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Everything posted by Christof

  1. Racism

    In our rules there's no punishment for whisper insults, just block him.
  2. Afk aethertapping on gelkmaros and more

    Hey, @Luchibi after checking the video and follow the player for some time we conclude he's not a bot, he was reacting to the attacks and resurrecting after getting killed, so after all of this, we won't set anything for the player. But if you see some other suspicious player please record and send it to us.
  3. Kromede's Trial Entry quest not available again

    The problem with this quest got solved in today's maintenance, the quest should be working now. If it's not working please contact me.
  4. Racism

    Hey, again Noobidium! We won't take any punishment on the player. But to avoid this type of problem with the same player again you should block him, we don't set punish by whisper, just use the block option in-game and you should be good with this player. if I can help you with something else just let me know.
  5. Coop Arena BUG

    Indeed send logs can happen in aion this could've been the problem here as I said, but we can't control when the player's comeback, you might have got a bad timing for them to reconnect.
  6. No GP in Sieges

    Hey @armagash, The rewards from sieges aren't easy to get, you've to do kills on your own, and not from a group or alliances, if you're in an alliance all of their kills count in that scoreboard but sadly they aren't counting for your GP contribution, also the siege zone has a limit and most of the time asmos or elyos are outside of it. Also using ap boost from the item-shop can help you a lot . I hope I've clarified your question.
  7. Racism

    Hey @Noobidium, Regrettably, these types of problems still happening..., but we're here to punish these types of players and to set a good behavior in-game. I will send this screenshot to the admin and they'll check it.
  8. Kromede's Trial Entry quest not available again

    Hey @Pongi, Could I know your in-game name?
  9. Virtual machine detected

    Unfortunately, I can't help you with your shadow PC services.
  10. Virtual machine detected

    Hey @kyomai, Please moderate your language here, our anti-cheat won't work with cloud computing services.
  11. EXP reduction

    Hey @Epifairos, I understand your game style but there's no option to freeze the XP received. The double XP boost is only at weekends the other days are 1x like the old retail, but you can have fun playing on our server is like very old times.
  12. Coop Arena BUG

    Hey @RevreDy, Indeed this type of issue with arenas isn't good at all, but maybe they got sendlog when they've got the entry this could've been the problem here, but unfortunately, we can't control this type of problem.

    Hey @enor1997, Several checkings and analyses show that the problem is at some node leading to our data center. The data center is aware of the problem and they have already contacted the right place to fix it. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any ETA or fix it faster, as we are not the workers of that node and can't fix someone other's issues. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Also, you can check this link might help you ->
  14. Afk aethertapping on gelkmaros and more

    Hey @Luchibi, I'll forward your message to the admins and we'll decide the punishment, could you wait for the next reply.
  15. Project Drakanhammer

    Hey @deslor, Could you take a look at this link, this might help you with the question.

    Hey @Ciani, To set a punishment for them you should have recorded the players gathering so we can analyze it, with only two screenshots of their characters, we can't do anything about it, next time please record it.
  17. Error when preparing x64 game! 5

    Good to know, have awesome gameplay.
  18. Hey @monomax19801, I didn't understand your question, can you be more specific about your problem and how can I help you.
  19. Error when preparing x64 game! 5

    Hey @Odrix, If it's your first time joining the game you should give a look at this post -> This might solve all your technical issues with Aion, install all the programs but if after all of this the problem persists could you contact me?
  20. We need event for enchantment stones.

    Hey @Raidon, You should wait for new events, but for the moment we don't have anything planned.
  21. Teaming in Glory Arena

    This is not my decision about the videos you've shown, is kinda clear they're not teaming, unfortunately, so we won't take any punishment on them.
  22. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Hey@Deranaya, I've been watching the videos you shared and there is no evidence about teaming, and you're not even showing the fight log.
  23. Trade Broker

    Hey @Mokky310, Indeed that option is in aion but unfortunately in version 4.6 that's isn't available. This type of option to buy a quantity from a stack is only for player's shops.
  24. Shugo Console

    Hey @Konoyaro, The Shugo Console still not working on our server.
  25. Teaming in Glory Arena

    Hey @Deranaya, I sent the videos to the admins they will gonna check those two videos and decide if they're teaming or no do you mind waiting for the next reply, please.