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Shugo Tomb Duo Run

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Nimure    34

Doing the Shugo Tomb with only 2 players is more challenging + you have a higher chance to get a better medal -> better loot. And also more EXP for players who are not yet 65.

This is not a perfect run, but it worked well enough, so here you go:

Hope this helps some of you. Footage is from official server from 4 years ago, not from Euroaion!!

Have fun!

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3 часа назад, Nimure сказал:

Делать гробницу Шуго всего с двумя игроками сложнее + у вас больше шансов получить лучшую медаль -> лучшую добычу. А также больше опыта для игроков, которым еще нет 65.

Это не идеальный забег, но он сработал достаточно хорошо, так что вот и все:

Надеюсь, это поможет некоторым из вас. Кадры с официального сервера 4 года назад, а не с Euroaion !!


This won't help anyone!!!do not mislead the players,in this video, various items fall even from the bosses that makes it easier to pass(light mausoleum), your version is different from the original   

Администрация удалите эту тему,не надо водить в заблуждения игроков,а то будет много вопросов по чему вашей версии не падают не обходимые итемы с боссов(ХП,ДП,заморозка) как на видео.

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Dio    13

Can confirm, duo runs are way harder with this version of the instance, while still doable if you're lucky with drops and para procs, it is not guaranteed to succeed.

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Raidon    108

Even with trio there is still a good chance to fail. Yesterday by the time 2nd boss on 2nd stage spawned, we only had 1 heal and 1 freeze which wasn't enough because boss spawned in the middle.


Its quite sad when you can't do anything while boss destroys middle tower. You're just standing there like



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Nimure    34

I see... I stopped playing Euroaion before the event launched. I didn't even know there was another version of shugo tomb than the one I knew from the official European server. I thought it could be helpful for the people still playing, so I shared my video.

Since I was wrong, I hope the administrators will delete this guide.

I apologize if someone tried and failed because of me.

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Dio    13

I think a new version with higher amount of heal/freeze/dp was introduced with 4.7. I did a few succesful duo runs here with more lucky drops, only failed once, so it really depends on what drops you get and also where the boss spawns.

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