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Everything posted by Konoyaro


    It's a known issue with the AMD driver it suffers on almost every directx9 applications not just Aion. Just flood them with support tickets so they prio this issue. AMD is notorious with their bad drivers. Their processors are good but I'd rather stick with NVIDIA on flagship GPU cause you won't have problems like this with them.
  2. Closing Elyos characters creation

    With xform you can kill enough AFK players to get your 300 glory point as asmodian, especially with a higher level xform, I wouldnt call it useless.
  3. Depop timer

    It varies, but for example in inggisson I knew from experience it's 5 minute
  4. Race skills

    Not literally all. For example asmodian chanter is better.
  5. Closing Elyos characters creation

    I believe they're looking only the active level 65 players when considering balance decisions, so those people are just wasting their time (if this is true)
  6. If it doesn't work the way TheAlmighty suggested, you can try playing with your onboard graphic card of your processor (if there's one).
  7. Navi cards having problems with DX9 applications, hopefully it's driver will be fixed in the future.
  8. 1, That can work. 2, No, that would make the camp 24x7 elyos. 3, Big no. This is a PvPvE game, and I vote auto no for every suggestion which tries to remove the PvP aspect from it.
  9. Is your video card 5700XT?
  10. Account create

    No limit.
  11. teaming glory

    Maybe there is difference between free or paying customer, cause I see no other reason why admin cannot press the ban button 3 days after cheating with two concrete evidence from two different players.
  12. ffa / event etc

    PvPvE. Nobody is playing Aion for the PvE content, because it's so outdated and lame even the first WoW patch beats it not even a little. Aion PvE is only good for slowing gear progression for sense of achievement, and creating world PvP. @adamdams the staff already working on PvP events.
  13. double account advantage...

    Same what Maximillian gunner does. We went down with legion mates and teached him a lesson. You should camp this person too, and I agree this behavior should be punished severely.
  14. teaming glory

    @Qtp That's Sjiinzo and Papadragonn. I also catched them trading AP.
  15. + for removing reset scrolls. With the event nerf this turned into a mildly pay to win one. People will just endlessly solo / duo it with reset scrolls, they might already doing it.
  16. AP traders (with video evidence)

    These two is AP trading on every Bassen siege, you can check logs.
  17. Gear Suggestion

    It's not working here anymore. If you post this 10 years ago most of the people would agree. League of Legends and every instant gratification game fucked up people's dopamine receptors so badly they want instant top gear on max enchant straight away.
  18. Please don't add extra arena tickets to shop, only if glory point is removed from them. I want competent people in top 100 not whales. I went alot of sieges, instances and arenas just to get close to top 100, this would be unfair.
  19. i'm stuck and i fall infinity

    When I jumped into nothingness under Sanctum, relogging solved it for me.
  20. i'am stuck in the wall

    Type /escape and press enter.
  21. Not being able to donate without paypal

    Paypal should have it's own separate donation option using the proper way. You give a paypal address, and we send money. This "man-in-between" russian page is causing more trouble, than good.
  22. DONATE?

    Can confirm, disappeared again, only service providers I don't know so don't trust. Please fix.
  23. packet losses during sieges

    Wtfast is simply providing an alternative route to the end point from your computer. It's a gaming proxy. It you have connection problems without it, the ISP of yours has bad routing towards the server. You can also apply the fixes from Aion Rainmeter such as setting tcp no delay to 0, might help.
  24. What are we doing about players like this?

    Why would the staff compensate you for a player's decision to kick you? Join a legion and don't go with randoms you don't trust, then these problems will not happen. Or make the party and invite randoms, but don't let them have the lead.
  25. Virtual machine detected

    Anticheat probably got updated. That would be my guess.