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Found 10 results

  1. EuroAion Tutorials

    Welcome to my tutorial post. I will be publishing lots of tutorials here in the future to encourage people to try new things or, for example, to reduce the shortage of Sinway. I've been toying with the idea of doing something like this for a while, but it's all been delayed because my video editing skills aren't very good. Willkommen in meinem Tutorial Post hier werde ich in Zukunft viele Tutorials veröffentlich um einfach den Leute Mut zu machen neues aus zu probieren und oder zb. die Sinway Knappheit zu reduzieren ich Spiele schon länger mit dem Gedanken sowas zu machen hat sich nur alles verzögert da meine Künste in Video schnitt nicht sehr toll sind. First I'll start with a German tutorial, the English part is still in progress because my English is really not good. As long as the English video is not there, you can still watch the video to remember the way and just follow me Hallo ich Starte hier mit einem Sinway Tutorial mit der Klasse Chanter/Kantor um einfach zu zeigen wie einfach das ist dies auch ohne Hide zu machen. Alle anderen folgenden Informationen erfahrt ihr dann von mir in dem Video vielen dank fürs angucken und ich hoffe ich kann euch damit helfen und im besten fall zum nachmachen animieren.
  2. magicial accuracy for chanter

    Hi my question is especialy to chanter players who is the know from first hands.. 1.Does Chanter need magicial accuracy for more stun and knock down ? did u guys test it ? if its doesnt effect much either doest effect in general so gettin atk/crit or atk/hp would be much better for us ı researched but ı didnt find exactly thing who says yes it does who is says nope its doesnt effect so ı call all chanters and game profs 2. Rangers need maac cause they are using spell-skill for sleep (Sleep arrow and sleep trap as a example ) they have no dmg and they are depended maac its can be understandable but stumble knock down and etc is physicial ability-skill so are u mates sure did u test it ? thanks for answers
  3. Magic Suppression vs. PvP Defense

    Hey Guys - I have a question as a chanter. I just got rolled by a magical class in 1v1 Arena. because he was hitting 100% of his shots, even through my magic resist. So I thought it might be time to start a magic suppression set. But now I am very much unsure how the ratio of msupp to PvP-Def is. These are the Sets I think are worthy to think about:!SI14civ If I'd use the Danuar Leather Set for PvP attack - I will get like 2200 Msupp with 5% PvP Deff, while my Officer 2 Gear has like 1400 Msupp but with 33% PvP Deffense. Can someone explain to me how exactly will the Msupp work and affect the overall damage? Thank you very much!
  4. Tac armors for clerics and chanters

    Tac clothes seem like good armors for dps cleric ? Can it considered as alternative to AC chain armors ? Tac chains seem like ideal armors for dps/support chanter ? It got heal boost but lack of parry but also giving attack speed handguards ? yes I've got kahrun armors for full support already but I also want tac for dps/support role ? Should I considering this armors over AC ones ?
  5. PVP chanter! Stigmas/Equipment/etc

    Hi everyone! I propose to discuss the chanter in pvp build in this thread Share here your stigmas/mannastones/equipments Go discuss
  6. In game/в игре: Lmoon, ваш пак/your pack
  7. Templar searches pockethealer

    Hello, I am Joytoy, a templar and I am currently gearing up. Yet I don't have many active friends to play with. Therefore I am searching a cleric or chanter on support to play with. Pve, pvp, instances quests and so on. I am friendly and protective. Message me on Discord if you wanna get to know each other (Dammy#2913)
  8. Chanter Noob - need help :)

    Hi EuroAion community Need help with Chanter Stigma builds - Dont know what the Pvp Support build & Pvp Dps build looks like Also dont know how the PvE support build looks like Also dont have a clue what set to go first, prolly gonna be BM Block set, tips is very welcome Have a nice day Arlento
  9. Chanter MAcc?

    Hi Guys, i have never tryharded with my chanter in PvP on Retail time considering perfect socketing. Alot of ppl tell me i have to socket only Maac after i have reached Critcap. I already have bastion staff +15 and i am starting to get my officer rank and gear right now (so just use all officer gear (also wep fuse) and bm accs). What are your recommondations on unbuffed stats (I use this to calculate gear ).? Composite stones im willing to socket without 100% are "atk +5/mag acc +6 or +7 ", "Mag acc +12/ Crit +7" also every normal non composite stone Please dont use other stones in you calculation (or stones that are as cheap as these on asmo) Im happy to hear you explanations and calculation links, thank you in advance
  10. Come da titolo, gruppo di 4 amici cerca Chanter da "sfruttare" giornalmente. Siamo tutti players di vecchia data, ed abituati a giocare assieme da una vita. Ovviamente ci manca un Chanter Se interessati scrivete pure qui sotto il vostro nick in game e verrete ricontattati. Si richiede pazienza, voglia di mettersi in gioco e una buona dose di follia, astenersi bigotti e piantagrane Offriamo tante risate, insulti quando necessario e una sincera amicizia. Preferibilmente disponibilità in orario serale (dopo le 17.00 - 18.00). Vi aspettiamo :DD