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Everything posted by Angrry

  1. Кого создать?

    Глада можно вкачать и одеть. В некоторых моментах(гипер,башня,баст,осады) одетых гладов очень не хватает.
  2. Poll about Siege change/better ways

    And how do you propose to "stop"? Reducing rewards for a cause that no one wants to do anyway is unlikely to create a strong organizer. Also, the sad reality is that we can't split the top players equally. They are all either on one side or the other. Accordingly, 1 side constantly loses. It's not in the mentality of the Asmodian or Elyos
  3. Poll about Siege change/better ways

    I wonder if the link with the expired Statute of limitations in Discord is related to the voting that is held there? By the way it is very ironic to see it under the inscription "absolutely everything works properly"