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Chusheen last won the day on October 27 2021

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45 Excellent

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  1. Results of the May 2022 game season

    Kamai is right
  2. Honor Points problem for new players

    Took 1.5 months for me to get almost 5*. Casual playing. Only Siege and Swb. There is no need for a reset. You can easily make 600-1000 gp daily just from swb and siege. Thats around 2 weeks max 3 weeks to hit the 12k gp which is needed on both factions atm to have Star 2 rank.
  3. Awoo Discord Role

    Hi, I want to ask about the possibility to add a "Awoo" Role in Discordserver for loyal members of the server who play since a very long time and never let the Admins down in bad times but protected them with bravery and love. The Awoo Role is a Role for longterm players who proofed a high level of iq, loyality and sympathie. Following people should receive a "Awoo" Role if you accept this suggestion : NancyFox TheAlmighty Kedu Cumy Ayah Galaxy Recooo Shao ElsaScarlet Berry Torio Soberduck Godnick Easymark Dzeuse Emenems Zulia Weis Nandine Sarnai Ruee Matso Steward Lucas Luca Desimp and me, Chusheen A "Dark Awoo" role could be added for Kamai who rejoins with new Discord Accounts all day 😌 Thanks for your Attention final_61e0781885af04002afbda9e_349579.mp4
  4. WTB Attack Plume +5/6 Elyos Side

    I might sell a +6 one (28 Attack, highest Procc). Depending on offer
  5. The Exp Boost only works in combination with Tea of Respose which recharges the buff from being Offline. The Buff will be boosted from 40% Exp buff to 100% when killing mops or exchanging quests. Basicaly Exp Boost Pack is only worth to use when you also grab a tons of teas (around 150 are enough from lv 10 to 65).
  6. Trade offer

  7. Which side and class ???

    Go Ranger for Sleeparrow
  8. Self Report

    Hi, I wanna ask if you believe that you did something wrong inside the game which could lead to a punishment like Ban, forced Rename of Legion/Character ect or anything that if there is a possibilitiy to report his own misbehavior to the administration so it will make the possible punishment a little softer ? Just asking because im curious Greetings
  9. Trade offer

    Offer avaible until sunday
  10. Trade offer

    I get : your kinah You get : my thanks and love
  11. finaly ban Korea cheater

    Well screenshots are useless. Only video helps. What I see here is : he uses candy, you not. So he is at least 3% or 4% faster. Additionaly there may be a different title in place. Some titles provide 5% movement speed. And last but not least : event buff. He got all 3 event buffs. You only 2 and I wouldnt be surprised if you are missing the speed event buff.
  12. Camera and Mouse Problem

    You could try to edit your cfg with these steps. Even if the main purpose of that is to unlock the fps gap, it also helped me to fix the exact same issue which you got.
  13. Training dummies with boss stats?

    For kinah i can become your personal dummy. No leather or sm stuff. Only backrubs. Good idea i think

    In the first months of server they did some item-returns like when you bought wrong AP item (like magic boost gloves but you are Ranger/Sin) they exchanged the item. I wonder how that it handled nowadays