suggestions, you can post the links to the description of the events here and we will look if they are possible. 

For now it is hard to work on the new things while the server is under the attacks: all the efforts go on adjusting the defense system and tests. Nevertheless, we will check your ideas on this point as soon as possible!

Thank you!

if a new event can be added do you have a time frame it could take to add?

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, passthesauce said:

if a new event can be added do you have a time frame it could take to add?

Unfortunately, no, I cannot provide such. It depends on many things.
For now our main target is to set the defense system. Without it, nothing else will work good. 

Apart from that, we are currently working on the other updates and fixes. Some are already waiting to be uploaded. 
And depending on the event itself, time for implementation may differ a lot.

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Thank you for your quick reply and interest in this matter!!

This is the event i am talking about! this event is very challenging and more fun, from my point of view. Something new that could be add and everyone that is up for a challenging event would enjoy.
This event was already present in 4.0 if i remember correctly was quite long ago.

Do you think it could be possible to have it ?

Thank you.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
1 hour ago, dukenuken125 said:

Hello! - Do oyu think will be possible to have such event on our server ? 


We will look into it when possible. Thank you for your suggestion!

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Since now the DDOS on server seems to be decrease or not happending anymore would be great if you could add this new event on the server!

Thank you for your attention.

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Old shugo event is always the same, no challenge. just afk kill mobs, and people run it 100 time per day just for loot.
Where do you see that is better ? 

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Windy    41

:D shugo vault will be too hard for 70% of people, me excluded, i did it many times on retail. just you need good team for it and i wanna do shugo fast and not make tryhard grp with friends for pve bullshit.

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TheAlmighty    1,151


We have checked technical possibility for adding this event to the server, and sadly it is not possible. There's just no possibility to add the dungeon itself on our server. 

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passthesauce    41
9 hours ago, TheAlmighty said:


We have checked technical possibility for adding this event to the server, and sadly it is not possible. There's just no possibility to add the dungeon itself on our server. 

why can another 4.6 server add it but you guys cant

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TheAlmighty    1,151
9 hours ago, passthesauce said:

why can another 4.6 server add it but you guys cant

Because of the client differencies. 

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