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6 Neutral

    Anmei made this for you

    Completely normal to activate your statue if you are too incompetent to do it yourself. If your group not able to activate the statue, it is a invite for your opponent to do so... it is your own fault, fault of your group..... You have 3 Minutes time before start battle, to activate your statue. If you don't do it, it's your mistake. Crying here just shows that you have no idea about the gameplay in Kamar.
  3. Asmo and elyos

    It's been like this for months that the Asmodians are 10-15% fewer and it's getting worse rather than better. Just doesn't interest anyone.
  4. [Event] Boiling Point!

    Another pointless event. An event should be make fun, reward the players and provide variety. But for some time now, the events here have been totally missing their purpose. The rates for a good reward are so low that it's not even worth doing event things because the normal things are much more lucrative. No one wants to spent hours of time for an Event for nothing. You lose interest in participating. Target missed !! I don't understand why the feedback of the community is completely ignored here and why the same mistakes are made again and again. It gives the impression that no effort is made here and things are simply thrown away. I find it very unfortunate.
  5. Shop items

    this is the skin for asmodians but i would like the skin from the elyos because it just looks better. But I'm an Asmodian, it's impossible for me to get the skin. The Veile shoulders from the shop can also be worn across factions.
  6. Shop items

    I wanted to ask if it would be possible to add this to the shop. Personally, I'm an Asmodian, but love the (ingamelink [item: 125001885] Lahumu´s Silver Diadem) skin from the Elyos, but have no way of getting it.
  7. Hallo liebe Community, wir sind mitlerweile Stufe 8 mit über 30 aktiven Spielern Wir haben u.a.: Tägliche Gruppen für nahezu alle Instanzen 2 Kata Stamm Gruppen wo auch immermal wieder Plätze frei werden Hilfbereite Member Entspannte Feierabendatmosphäre im Discord Flache demokratische Hierarchie und eine harmonische Stimmung Meldet Euch bitte bei den folgenden Mitgliedern (falls nicht online, einfach eine Ingame-Mail schreiben): Ladida Fireheart Angelheart Sommerle Liebe Grüße Ladida
  8. Brushtoning Campaign quest bug .

    you must complete the lvl40 campain " Light up the Lighthouse " in beluslan before and the bug is empty
  9. Bug in campaign

    you must complete the lvl40 campain " Light up the Lighthouse" in beluslan before and the bug is empty