Please unban me from discord.
I can't believe what I'm actually witnessing I payed multiple times for the server and supported it since day 4 of release. I lost my mind there once. But I received no warning, nothing. Whoever did this should reconsider it's actions. It's fine if you give me a first warning and delete my post in #suggestions. But to go as far as banning me is absolutely ridiculous. I'm really starting to lose my patience and trust in this server. If you won't unban me. I'l sell my account and leave for good.
3 reasons why I should have left by now :
1: Nobody helped me when I was ranked first in Harmony before season reset, even Kym acknowledged it and other people that I got first before reset. Yet I was being placed as #2 on the season ladder. I received a scrn shot with no actual time on it. Also a nice way for editing out the time left on the upper right corner. It was a good '' proof'' to make me laugh. @TheAlmighty
2 : Nobody helped me when not just me but our whole legion got involved and lost the ownership of it. All because of one person having fun deleting someones belongings on his account that he spend 4 months or more building up. All destroyed in one day. You could have atleast given us back the legion. But no, none of that.
3 : Discord banned for talking shit about the owner just once. People are doing it all the time. And what I said was the truth. Even now you are being depicted as lazy and not by me , will you ban half of the server as well for talking badly about you behind your back ? You didn't even tell anyone about my ban. It looks more of a dictatorship then a staff team you builded up there. And if you can't deal with criticism then, you're in bad luck. Cause it will happen again. And again,and again...By some other upset players . Gameforge doesn't care if I flame them . I call their staff a zoo or baboons and apes. They even try to calm me down, cause they know I supported their server and payed over 3000 Euro's. Even though I am using harsh words it is meant in a good way. To wake them up and to wake you up in this case . Because I really do care for the server and what you're doing now is wrong. You don't seem to care for the players at all. When I first started playing here after a while I noticed how nobody is really involved in Ingame affairs from the staff like the only one I've seen play a little bit was Antonio. And I am in fact happy to have him in the staff since he understands what the players want and need. But in the end it seems like the owner decides everything. And I'l bet you will ban me for this Ingame as well or atleast delete this topic. I can already see steps ahead of your actions. Prove me wrong if you dare.
Thank you for reading this and also thank you for the discord ban. If nothing happens and if you don't care for a supportive player. Then why should I care?
The only thing I can do is to leave. As I am about to do anytime. I'm just done. I can't deal with this anymore. I'm highly discouraged unmotivated, frustrated and disappointed.