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  1. Hello! I hope i can get help to fix this problem. When I hover gear pieces in my inventory it doesn't compare the stats to the gear i have equipped. Also, when I hover stigmas, it doesn't tell me what the skill does.
  2. Всем привет, возник такой вопрос - что собирать на 50+, когда шмот из коробки становится не актуальным? Сет рудры собрать можно, но пока ты его соберешь уже 60+ станешь, и встает необходимость в нахождении нового сета. Интересует прогрессия гира на текущей версии игры в реалиях данного сервера...
  3. Hey there! I thought about writing this guide to help my fella clerics to follow the right path when picking gear, accessories, weapons and such, so here we go! In this guide I will show you how to gear up your cleric from scratch both PvE and PvP wise. ~ Support ~ PVE - Kahru...
  4. Hey Guys! Since many people (mainly healers) struggle with gear switching macros in this patch, I thought about doing a mini-guide to show you how to do them with Razer Synapse to make your life a little easier (and to not risk ending up naked while switching your gears if you get hit). 1) T...
  5. Help with Gear Progression (Lv.65+)

    Can someone help with making a little order about gear progression after reaching 65. I'm a ranger. I currently have a AC+BM bow, and full BM gear. The only Pve piece I have is a Mythic sauro Shoulderguard that i got from 10 runs.. The problem is that im not sure how to progress furth...
  6. New Player's Problem

    Hello everyone, today I began to play on this server with my friend. Just by playing for a few minutes, it was really satisfying and it brought me back to the good old days! I read on the website that new players would receive a free weapon at the start of the game and a piece of gear at level 10....
  7. Hello,i just notice that gear parts that named ''magic'' have stats that are for warrior classes and the opposite its a known issue?