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Sister Bliss

Active Anticheat - Privacy Policy

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I've taken a look at Active Antcheat's website and it's in Russian, but translated it and could not find their Privacy Policy. As other anticheat programs installs rootkits or spyware that take screenshots from time to time (WatchDog's EasyAntiCheat), I am not sure how safe Active Anticheat is to remain in my PC.

Are there any Privacy concerns I need to worry about? What exactly does Active Anticheat do when running Euro's Aion?

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TheAlmighty    1,151


On the website of Active Anticheat they have contacts. You can always ask them the questions you are interested in. 

For the whole time of the work with active anticheat the players haven't got any problems with it. 

Best regards 

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That's good to know Zbigniew. It's not so popular though, unless it's always hidden?

As for the Active Anticheat, it makes sense to have an EULA in place somewhere either in the Forum and/or in the game's installation folder when we download either the launcher or full Aion package. An EULA README text file would help give players peace of mind when installing or playing the game, knowing Active Anticheat comes with it.

Out of all the softwares out there, they have their own EULA/Privacy Policy so users can either opt out or agree and use the product. Steam's VAC also has theirs before you install Steam.

Maybe you can request them to provide you with their EULA/Privacy Policy document that explains exactly what their Anticheat software does (translated of course). EuroAion is your project after all.

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Admin    422

We will contact the developers of the anticheat and tell them your words.

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TheAlmighty    1,151
On 13.02.2020 at 1:46 AM, Sister Bliss said:

Any word on this yet?

Yes, the developers of the anticheat say that they will add the Privacy Policy and added that none of the listed above actions are carried out on the users' PCs.

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